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Everything posted by supaspork

  1. Cannot turn regular blocks into modded blocks with worldedit, Gives me error "java.lang.refelct.InvocationTargetException: null" kind of makes worldedit fairly limited if it can only be used with vanilla blocks =\
  2. https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/17298-template-rank-transfer/
  3. Could also just put them on the market for free, would practically be the same thing.
  4. haha i think i was the one who told you about this but I'd second this, although people would find ways to steal from other people who use BC pipes badly, i personally have outsiders perm to "loot" in my town
  5. Server itself has no password, however you need to do /register the very first time you ever join the server and use /login with the password you registered
  6. Sounds like more problems. Id rather it not.
  7. it is wiped along with mystcraft every week
  8. Delete Please, wrong section
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