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Everything posted by DreamTinkerer

  1. Every time I try to join a server, I get kicked with this message.
  2. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your rollback request topic. For your topic name, use [Claim Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Cod3builder Coordiantes: (use format xyz: 3073 67 7972) Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 07/10/2021 Description of Issue: All my machines reset their inventory after an update Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Sevtech Ages would be nice (So would Enigmatica 2 Expert)
  4. Your Name: Spongebobfan123Item Name + ID + Amount: Tin Canister + 10258/0 + 2Coordinates: x = 4291, y = 65, z = -3253Description of Issue: I ate canned apples while using elytra and I lost the canistersScreenshots (Optional): (By the way, could you put the canisters in a chest? My inventory is full)
  5. Your Name: Spongebobfan123Coordiantes: x = 4291, y = 65, z = -3253Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 9:50 p.m. GMT +9 (2020 January 1st)Description of Issue: I tried to move my chest using pistons and everything inside it bugged out...Screenshots (Optional):
  6. I would lock myself up with my movies and books until the internet came back up again. "What would you do if you could bring just one minecraft thing into real life? Which one would you bring, and why? It can be from both vanilla and modded. (The mod can only be from a modpack craftersland has.) (e.g. ftb infinity evolved, stoneblock 2)"
  7. the me controller recipe worked fine for me (did you try doing it in an unclaimed area? that did the job for me)
  8. All of my worn baubles keep getting destroyed when I die. I have already lost my goggles of revealing , my focus pouch with two greater focuses, and a fire charm this way.
  9. It seems that chunkloaders are disabled here. The reason was because of the FtbUtils mod's chunkloading feature. since FtbUtills is disabled here because of claiming issues, how about we change it? I say enable FtbUtills but this time instead of players claiming everything, They can only claim one chunk. As they play, they accumulate more claimable chunks that they can claim and chunkload. Kind of like the towns system in ftb infinity but this time with a built-in chunkloading feature.
  10. You know how people in the server are always asking for things like "Anyone have any iron?" or "Anyone have any diamonds?" They just keep asking for resources but none of them get any because all of the other players are a) too busy, and b) they don't have it. So why don't we put a request station in spawn where people can request items for a certain price. Later, when someone who has that item comes in, they can select that request to sell the items and get the submitted price.
  11. What if we put in a part in the market place where people can request items for an amount of money? So that other players who have that item can sell it and get the offered money
  12. there is a tech reborn chunkloader in spawn and that's working fine.
  13. The tech reborn chunkloader works completely fine. We can add a custom recipe for that.
  14. apparently the Steve`s carts 3 chunkloader is disabled because of FTbutils and that`s disabled in this server but the tech reborn one isn't. can we add a custom recipe for this?
  15. It seems that chunkloaders are disabled here. may i suggest that we add a custom recipie for the Tech Reborn chunkloader or the steve's carts 2 chunkloader module?
  16. I surrounded my infusion altar with thousands of zombie heads and i still cant do the instability high and stronger ones without spewing flux all over the place. Does any1 know a better design?
  17. Maybe its just me or there arent that much bee keepers in this server. Maybe we can make a bee keeper network to help each other out =D
  18. yeah the corperea sparks took care of the terrasteel maker, but what about other things like botania runes? i automated them, but they only work 1 recipie at a time too.
  19. How do i make the me autocrafting system craft 1 recipie at a time? I am trying to do this for an auto terrasteel maker, since terrasteel can only be made 1 at a time.
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