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Everything posted by D34DPlayer

  1. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic.For your topic name, use [Inventory Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Coordinates: Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional):
  2. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your refund request topic.For your topic name, use [Refund Request]*YourName* Your Name: Item Name + ID + Amount: Base coordinates: Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): Notice! Refund requests are implemented to return items lost due to server errors. Errors may include but not limited to: Crashes, Bugs, Lag-Removal. This request is not for items lost from user error or deaths. If you are caught lying in your refund request, any further refund requests made by you will be denied unless you provide screenshotted proof of you having the items.
  3. Overview + Guidelines: Unfortunately if you are reading this post, it's probably due to you being banned. Follow the directions that are provided to you in this post for a successful appeal. Copy & paste this model into your appeal and fill out its contents before posting. Make sure that all fields are properly filled and try not to leave any of them blank. Instructions to Follow: [unban Model Below] Topic Title Should Be: [unban] [username here] [Copy Paste All Below and use it in your Unban Appeal Topic] [1] In-Game Username: -(Answer in this line)- [2] Details of Situation: -(Answer in this line)- [3] Ban Category: -(Answer in this line)- [4] Ban Duration: -(Answer in this line)- [5] Staff Member: -(Answer in this line)- [6] ScreenShots: -(Answer in this line)- [7] Your Reason: -(Answer in this line)-
  4. If you do not use this model, your topic will be locked. Copy and paste this model to start the process of your complaint. Title: [Complaint] (Player Name) In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about) Your name: (Optional) Time and date: Description of what happened: (In chronological order) Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below) If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one! Thanks for your help keeping our servers clean.
  5. Community Rules: These rules apply to every server. Server specific rules are further down. 1. No Hacked Clients: 2. No Abusing Bugs / Exploits: 3. No Advertising: 4. No Inappropriate Conduct: 5. No Harassment: 6. No intentional harm to Server Integrity: 7. No Impersonating Staff: 8. No Griefing any Protected Areas: 9. No Console Clients: 10. No Punishment Evading: 11. Don't sell items for in real life money: 12. No Tracking Staff: 13. No Databasing Players: 0. Use Common Sense: MC Eternal Rules: These rules are MCEternal specific. Other servers might share some of these rules, so make sure to always read up on the server specific rules. 1. Creative Items: 2. PvP:
  6. Please edit your post to follow this template: [TEMPLATE] Inventory Rollback Request
  7. I rolled back your island, tell me if the problem is fixed.
  8. Same case as : Banned for clan's name , same conclusion. T/C
  9. Being unaware of what the rules are, or "unintentionally" create a clan with a tag that would decieve the players into thinking that you are a staff member doesn't make it less of a rule break. By joining our server you agree to follow the rules, wether you decide to read them or not, as such the punishment will stay. T/C
  10. Sorry but the closest backup available (2pm your time) didn't have the chests yet and in the next one (2am your time) the chests had already been removed. So please, list the important items that you lose and I'll refund them manually (as long as they aren't legendary crate rewards)
  11. So qOmega used a hacked client to spawn in items, not only stacks of valuable items but also items that couldn't be gotten legitly at all, for example bedrock. Before staff was able to get on to take care of this there was already some discussion about qOmega being a hacker and having those items, one big example is the warning Undertakerin send, and the discussion before and after it: I think that at that point qOmega had already given you some small stuff to help you out, and as you said you weren't aware he was hacking those. But some minutes after that discussion about qOmega being a hacker and that explicit warning you kept on asking him items, for like around 20mins: So knowing that qOmega was fishy and that he was very likely a hacker, you still decided to ask him for more and more items, as such you received the same punishment as if you had hacked the items yourself. There was a typo on your ban, it was reduced to 7 days, the correct duration for an offense of that kind.
  12. There aren't. This is in order to ensure the offline players won't cause any unnecesary lag.
  13. Edit your post to follow this template [TEMPLATE] Island Rollback Request
  14. Since you'll get a bonsai farm quite soon, a Combustion Generator should give you all the energy you need for free. And you can make it into an upgradable one and give it upgrades if you need more energy. On my playthrough I was able to have enough energy for early and mid game with just a single of those generators and only changed it when I got a mekanism fusion reactor late game.
  15. Thanks for your suggestion, the money rewards have been changed to balance them with the shop prices. And the Orb reward has been changed to an evolution stone bundle, that should be more fitting to the mystic crate.
  16. Thanks for your suggestion, the limit has been increased to 64 per chunk.
  17. We have a specific plugin set up for chunk loading, BetterChunkloaders, it's very simple to use, place an Iron Block in the chunk you want to load and right click it with a blaze rod. Those chunks will stay loaded as long as you are on and you can have up to 4 of them at the same time, visit our buycraft store to increase that limit.
  18. I'll suppose this happened on SF4, as both players play there. Minecraft-mp and the rest of sites you vote in have restrictions in place to preventing players voting more that once (to prevent servers farming votes and players abusing the vote rewards), by checking the ip, if a vpn is being used and if that MC ign has already voted. So, Elliot could only vote once per site and as such he only gave his vote rewards to someone else (if he's really the one who voted, your only evidence is that he called Lence a "Noob"). Even if starting a vote party when someone asked to wait a bit isn't a nice thing to do, it doesn't break any server rule and as such there will be no punishment. Thank you for your report.
  19. Probably an issue with your Security Terminal, if you are using it to use your wireless terminal consider placing it in a sub-network so that it won't "secure" your main network.
  20. That issue is caused by an incompatibility between RS and SpongeForge, and the mod author doesn't want to make them compatible so we can really fix it. Refined Storage should only be used to move stuff around and not storing items and a chat warning has been added so that players will be aware of it. If you remember the important stuff you lost make a Refund Request and a staff member will give you your stuff back.
  21. I'll handle this as two different posts, a complaint against mike's behavior and the suggestion per se. Staff's duty makes it so that being allowed to speak with anyone at anytime, even more to those that don't want to listen, is a must. Verbal warnings or requests to change something in your base because it's hurting the server are some examples of those situations, and allowing /ignore would lead to arguments caused by the lack of communication. If you were to really need to /ignore a staff member it would mean that, the said staff member, is doing something wrong and that may be breaking one of the rules. In that case, a complaint will be better than simply ignoring them. About the complaint, since the screenshots were taken outside of a CL area (forums, discord or servers) and outside of mike's staffing duty they will be taken for what they are worth. Since he's the leader of that clan he's free to disband it, and you are free to make a new one and invite whoever you liked from that old clan, if he were to delete that new clan however, that'd be a different story. And the rest are just bits from a conversation without the context around them. Mike will be given a verbal warning about his behavior and hostility. If what he's telling you in-game is bad enough to deserve an /ignore, take some screenshots and make a complaint, since it's probably breaking a server rule.
  22. Reseting/deleting an island means starting from scratch again, that's why your inventory got cleared. Those items are quite rare so you'll need to show some evindence that you got it for them to be refunded.
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