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Slit last won the day on March 28 2023

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About Slit

  • Birthday 03/25/1999

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  1. It's not disabled though. They just keep you from creating dims. All I want is the crystal block to make portals to walk through. Makes travel to and from places a lot easier and faster. Much less of a pain than draconic portals are.
  2. But they require a lot more materials for the ability to teleport around. Link books are already enabled and much cheaper. I just want to be able to craft or buy with in-game $.
  3. I understand why the mystcraft dims are disabled and we already have rftools for making dims with resources and specific features and whatnot. However, I'd really like to be able to use mystcraft portals to get around but the crystal used to make portals only generates in myscraft worlds. Would it be possible to add a recipe or a slot in the spawn store for crystal?
  4. Thank you!
  5. Your Name: Sleety Town Name: MAS Coordinates: -18,61,211 DIM: 84846 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2/11/20 10:00AM PST Description of Issue: The 'walrus ban' went through today. Lost over half of my base to it. AE system, all automations, multiple DSUs.
  6. Over the past 2 days I have not been able to pick up XP orbs, my in game level is stuck at 2. I tried to kill myself to reset my xp counter but because I have prem I dont lose xp on death anymore. Not sure what the issue with it is I'd just like to be able to use an anvil again.
  7. "Sleetyy do it on another level, he flooded the market with this following item >flooded >only one listing u wot
  8. "Most of the newbies (Ever since ZeeDerpMaster, Sleetyy "established" on the server) are constantly dying because these two keep tracking them down" It's a pvp server, as long as they aren't in gmc and outside of claims you can kill whoever you want "and kill them with an indecent named Ruby Sword " Nobody ever had a problem with the name, eyt was online today and asked me to change it and I did. If staff asks for it to be done I can oblige within reason. "ChinaNo2 is their friend and i have my suspicion on him" I've never had the pleasure of meeting ChinaNo2 "I think he have a ComputerCraft program to keylogging people" That isnt how it works at all... In conclusion, pvp is allowed get over it. Try and protect people I don't really care. You can't keylog people with cc unless they are actively using the terminal. i.e it cannot log /commands. Also who tf is ChinaNo2.
  9. Just thought I'd give a heads up that these are in NoBaltopOne4Mike's inv after players have been complaining about getting all the potion effects https://imgur.com/UGDIvnG
  10. Can confirm, this is an issue. Looks like someone is aware of it because server restarts are more frequent now.

  12. unclaim the plot and then reclaim it
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