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Everything posted by edgentex

  1. do you still need this?
  2. do you still need this?
  3. do you still need this?
  4. What server is this for?
  5. Is the unbreakable blocks still there if so make a block remove request
  6. Did you get your tomb back?
  7. All our 1.12 servers share 2 common vote links, when someone votes on those (even if the players are from a different modpack) there will be a message in-game, but only when the player is also on SF4 the counter will go down
  8. when was the last time you joined and was a member of his island?
  9. just keep tryna join it will work in time
  10. You can buy more on the p03 store
  11. edgentex


  12. So you wanna start a single player world WITH CREATIVE AND CHEATS ENABLED then type the command /packmode kappa and then restart your game and you will be able to see the kappa mode recipes
  13. you need to install 64 bit java https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp the highlighted blue one you need
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