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JokoJose last won the day on February 19 2023

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  1. In game name: JokoJose Proof of Purchase: You can see my in-game rank and the amount of items i can place on the market Description of Issue: The Market Merchant kit say (Create infinite listings on Market. Sell as many items as you like without limits. Listing will no longer expire.) Well, i keep having items expire on the market forcing me to have to place them back on the market, when they were not supposed to expire. Now when it comes to the premium rank, i keep loosing my Exp levels every time i die. I have reported this so many times and it seems that you guys don't care enough to fix it. It is false advertisement to not give a perk on a rank or kit you promise. Its strange how when it comes to creative management is extremely over-protecting about that perk, but when it comes to other perks is like they don't care. Date/Time of Purchase: Premium i bought like 3 days after i started playing this server and the Market Merchant i bought it like 2 weeks ago or so. Items/Rank Bought: Market Merchant/Premium Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information:
  2. How to make Diesel set-up at MV tier In this guide i will explain how to make a Diesel Set-up (using oil and oilsand ore) to power your MV+ machinery. You will need the following machines: 1- Advanced Centrifuge x 1 2- Advanced Distillery x 2 3- Advanced Chemical Reactor x 2 4- Advanced Electrolyzer x 2 5- Super Tank I (or higher) x 1 6- Low Voltage Fluid tank (or higher) x 7 7- Advanced Mixer x 1 8- Better Barrel x 2 9) Oilsand Ore x from 1 to 64 stacks 10) Fluid Pipe with a MV Pump x 2 11) Diamond Tanks filled with Oil x 5 (the more the better) Now i will explain how to build the set-up to turn Oilsand in to Heavy fuel: You first need the centrifuge Processing the Oilsand, it does not need a circuit to process it. The centrifuge will process the Oilsand in to Heavy Oil and that Heavy Oil need to be transfer in to a Distillery with Circuit #1 to produce Sulfuric Heavy Fuel. Then transfer the Sulfuric Heavy Fuel in to a Chemical reactor with Circuit #4 with Hydrogen Cells to produce Heavy Fuel. (Next line will explain how to get the Hydrogen Cells) (1-A) You will need an Electrolyzer with Circuit #3, water and empty cells to produce Hydrogen Cells. This process will also produce Oxygen. Send the Oxygen in to one of the Low Voltage Fluid tank for storage. Once you have the Sulfuric Heavy Fuel inside the Chemical Reactor with Circuit #4 and Hydrogen Cells, it will produce the heavy fuel. The Heavy Fuel can then be sent to a Low Voltage Fluid Tank for storage. The Chemical reactor will also create cells filled with Hydrogen Sulfide that you send to another Low Voltage Fluid Tank for storage. (The Oxygen and the Hydrogen Sulfide will not be used in this process to produce the Diesel, so you can send it to big storage areas for later use, or set a system to void them) Now i will explain how to build the set-up to turn Oil in to Light Fuel: First you will need to place the Super Tank I and attach a Fluid Pipe with a MV Pump so you can pump the Oil from the Diamond Tanks in to the Super Tank I. Then you need to set a second MV Pump in another Fluid Pipe to pump the Oil from the Super Tank I in to a Distillery with Circuit #2. This process will turn Oil in to Sulfuric Light Fuel. Send the Sulfuric Light Fuel in to a Chemical Reactor with Circuit #4 and Hydrogen Cells to produce the Light Fuel. (See line (1-A) to produce the Hydrogen Cells that goes in to the Chemical reactor.) Send the Light Fuel in to a Low Voltage Fluid Tank with Empty Cells, so you can fill the Cells with Light Fuel. Now that you are producing both Heavy Fuel and Light Fuel, all you have to do is Mix Them to make the Diesel. I will explain how now: Send the Heavy Fuel in liquid form in to a Mixer with Circuit #5 and Light Fuel Cells. This will mix the Heavy Fuel with the Light Fuel and Produce Diesel. And there you go, you have a Diesel Set-Up using Both Oil and Oilsands. Remember that Bi-products like Oxygen and Hydrogen Sulfide will be produced in the set-up and need to be stored or void, you will also need to send back the empty cells to get them filled again to automate the process. I Just Covered the basics, the automate part i will leave it up to you guys to figure it out. I use the Low Voltage Fluid tank to store the Liquids to make it easier to empty or fill cells, but the final product and By-products i send in to maxed out steel tanks. Meaning i have 1 tank for Diesel, one tank for Oxygen and one tank for Hydrogen Sulfide. The Oxygen can be used in the Electronic Blast Furnace to help with the ingot production. The Hydrogen Sulfide is used in some Chemical reactor recipes. There are many ways of producing Heavy Fuel, Light Fuel and Diesel, i just shared the way i do it and in no way i claim is the most effective or the only way. Its up to you to find the way that better work for you.
  3. How to make Polyethylene using oil/light fuel on MV tier. 1) Machines you will need a) Distillery x 2 b) Chemical Reactor x 3 c) Centrifuge x 1 d) Compressor x 1 e) Fluid Canner x 2 f) Super Tank I (or higher) x 1 g) One MV pump x 2 h) Fluid Pipes (depending your set-up will be the amount needed) i) Diamond tanks filled with oil (as many as you can) 2) Steps to follow First place the Super tank I and place a pipe with a pump towards the outside, so you can pump oil in to the Super Tank from the diamond tanks filled with oil. The place another pipe with a pump to pump the oil from the Super Tank I in to the Distillery. This Distillery will need a Circuit #2 to turn oil in to Sulfuric Light Fuel. Pass the Sulfuric Light Fuel in to a Chemical Reactor with Hydrogen Cells and Circuit #4. (next line will tell you how to get the cells) You will need a Centrifuge with Yellow/Brown Limonite + Empty cells to produce Hydrogen (it will also produce oxygen cells). Pass the Hydrogen directly in to a fluid canner with empty cells so you can fill the cells with Hydrogen. Once the Chemical reactor has the Sulfuric Light Fuel and the Hydrogen cells with Circuit #4, it will turn the Sulfuric Light Fuel In to Light Fuel. Then you will need to pass the Light Fuel in to a Chemical reactor with steam cells and Circuit #3. (Next line will tell you how to get Steam in to cells) You will need a steam pipe line connected in to a Fluid canner with empty cells, so you can fill the cells with steam. Once you pass the Steam Cells in to the Chemical Reactor with Light Fuel and Circuit #3, it will turn the light fuel in to Severely Steam-Cracked Light Fuel (SSCLF for short). Pass the SSCLF in to a Distillery with Circuit #10 to produce Ethylene. Then you will need to pass the Ethylene in to a Chemical reactor with Compressed air cells and Circuit #1. (Next line will tell you how to get the Compressed air cells) You will need a Compressor with Empty cells to produce the Compressed Air Cells. Once you have the Compressed Air Cells, you will need to pass it in to the Chemical Reactor with Ethylene and Circuit #1 to produce Molten Polyethylene. Note, you can either build a storage tank for the Molten Polyethylene or pass it to a Fluid Solidifier with Ingots mold to produce the Polyethylene ingots. But my advice will be to sent the Molten Polyethylene to a liquid storage and from the liquid storage pass it to the fluid solidifier, in that way you will always have enough Molten Polyethylene when needed. This is the way i would do it, doesn't necessary mean is the only way, Polyethylene has many ways of doing it, some more effective than other.
  4. same can be told about being bias towards those that "support" the server. I was asked directly by many people to do the post because we have had heavy lagg issues cause by 1 single creative person. If creative does not affect non-creative players, why you think almost every non-creative player is against creative? I bet you that if you were to separate creatives in to 1 server and non-creative in to another, the creative server will be shut to hell in less than a month. Fair is fair, most of us have supported the server in one way or another, so we all deserve the right to enjoy it. If a non creative player can make a "faulty" set-up with limited resources, imagine how many "faulty" set-ups a creative can do, specially when they dont know the modpack. That statement that most problems are caused by non creative it might be true in other modpack, but in GTNH server, the biggest issues have been caused by creative (unless we count ross, which can crash the server regardless of rank). I understand that money is a factor, but once again, when a perk of one single person can affect an entire comunity, then that perk has to be review. Perks can be modified for the benefit of the server. But going further, you "cant" remove a perk from those that already paid for it, right? then how is that Premium rank dont have the perk to keep exp levels upon dying? something that i wrote a forum about and even gave a reminder in this topic. You can also see the difference of tps when a specific creative person is on, vrs when server is restarted and he is not on. TPS drops when such person is on, but when his base is not loaded, server runs fine. GTNH is a modpack that needs a limitation, thats why you guys lowered render distance and tweak here and there to keep it lagg free (Good job on that) but now the issue is tps and its caused by a single individual. So when it comes to been bias, it looks like staff is bias towards whoever pay more and whoever vote more. There are far more people against creative than those supporting it, yet, we are the bias one? I been playing GTNH for 7 years since march 29, 2014. What always kill a server is lagg and tps issues. We are not trying to be rude, we are trying to keep the server alive. But when a 1 minute process take 5 minutes to complete, thats when high tiers process take weeks to complete instead of days. TPS ratio today have been 1/5 through the whole day and it only got better with the restart that happened at like 10 mins ago only because the base of the creative player is not loaded. The best solution would be to limit creative to structure block only. It gives them a perk, but it will not affect the server play experience for the rest. But if server keeps getting worst, i assure you people will start leaving, i have seen it in the past and it starting to happen already now. We are not being bias, we are trying to explain you guys how GTNH works, because this is nothing compared to other modpacks. When a lot of customer are telling you that a product is defected, you should listen and see for yourself and test it yourself so you can see where is defected and how you can fix it. Its easy to manage a store behind the scene, but it is a lot harder when you are there yourself. Try GTNH and see what is actually going on, because it seems that you guys are not getting the full information. It seems that those people that asked me to make this post, havent go to you to tell you how they actually feel. I might look like a troublemaker or like a guy that is trying to start something, but the truth is that i only started this post because i was asked directly to do the post.
  5. is there any way to limit creative to structures block only? in that way you dont have to remove it completely and still get money from the perk. Our main concern is that as of now, creative have no limitation whatsoever on how many machines they can build and as of right now the tps on the server is extremely awful. Non-creative player have to wait like 5 mins on process that should take 1 minute or so, meanwhile creative can just keep spawning whatever they need, so tps dont really bother or affect them at all. This is the main issue, when someone has a perk that can hurt the rest of the community, then that perk needs to be review. Because once the server becomes really unplayable it will be too late. This server been up for like what, 2 month? and it already reached this bad tps stage, a bad tps that i only seen in official servers that are 5 years old.
  6. playing GTNH with people that have creative power, is like playing a shooter game against people with aimbot. It only take 1 person, to ruin the gaming experience for the rest.
  7. the problem is that it only take a single player with creative to mess up the entire integrity of the server, a single person. Thats how broken creative is in this modpack. Because they wont limit themselves, they wont use common sense. All they will do is spawn and build as much as they can.
  8. exactly, and what players have enough material to build in multiple chunk leaving everything on while at same time building a huge amount of machinery? The difference between non-creative players and creative players, is that non-creative can only build what he/she needs limited by how much material/time the person took. Now, creative placers build things that they dont actually need and because they didnt have to gather the materials, there is nothing limiting them. So at the end what players will have the most machinery and take the most resources from the server? when there is no limitation, they wont use "common sense" because they can spawn whatever they want and build as much as they want in a single hour compared to non-creative player.
  9. Well while i understand some people like the easy way rather than work hard for the items, i do not understand why do so on a public server instead of in single player. I can only thing of 2 things, the person is looking for a social interaction, which is understandable, or the person is looking to show off and belittle those playing legit. For example, a creative player can spawn any item of the game, lets say a Xbow and bolts that can 1 shot anything. Then that player decide to go to every planet before anyone else reach it and clear every dungeon he can, even tho that he dont need the items. Then when a non-creative player reach that planet, it might be forced to travel thousands of miles to find what he/she needs. But the real problem with creative is that there is virtually no limitation of how many items the person can spawn. If you have the power to spawn any item in the game, any quantity you want, what stop the player from spawning thousands of items or machinery? What if the creative player decide that "i need 50 nuclear power plants" just because he can. There is no work getting them, there is no penalty, there is no limitation. If that player wants to create 300 auto miners, what stop him/her from do so? A creative player can single handed destroy the integrity and balance of the server. While money is a factor to take in consideration, people flow is another factor, more people = more money. I am pretty sure the money will flow even without creative. But once again, the only way for staff members to understand what is going on, is to actually log in to the modpack itself, because if you guys do so, you will be the one reach the conclusion that creative hurts more than what it benefit. This is a hardcore modpack that gets affected by the amount of Tile entities the server has to load at a given time, giving the power to a person to spawn as many as he/she want without limitation, its going to kill the server eventually. Specially when it causing the server to restart ever 2 hours or so... We need to be realistic, if a single person can hurt the stability of the server, imagine if every person get creative and start building without any control. Limit creative to structure blocks only, remove it or make a creative server. But dont expect that non-creative players will stay quiet while creative players ruins the server for everyone.
  10. for #3 you can use plot inside the town to create a mob farm allowing mods to spawn in the plot, but not in the town itself, even if the plot is inside the town But plot is something not many people are familiar with.
  11. Greetings, For the past week i have seen how people that use creative and those that doesn't have had a crash between them. For players that don't use creative, we feel like creative is a game breaking addition and disturb the "race" to reach high tiers among ourselves. For example, If it took me 1 week to reach LV, a creative person will be ZPM in less than 1 hour. While them being in high tier does not affect the way we play, it does affect the server stability. Example: 1- A creative person can spawn in any number of item without limitation, allowing that person to set up an entire solar power system in a matter of minutes. Or many, Many automated process to produce items. Those process take a toll on the server tps and because the creative person in question didn't have to gather the mats, he/she will have no problem spawning as many as he/she want. 2- Creative people can spawn the materials to craft a machine, while the materials are tagged as spawned, the machine they build with those spawned items are not tagged as spawned. Meaning that the person in question can craft machines to give to a non-creative player. 3- Creative people can also spawn the most efficient way of mining ores and/or oil and once again, while the machine, if spawned, is tagged as spawned, the ores/oil it gathers is not tagged as spawned. Meaning that the creative person in question can pass the ores/oil to another person that is not creative. 4- Creative people can also instantly spawn rockets of any tier and fly to any planet, even when most people are still in steam age. Then they can just fly to highly demand planets and "empty" them out of resources before people can even reach them. 5- Creative people can also lagg the server with in many ways, from massive amount of spawned item, to constantly flying to laggy planets like ross. In other words, creative ranks hurt the server more than what it helps it. So my suggestions are the next: 1- Remove creative entirely = While i know creative might generate a good revenue for the server, it shouldn't exist in such a hardcore modpack like GTNH. 2- Only allow structural block on creative = This will still give the creative to those that want it, but will limit them to only structural items to build a base. Like chiseled blocks, but remove access to any ore/ingot/fuel/machinery or any material that is not used to build the structural part of a base. 3- Creative server only = while this is more cost to owners pocket, it will create 2 separated server, 1 for creative people and one for non creative people. In that way you dont have to be monitoring who gives what to whom. It will also remove the stress cause by creative people on server with non-creative players. 4- Move creative rank to S+ but with structural purpose only = Creative is the strongest tool in the game, it should be the most expensive perk to buy too, but it should be limited. Only those that have played GTNH will understand the issue with creative, so my last recommendation is for the owner to try the modpack and then decide for himself after he experience the modpack and the pros and cons of creative. You cannot sell a product if you don't understand it, sometimes you might lose more money when your only focus is money and not customer service. I meant no disrespect to anyone, everyone is welcome to add their opinion in a respectful way, either to agree with me or disagree. Everyone deserves to be read. (On a side note, P+ has a perk of retain exp when you die, but that perk is not working at all, please take a look at it, thanks)
  12. yea, rerolls are annoying indeed. For mythic we could add Nigh vision googles, is not too OP and it give a good incentive for new players to buy mythic keys. Also remove the ore finder wand, we already get the want in legendary. Conduits, i love getting them since it really helped on early stages, same as super tanks, maybe mythic should have the HV version of a super tank too?
  13. i like the idea of randomization too
  14. Greetings, I am pretty sure this is a known issue, but wanted to bring it up and explain how it affects the modpack and gameplay. 1- Mob spawn = Rendering distance is so low, that barely any mob spawn naturally. This remove around 70% of the modpack difficulty. It makes events like night, Rain, Rain with Thunder and blood moon, useless, since mobs wont spawn close to player, but player dont see far enough for mobs to spawn far from the player either. 2- Boss fights = Rendering distance also make it nearly impossible to follow/kill certain bosses. Bosses like the Ender Dragon for example. Due to how limited the player rendering view is, this bosses just pop on and out of your rendering distance, making them hard to track but also making it hard to avoid. They will pop up, hit you and disappear in seconds, sometimes even killing you before you could even see their name popping up. 3- Kill all the thing quests = Due to how rarely a mob spawn, its nearly impossible to complete those quests. You could spend weeks before you manage to kill 10 zombies... Unless you have a zombie spawner. 4- Mobs farm = While GM have express their dislike of mobs farms, this is an important future for alternative gameplays, specially on early tiers. Specially now that the pollution system is kind of broken and forces player to change the way they build or advance. Mob farms is a way to get some items that you could not get in other ways. 5- Exploration = Due to the limited render distance the player has, exploration in some dimensions becomes more frustrating. In the end you find yourself floating in to nothingness not knowing if the map is not loading, or if is that there are no floating islands ahead. In the Nether you find yourself getting burn by lava falling from the sky, because it start rendering to close to you. It make it so hard to find a fortress too, because you cannot see it at the distance and you have to be literally on top of it to see it. 6- Dungeons = Because natural spawn gets disabled due to limited render distance, this make spawners spawn a LOT of mobs at once to reach the "mobs" limit. This make exploring dungeons that have spawners, impossible. The moment you find a dungeon and get close to a spawner, you are lucky if you get out of there alive, this is specially true in dimensions where there are not many people on, like the Twilight and The End. Overall, the rendering distance turns a hardcore modpack like this one in to a walk in the park in some cases or in to an impossible nightmare in others. It is something that should get fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for your time, Sincerely, JokoJose
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