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icewack last won the day on June 22 2022

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  1. It really depends on what dim is being created/loaded some dims cause stupid amounts of lag but alot cause hardly any.
  2. I can see the issue, there is a bug with tinkers smeltery's which cause chest inventories to disappear i would recommend moving the smeltery away from your chests, put it in a completely different chunk. The rollback will be done when someone has time to do it.
  3. Account Name: IcewackRank: Sponser+Requested Commands: worldedit(Add the node of the commands if you know it so they are easier to add.) Reason for Request: Worldedit can be usefull for draining areas for a base, copying parts of a base that are gonna be the same, loading schmatics, and filling stuff such as quarry holes.(Add the reasons for each command you are requesting.) Sorry posted in wrong section earlier
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