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Increase Map Size


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Currently with the 4.5k radius limit the map feels a tad crowded. Just walking around on foot can reveal more than one players base within a few minutes from almost any RTP. I don't know how much lag would be added, but i think increasing the map size would be nice if viable, either next map gen or even right now if it's possible to just change a config setting or something. Strawpoll on what size or if it even is a good idea.




Well u know Server has limited resources so a map expandation would be Bad since the Server is already hard working on the current map what u maybe already have Seen ... The Server is mostly runnin on 50% of TPS speed or lower in peak times... 

  • Manager

That was what my wonder was as it its laggy at times now. But the map can feel crowded in certain areas as well, how much more lag would a bigger map add in theory?

18 minutes ago, Manyouforgot said:

how much more lag would a bigger map add in theory?

Impossible to say. The world border will remain the same, if another town is blocking your progression and it's inactive ( for more than 30 days, and all residents too. ) you can request a town removal to free up space.


World side DOES NOT effect RAM, and does not effect LAG aswell. Only reason why map are limited, is "weight" of this map, wich increases exponentially for EVERY block it increased. Curent 10kX10k map probabaly weight about 5-10 Gb (aprox), and EVERY backup archive weight is same. Brunyman save about 1 backup 2 times a day, for last month.(probably)

If you increase map size, double it for example, it will QUADRUPLE world weight (20-40 Gb), and including all backups, it will be VERY disk space unfriendly.


It can affect performance. 

As giving a more open world with a larger worldborder or without a worldborder at all would make players build larger and crazier buildings and machines. Which in turn would lag the server, and that could be blamed on the worldborder size.

4 hours ago, Timur said:

World side DOES NOT effect RAM, and does not effect LAG aswell. Only reason why map are limited, is "weight" of this map, wich increases exponentially for EVERY block it increased. Curent 10kX10k map probabaly weight about 5-10 Gb (aprox), and EVERY backup archive weight is same. Brunyman save about 1 backup 2 times a day, for last month.(probably)

If you increase map size, double it for example, it will QUADRUPLE world weight (20-40 Gb), and including all backups, it will be VERY disk space unfriendly.

It does affect the RAM since it's saved on it while it is running as far  as I know, that is the reason we have the World Border in the first place.

2 minutes ago, Skilande_ said:

It does affect the RAM...

Nah, it loads needed parts, and unloads unneeded. So... effect is miniscule.

1 hour ago, Timur said:

Nah, it loads needed parts, and unloads unneeded. So... effect is miniscule.

Bruny uses Ramdrive, and I can only assume he puts the world on there.

dedicating some of the ram for a "harddrive" to get a faster drive.

  • Founder

The main word is entirely on the RAM Drive for fast load, the reason for the world border is to keep the map from getting 10GB in size as RAM space is very limited. World border is set at 5000 blocks radius, should we increase it? We don't have much free space on the ram drive.


I disagree on increasing it. We have instead decided to put more effort in being able to efficiently use the space we have at our disposal. We have selected a " town removal " team and will ask players to more actively request removal of inactive towns. 



World border increase is NOT RECOMENDED. It will not fix issue, it will just add more lag (because it`s RAM drive)

As @Henkekalmar sayed, it`s best to remove old towns, and regen chunks, instead of increasing territory.

P.S. Probably you should add a reward for finding old towns. Money or items. Money is better probably.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your request, but for reasons listed above increasing the worldborder will hardly be possible.

If there is any town in your way of expanding please submit a post using this template and staff will look into it's removal:

Topic closed.

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