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Exief last won the day on August 3 2019

Exief had the most liked content!


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Gold Miner

Gold Miner (10/26)



  1. is this a request for your island or inventory to be rolled back?
  2. i re-issued the commands from your donation and should happen on next login
  3. Please specify a timezone so this can be completed
  4. Enchant perms fixed; please note all items enchanted with it are deemed creatively influenced so cannot be sold
  5. rollback done let me know if there are still issues
  6. Rollback complete, let me know if there is still issues
  7. Rollback complete, let me know if there is still issues
  8. Hi blommetje3 please refer to the responses in this thread Review rewards are manually sent by brunyman so can take time depending on his schedule. Thanks for your support.
  9. Permissions added. Please be careful when using worldedit by keeping areas small and not going overboard as it can be damaging to the server. breach of this being careful will result in your ability to request commands being taken away and your requested permissions being taken away
  10. what time on that day? Without a time and timezone i do not know when to rollback to
  11. Without a time/timezone/date specified I cannot complete the rollback as this tells me when to rollback to.
  12. Adding villager spawn eggs to the shop wouldnt resolve the issue due to having to do a villager contract to make them usable for the chunk loader. I have suggested to add the chunk loader to spawn in the past but it was voted down. If there is sufficient want for it I have no issues adding it just need the suggested price.
  13. Commands added. Please be careful with them, misuse of them will result in them and your ability to request commands being taken away from you.
  14. I agree with triff
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