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About TheO0032

  • Birthday June 16

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Not Telling, California, Canada
  • Interests
    SF3, Trollcraft

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Coal Miner

Coal Miner (7/26)



  1. I typed /spawn and ended up here:
  2. Is there a way to clear all my learned items without getting rid of anything else? Could you do it? Thanks! IDK what request to put this under
  3. Your Name: TheO0032Island Owner Name: TheO0032Coordinates: I can't find them; I'm banned!Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): June 30, 2019Description of Issue: Banned because an item dupe happened on my island. I hope the rollback will get rid of the duped items, so that my island won't need to be regenerated. Link to thread: Screenshots (Optional):
  4. Why aren't console clients allowed?
  5. Granted, but you fail at killing passives. I wish for the world's governments to come together and abolish fossil fuels by 2025.
  6. I'd try and find a survivor physically. What would you do if the internet went down for a few weeks?
  7. I'd save a few billion for myself, and use the rest to buy and ruin a company I don't like. What would you do if you got elected as president or whatever the position of power is for your country?
  8. Granted, but I gain natural venom. I wish for psychic power
  9. I would find a crafty way to wish for infinite wishes, despite the rules against this. What would you do if you found a strange machine, and had no idea what it could do?
  10. granted, but I beat you to buying all the graphics cards in the world. I wish for America to pay off its debts.
  11. Tell everyone about all of the things that I got away with. What would you do if you woke up as somebody else?
  12. Granted, but Cricket is now all about eating crickets. I wish for all sports to be removed.
  13. I found a collection of softwaregore...
  14. Granted, but it appears that "sum fud" actually means "Math class". I wish for the corruption system to be easily gained on.
  15. Granted... but I start wishing very similar things over and over... starting tomorrow. I wish for everybody to be honest to me, no matter what. (I can ask myself stuff too!)
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