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Everything posted by unknown1234

  1. Just to make the votes relevant it's 3 tekkit players voting for tekkitmain te be removed and 26 tekkit players voted for tekkitmain to stay.
  2. I would not like opinions of people that have never had anything to do with this server, Would not make any sense for someone who has no clue how tekkit player base works to comment on this.
  3. Right let's close the server that has less players then tekkit. Why would one remove a better running server then a real dead server Also Not a single tekkit player has voted to have the server removed why are people their vote that never played tekkit relevant anyways? Would be sad to see that a bunch of random people get tekkit removed cuz they don't play it.
  4. You're surprised because y'all dont pay any attention to the server. Y'all talking bout something you have no clue about.
  5. Right we should close those instead of tekkitmain as we talking right now there's 4 players online
  6. People voting to replace are people that I've never seen play tekkit so that's a easy vote for them. That roughly translates to close every cl server, tekkit is still one of the more active ones and becoming even more active right now, I've seen many different login and comeback the next day. Tekkitmain should stay.
  7. Has been taken care of by 3xj Can someone T/C
  8. In game name:mikewerf Proof of Purchase: https://imgur.com/a/mnLMiiW Description of Issue: I'm missing 320 town claimblocks (I have 128 I'm supposed to have 320 more with my Sponsor+ Items/Rank Bought: sponsor+

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. unknown1234


      Well as I said before my life got alot better since I left cl staff team

      As you can see now they remove a normal conversation which is not against the rules seems really weird

      Glad I don't have to deal with these people anymore
      what about you

    3. Magical_Coww


      Ye same over here, life has been absolutely amazing ever since I left the CL staff team.

      Yes its quite interesting how they are removing our conversation for no reason. I guess they have something against us.

    4. iiTzArismaltor_
  10. @brunymanIs this really how you treat someone who donated over 400 euros on the servers and staffed your servers over a year?
  11. If y'all wanna keep players maybe take care of issues?
  12. Hey mr money maker @brunyman How about you do your job?
  13. In game name: mikewerf Proof of Purchase: Description of Issue: I transfered my 2 chunkloader kits nearly 3 weeks ago and It has yet to get actived back when it got transfered we did not have chunkloader kits on the buycraft that might be the issue it did not work? since that's now fixed can my 2 chunkloader kits be activated Items/Rank Bought: 2 chunk loader kit Screenshots (Optional): check post above Any other important information: I don't like waiting another 3 weeks.....
  14. server: direwolf20 1.16 Hello @brunyman The upgrades of the rats mod do no longer work. Upgrades can be put in one of the 3 slots from a rat once tamed, it used to work I think this problem started about 3 days ago when I started to notice that my ratsack full with rats got bugged trying to let the rats go out of it would just dupe them somehow, so I had to trash them. Then I noticed with taming new rats the upgrades no longer work. Could u look into this issue since I use this mod quite a lot and all my progress is just gone now.
  15. @brunymanVoting system does not work Edit: Market seems to be broken aswell Fixed now
  16. bye
  17. Please add all of your screenshots you got on https://imgur.com/
  18. @Zooning What server do you play on? Topic moved to rev
  19. Topic moved to RLCraft forum section
  20. Topic moved to SA
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