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Everything posted by brunyman

  1. Source xisumavoid Snapshot 24W14A for Minecraft 1.20.5 makes a few minor changes to projectiles. Official change log
  2. Source xisumavoid Snapshot 24W14potato for Minecraft 1.20.5 adds a new dimension, the potato dimension! Full of potato related fun and a boss fighr against mega spud! Official change log
  3. Source xisumavoid Snapshot 24W11A for Minecraft 1.20.5 adds a ton of content revolving around the new ominous trial spawners. Official change log
  4. This is the March maintenance release, IPB 4.7.16 with fixes and tweaks. Detailed change log below. IPB Changes: Theme changes: None yet The community is everything, thanks for being part of it!
  5. Source xisumavoid Snapshot 24W04A for Minecraft 1.20.5 will include the armadillo and wolf armor. This snapshot lets the armadillo block damage when rolled up. Players can transfer between server with a command and the breeze will attack an iron golem! Official change log and here
  6. This is the January maintenance release, IPB 4.7.15 with fixes and tweaks. Detailed change log below. IPB Changes: Theme changes: Upgraded for Invision Community 4.7.15 Made dropdown menus move obvious when they’re placed inside existing dropdown menus (eg, “My Details” menu) The community is everything, thanks for being part of it!
  7. Hi, I did a patch on the mod, please test again and see if it still crashes. Thanks for reporting.
  8. All the mods 6 server is complete, new map seeds were generated and a fresh start for all! You can download it on Curse Forge and CraftersLand Launcher! Also we update the server to mod pack version 1.9.1, this was a large update with some mods added and more mods updated, details below. Server address: atm6.craftersland.net Changes: Full data reset Generated new map seeds for all worlds Worldborder set at 22k wide (before WIPE the overworld was 50GB in size and with all dimensions it reached 100GB) Updated all mods, configs and scripts. Installed automated maintenance scripts. Updated vote links Updated the restricted list, just added 2 utility mods added in the last update that only work with Forge and are not compatible with our server API Download the old map here: Official changelog: Thanks for support and have fun! More mods please!
  9. Here is the overworld map download for the server before the WIPE. DOWNLOAD The download link will work for 30 days.
  10. Thanks for votes, WIPE will take place soon.
  11. Hi guys, The last server WIPE was over 1 year ago on 23 November 2022, should we WIPE the server and also update to 1.9.1 mod pack version, or should we go and update to All the mod 8? As of all WIPE's all data will get a reset except for ranks, new map seeds will be generated and we will provide a download link of the old map. A WIPE will also reduce lag cumulated from big bases and the overworld size is about 50GB. Please vote in the poll above and let us know what you think.
  12. Was the town removed from the server?
  13. Source xisumavoid Snapshot 23W51A for Minecraft 1.20.5 will include the armadillo and wolf armor as a part of this next minor update to minecraft 1.20 Official change log
  14. Server update to modpack version 2.5.1 is complete! This was a large update with few mod added and removed and a lot of updated ones. You can find this update on Technic, CursForge and CraftersLand Launcher. To avoid any startup errors best is to do a clean modpack install ! Server address: gt.craftersland.net Changes Updated all configs Added new mods and removed some. Updated a lot of mods (Check change log below) Installed system updates Detailed changelog: 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 Download our launcher HERE! A gregified world! gt.craftersland.net
  15. Server update to version is complete, this is a large update with some mods updated, new mods and a lot of changes. Server address: eternal.craftersland.net Changes Updated mods, all configs and scripts Increased world border size from 20k to 22k Moved the server to a new better server hardware. Official Changelog Download our launcher HERE! Read more about this mod pack here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/minecraft-eternal Thanks to all of you for supporting our work, and too all staff members that worked hard on this server. More tweaks and improvements will come as we test stuff out. Tons of thrilling Adventures, Magic, Science, Quests, Combat, Bosses, Automation, Exploration, and Rats who shoot cheese from cannons?? eternal.craftersland.net
  16. Source xisumavoid Minecraft 1.21 adds the armadillo, which drops armadillo scute. This can be used to craft wolf armor! The armadillo is available to play with on Minecraft Preview edition right now! Official change log
  17. As a lot of players requested, server WIPE is complete after over 1 year of running the server. Time for a fresh start for all with new worlds to explore and less lag. The Tekkit adventure begins. Server address: tekkit2.craftersland.net You will find this modpack on Technic and CraftersLand Launcher for download. Changes: Generated new seeds for all worlds Full server reset Installed all OS updates Download the old map: Banned Items: HERE! Live Map: HERE! Daily Reward: HERE! Donate to support us: HERE! Try our launcher for FPS improvements: HERE! The Tekkit Classic 2.0 experience! tekkit2.craftersland.net
  18. Here is the overworld map download for the server before the WIPE. DOWNLOAD The download link will work for 30 days.
  19. Yes, we plan replacing DW 1.18 with latest version, I hope I will have time to do this soon
  20. Thanks for vote, WIPE will take place soon
  21. Our Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles server got a reset, new map seeds and a fresh start for all! Last reset was about 1 year ago. Time for a fresh start with less lag and new maps to explore! Changes: Full data WIPE except for ranks Generated new map seeds for all worlds Updated vote links Old map download: Hardcore Adventure & Expert Quest-Pack ddss.craftersland.net
  22. Server WIPE is complete, here is the old map download link below. DOWNLOAD Download will be available for 4 weeks starting now.
  23. The server was opened on 17 November last year, this means the mail map has over 1 year of exploring and building. We got several WIPE requests from players so time to check if a reset is needed. Vote and let us know what you think. A WIPE will reset all worlds and players progress, we will provide a world download of the old map. Everything will be deleted except for tanks, new map seeds will be generated and everyone will have a new start and new maps to explore. Live Map: HERE! The Tekkit Classic 2.0 experience! tekkit2.craftersland.net
  24. Source xisumavoid Multiple pre-releases and release candidate covered in this one! Prelease 3 and 4 and release candidate 1 for Minecraft 1.20.3 Official change log pre-release 3 Official change log pre-release 4 Official changelog release candidate 1
  25. Hi, you need to join the server and you will get an error on first attempt, then you need to try to join again within 20 sec from the first attempt. Also the user name must not be already registered.
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