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Lancelot last won the day on July 15 2022

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  1. I am not sure if warning is possible (where should we put it?). Anyway I hope you have issue solved when you find the problem. Do as the warning said: dont sell charged items
  2. Glad to finaly meet you RandomNukes . It is good to have familiar people around. I actually remember when you and DragonLady joined SkyFacktory2.5 That was long time ago I wish you all the best.
  3. Hello @Qwerty_Onice I hope you have really good time on server. It is great to have someone who likes to build around. I hope you have great time here
  4. Similar errors i get when i switch from single player to server (and other way around) without restarting launcher (on SF2.5). Maybe just restart launcher will help?
  5. I am using ComputerCraft program to control interface and drop items in needed order and with required delay. Computer is commanding Interface when and which item to push into opencrate which drops them on altar.
  6. I am little late to grand your wish in main thread so here you have it:

    > I wish I had no more debt. (Excited to see how someone replies to this one)

    Wish granted. Now you live in community where there are no debts. Welcome to Amazon forest tribe village.

    1. TaraBites


      oh man, imma wild woman now

  7. My four moods: 1. I'm too old for this shit. 2. I'm too tired for this shit. 3. I'm too sober for this shit. 4. I don't have time for this shit.
  8. 1. If you want to change the world do it while you are bachelor. After marriage you can't even change a TV channel. 2. Listening to your wife is like reading the terms and conditions of website. You understand Nothing, but still you agree 3. Chess is only game in the world which reflects a status of husband. The poor King can take only one step at a time..., while The Mighty Queen can do whatever she likes.
  9. Granted, but then you do not have job (where your free time to play mincecraft come) and no income. I wish I have less time to chat in minecraft.
  10. Granted, you always spawn a yummy food and always someone else is eating it. I wish I could go to Moon for vacation.
  11. Granted. All of them are empty already! I wish I live in part of world without freezing winter.
  12. Wish granted. You save world from biggest disaster. Then the second (little less severe) disaster obliterate most inhabitable areas on globe. I wish all people are happy.
  13. [bed time] Me: Your Mom told you to stay in bed. 3-year-old: There's a scary monster in my closet. Me: Scarier then Mom? 3-year-old: *goes to bed* Son: Am I adopted? Me: Not yet. Son got scholarship on University. Dad said "Of course. You have my brains", Mom said "She must, I still have mine." I am single. My Mom said: "If you feel lonely, dim the light and put on a horror movie. You won't feel like you're lonely anymore." My kids watch Food Network and beg me to let them cook. Why can't someone start Laundry Network? Or Vacuuming Network?
  14. Granted, at the same time all peoples become atheist. I wish I knew winning combination for next week Lotto.
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