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ShinyPorygon last won the day on May 23 2019

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About ShinyPorygon

  • Birthday October 5

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    Indiana USA
  • Interests
    Weather | Space | How Things Work

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  1. Most if not all store bought things you can have reactivated by making a request after the wipe. And it will give you whatever you bought again. And we can not bring anything.
  2. I would say earliest would be Saturday/Sunday, more likely than not next week.
  3. I thought I would at least leave a reply and give you an update. During the periods of crashing I ran quite a few lag profilers that show me the entities, chunks, and blocks that are lagging the most and nothing comes up. And at one point I sat there and did it right before it crashed. This means that it's nothing I personally can see so I have to pass it up to higher ups. At the moment I've asked Bruny to make sure for some stupid reason it isn't the same problem we just had with it overheating (highly doubt that but it is worth a check) And I am having our manager look over the crash logs to see if maybe she can find the cause. I'll update you and everyone with what I know next but for now there is where we are
  4. Removed it from your inventory. Perhaps try logging in now?
  5. Problem still exists but I traded him the diamond chip for the Thermal Centrifuge.
  6. Hello my Revelation friends, today I just had a sudden idea that I want to get your ideas for cool little Events, Spawn Decorations, Possible Improvements to the server, or however you want to put it. However anything in the end will have to be approved by Mr. Henk Now before I go on I will say this. If you put "for the server to be fixed" That won't help anything. That is out of my power so let's be serious now and come up with something more creative that doesn't involve the server being fixed. Yes this includes being smartbutts and rewording it. None the less. Now by little events I mean things myself and the other rev staff can put on without requiring major help from anyone higher than myself (GM) this could be something like a building contest, maybe some friendly pvp arenas. Something small like that. Improvements could be, suggesting a plugin (good luck honestly if you do it will take a LOT of convincing to get a plugin but you can try) maybe a change to spawn in it's normal aesthetics so it just isn't it's plain white blandness. The spawn decoration I personally have ideas but I want to hear yours. By this I mean maybe change it for the 4 seasons (based on one hemisphere) or maybe for special semi-worldwide Holidays. The rest is up to you, if you have any other ideas let us know. I just gave small suggestions up above. Feel free to suggest whatever you want.
  7. Money added, Apologies for the wait I've been rather busy with school recently and must have missed this. Waiting for play conformation to close topic.
  8. We are aware, we have been told multiple times. It is being looked into all I can say is please be patient
  9. As I was told since it was not claimed there is not much we can do.
  10. Awesome clear to close topic?
  11. Are you sure it got stolen? You sure you didn't misplace it or anything like that? Just making sure
  12. Is the place where they were claimed?
  13. Well then can we at least fix it? Because quite frankly it's making many of us very angry with the server.
  14. So before we move on I have included a poll. Should we ban the Quantum Quarry or not? We need to show we want it banned So the quantum quarry as you all know causes major issues and we all want it banned but trying to convince bruny has been a bit hard so let's get together as a community and get this done Now for those of you that have purchased the Quantum Quarry I have also devised a solution to replace the Quantum Quarry kit on the Store (If you don't know what I mean if you click on "Store" it will take you to the page where the kit is) Now talking to some of the players we have gotten together a replacement in which we would trade out your Quantum Quarry for. Now this would only apply to those who actually bought it from the store and we would most likely require proof of this. The replacement kit will follow 1x Void Ore Miner Controller T2 4x Speed Modifier 32x Structure Frame Tier 2 16x Structure Panel 3x Laser Core 1x Clear Laser Lens 1x Crystal Laser lens All of these are from the Environmental Tech mod If you disagree with the kit above feel free to leave your own suggestion below. However also do note if this happened it would be up to Bruny in the end
  15. When I do /kits it does not show kit claim.
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