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Retired Manager
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Everything posted by sonyx

  1. Can you please post a screenshot of your obituary so that we can refund you the items?
  2. Inventory rolled back.
  3. sonyx

    Unban cyshy

    Hi, I can see one of the managers has already replied to your ticket on Discord. T/C
  4. sick
  5. Commands added. With worldedit you should be able to remove those invisible blocks but send a message on the discord or reply here if it does not work for you.
  6. commands given, T/C
  7. Hi, this was indeed not a mistake. We have reviewed the logs and we have extensive evidence of you using world edit permissions to grief another players claimed area.
  8. Hello, sadly if the area was not claimed there is nothing we can do for you. We always recommend claiming your stuff so this doesn't happen!
  9. I dont think CurseForge has the latest update. Try the FTB launcher.
  10. Hi Akira, Please make sure to check you are using the correct version of the modpack as recently it has had an update to 3.5.0. If you are still having issues joining the server, try using a different launcher or reinstalling the mod completely. If you still have issues joining after that, feel free to reply to this post or reach out to us on discord.
  11. Due to the fact that your base had multiple mystic keys and mystic items as well, your base has been considered to be illegitimate and it has been wiped as well as your inventory. More information about this can be found here on our rules: https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/27629-rules-revelation/ under rule C.2.
  12. Because you still had duped items and used them, the ban remains (there are only 22 hours left of the ban). You could have asked the staff of revelation if they were legit keys or not AND while you were redeeming these keys, other players were asking if you were duping/how youve obtained them.
  13. Hello, TheGlex. I found multiple stacks of duped keys and duped items in your inventory. You were also using the duped keys and keeping the items. Since this is a violation of our rules here, the ban remains.
  14. Hi, try restarting your internet completely and logging in. If that doesn’t work, try using the FTB launcher instead
  15. Items refunded they are in the golden chest inside your claim.
  16. Hi, Akira. I'm really sorry this happened to you. We don't tolerate this behavior on CraftersLand and the player has been punished accordingly.
  17. /seen is not accurate when displaying "first joined..." so dont use that as an example.
  18. Trez, You should be able to login now- I have teleported you to spawn. For now, please try to avoid going back to your home or wherever the corrupted chunk is until it is fixed. If you ever have issues logging in for the same reason again, please use the unstuck package in the store. https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141
  19. Found players base
  20. When was the last time you played? Revelation was wiped October of 2020.
  21. sonyx


  22. Hi! I’m sorry this is happening to you. If reinstalling java doesn’t work, I suggest using a different launcher. Here’s the link: https://www.feed-the-beast.com
  23. Topic title updated to specify "claim rollback request"
  24. sonyx

    Mall Project

    Hey everyone, 3xJ, UsedHoeSalesman and myself are building a mall. The mall will be made up of lots of player owned shops. Each shop will have its own chunk so that you can chunk load Each shop plot will cost $5000. However if you get in before the mall opens, the price per shop is $1500. Early Birds: - - - We're also looking for help. Any time or ideas anyone can donate would be greatly appreciated. If you're building I recommend you use creative and world edit. Mall Management: -3xJ -UsedHoeSalesman -cronchwrap Builders: - - - If you want to be a part of this, please DM me (kennedi#0001) or 3xJ on discord (coffee#0115) Thanks
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