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Everything posted by brunyman

  1. WIPE is Complete on our FTB Direwolf20 1.12.2 modded server! New map seeds generated for all worlds and a fresh start! Changes: Full data WIPE, except ranks. Generated new map seeds for all dimensions. Updated the vote links You can download the old map here: Banned Items: HERE! Live Map: HERE! Daily Reward: HERE! Donate to support us: HERE! Request rank re-activation: HERE! Try our launcher for FPS improvements: HERE! Modded Madness! dw.craftersland.net
  2. Today we completed the server WIPE, here is the old map download link below. DOWNLOAD Download will be available for 4 weeks starting now.
  3. Our FTB Direwolf20 1.19.2 server was updated to latest mod pack version 1.13.1. This is a small update that fixes errors in the last version. You can download this update on FTB App or CraftersLand Launcher. Server address: dw19.craftersland.net Changes: Updated server scripts Updated the livemap render Change log: Banned Items: HERE! Live Map: HERE! Daily Reward: HERE! Donate to support us: HERE! Try our launcher: HERE! Modded Madness! dw19.craftersland.net
  4. Hi guys, So last FTB Direwolf20 1.12.2 server WIPE was on 14 January 2023, that's over 1 year ago. As of all WIPE's all data will get a reset except for ranks, new map seeds will be generated and we will provide a download link of the old map. A WIPE will also reduce lag. Check the live server map HERE! Please vote in the pool above and let us know if we should wipe or not.
  5. Source xisumavoid Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 1, 2,3 and 4 is here with sudden changes to enchantment secondary effects. The Tricky Trials update will be released June 13th! Pre-release 1 change log | Pre-release 2 change log | Pre-release 3 change log | Pre-release 4 change log
  6. Server update to modpack version 2.6.1 is complete! This is a medium update with updated mods, fixes and tweaks. You can find this update on Technic, CursForge and CraftersLand Launcher. To avoid any startup errors best is to do a clean modpack install ! Server address: gt.craftersland.net Changes Updated all configs Performed OS updates and maintenance Performed server manual maintenance Updated 54 mods Fixed maintenance script config error Updated launcher mod pack Detailed changelog Download our launcher HERE! A gregified world! gt.craftersland.net
  7. This is the May maintenance release, IPB 4.7.17 with fixes and tweaks. Detailed change log below. IPB Changes: Theme changes: None yet The community is everything, thanks for being part of it!
  8. Source xisumavoid Snapshot 24W21A for Minecraft 1.21 adds a new gamerule, selector and reverts the old pistons sounds as well as adding data driven jukebox code. Official change log
  9. Hello crafters, FTB Direwolf20 1.7.10 server WIPE is complete. Enjoy new map seeds for all worlds, a fresh start for all! FTB Direwolf20 1.7.10 Change Log: Full server WIPE except ranks. Generated new map seeds for all worlds. Added automated maintenance script Removed 1 vote link and added some new ones Spawn fixes The old main map can be downloaded here: Modded madness! ftb.craftersland.net
  10. Today we completed the server WIPE, here is the old map download link below. DOWNLOAD Download will be available for 4 weeks starting now.
  11. Hi, sorry for the late reply, I fixed the issue and added some extra keys for compensation. Just join the server and wait few minutes to get them. Thanks for support!
  12. Thank you for support. I have fixed the issue and added few extra keys for you. Just join and wait few minutes to get them.
  13. Thank you for votes, due to a lot of requests not to wipe we will not do a reset yet.
  14. Thank you for votes, WIPE will take place soon.
  15. Someone built something verry laggy and that's why it restarts because the TPS goes below the threshold. It only happens when there are certain players as it looks on logs.
  16. Hi guys, So last FTB Ultimate Reloaded server WIPE was on 27 Aprilie 2023, over 1 year ago. Time for a fresh start? As of all WIPE's all data will get a reset except for ranks, new map seeds will be generated and we will provide a download link of the old map. A WIPE will also reduce lag. Check the live server map HERE! Please vote in the pool above and let us know if we should wipe or not.
  17. Hi guys, The last server WIPE was on 20 July 2022, a long time ago. Let us know if you think it's time for a server restart on new map seeds and a fresh start for all. We will also provide a world download of the overworld. This WIPE will reduce lag, generate new map seeds to explore and bring a fresh start and interest for players to come back. Vote in the pool above and let us know what to do next. Thanks! LIVE MAP Modded madness! ftb.craftersland.net
  18. Source xisumavoid Snapshot 24W20A for Minecraft 1.21 increases the amount of redstone we can get from witches as well as adding new piston sounds. Official change log
  19. Source xisumavoid Snapshot 24W18A for Minecraft 1.21 rebalances the new mace attack weapon as well as introducing new creepy ambient cave sounds. Official Change log
  20. Server update to modpack version 2.6.0 is complete! This was a big update, almost all mods got updated. It was difficult to actually get it to work with our server software and there is a compromise as some mods in this update no longer support bungeecord proxy we had to reconfigure the server for direct connection. This means joining the server for offline users is no longer possible. If you fall in this category we will have to migrate your data to the online UUID if you bought Minecraft, make a post here: https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/403-technical-support/ You can find this update on Technic, CursForge and CraftersLand Launcher. To avoid any startup errors best is to do a clean modpack install ! Server address: gt.craftersland.net Changes Updated all configs Updated libraries Performed OS updates and maintenance Updated almost all mods (Check change log below) Removed 1 vote link The End world reset Updated launcher modpack Detailed changelog Download our launcher HERE! A gregified world! gt.craftersland.net
  21. Hi, because of big changes in this update, connecting via proxy bungeecord no longer works this means joining of offline accounts is no longer possible. If you have a Minecraft account we can try to migrate your data from the offline one to the new one. We will need to know the new IGN and the offline one.
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