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Everything posted by HoraAuxesia

  1. I'll just bump this, keep it higher on forums.
  2. https://i.imgur.com/hA8yDc0.png Here's a journeymap view, as well.
  3. Wires vanishing also happened to me, but I can't attest to Ender Chests. If a higher staff member could look into a solution, it would be appreciated.
  4. If you had a better idea of how many of what ingots, I'd be happy to help you out with this. ?
  5. All seems well now. No lost achievements post wipe. It's been some time since the wipe and no issues I've heard.
  6. It has been some time since we introduced the "Spawn Shrine" and it still functions as it was intended and is usable by all players, at least as of yesterday.
  7. I would like to suggest that events like dimension wipes be posted on the Calendar. This would mostly apply to resource worlds like the Mining Dimension, The End, and the Nether. This way both staff (new and old), as well as players, have a reference for planning around the resets.
  8. There are issues with Astral regarding the floating crystals not staying "linked" to things. It's a bit of a problem. I'm for an increase in world borders as well. It began feeling a bit claustrophobic recently.
  9. I'm afraid the inventory rollback was unsuccessful in resolving the issue. I've used both the CL Launcher and FTB to try to get back on and neither work. Also tried reinstalling the pack, with no results.
  10. Your Name: HoraAuxesiaCoordinates: Unknown (Home Island)Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Sept 21, 2018Description of Issue: Receiving errors when I try to log in. Screenshots (Optional):
  11. This still seems to be an issue. Not sure what triggers it, as it would normally take changing MC versions or tinkering with mods in between restarts/relogs. Apparently, it's pretty fickle like that.
  12. I recently learned that our server uses a rather lengthy process to restore player data in the event of a no grave death, crash, or corruption. I feel that implementing an Inventory Rollback plugin would simplify this process and make it easier and quicker to restore player inventories in the event of loss. The Inventory Rollback plugin (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/inventory-rollback.48074/) is one possible option that is very well received. It backs up player inventory upon death, joining or disconnecting from the server, and changing worlds. While the traditional method works well, it can be overwhelming when first used. A plugin such as this provides a GUI interface and retains up to 50 "instances" per player. This would make inventory rollback and restoration much simpler for those who handle such things. Please, keep in mind that I am unaware of all the plugins used for the server, and only wish to offer a suggestion that may help both moderators and players quickly resolve Inventory issues. I hope you will take the time to consider this as one of several potential options and only as a suggestion. Thank you for your time.
  13. It seems every time I load up Rev using the CL Launcher, I have to confirm all my optional mods again. This happens on the Windows version as well as the Universal version but on Linux. Not sure if this is a feature or a bug, but felt it needed to be addressed in case I was not the only one experiencing the issue.
  14. I'm glad there was an update, but does this resolve the issue with NEI not showing Expert recipes in Infinity? If so, I'll gladly switch back to the CL Launcher.
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