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Robert last won the day on May 23 2021

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About Robert

  • Birthday November 22

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  1. I've seen something similar with checkpoints in a parkour made by SlendyOff; the FAN temple i think. EDIT: Maybe it's made with command blocks?
  2. Tbh i've played here for a long time in the past and some now. Never knew about the existence of a bug, and i don't want to know details. Maybe its unfixable. Anyhow i've got another idea not related to the fly matter. Lets say we remove all the OP weapons/leather armor and add netheriete stuff instead.
  3. Actually that, command blocks that deactivate fly in parkours + a checkpoint system/plugin would please everyone (this checkpoint thingy was mentioned before in this topic by @MiniTermi77). But, and here is the big problem this would require an enormous amount of work; and to be honest there is not enough staff members to complete such a project.
  4. Well its one against the majority. If you remove fly then sponsor or sponsor + becomes pretty much premium. Imo removing features will drive away players not attrack em. Anyhow we're just debating so untill brunyman decides anything it'll stay that way
  5. I get your point, heck i actually enjoy seeing ppl that still care about the server. The biggest problem is respecting the Mojang Eula. Remember when that dropped they had to remove the /gm 1, so just because of legal reasons i think that the god command will not see the light at the end of the tunnel
  6. The god command would bring up another set of problems which imo are far worse than actually having access to /fly
  7. To be fair, Vip is 5 euros and premium is 10; when Sponsor is 50 and Sponsor+ is 70, so the fly command doesn't seem all that exagerated
  8. Account Name: TheRebel424 Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands: World Edit Access (Add the node of the commands if you know it so they are easier to add.) Reason for Request: I'd like to have world edit access onto the Pure Survival server aswell, because i like to build things and world edit will come in handy when doing asimetrical builds. (Add the reasons for each command you are requesting.)
  9. It's in AC server, and there's one more problem with the Skyblock server, the uSkyBlock plugin needs an uptade @brunyman
  10. In-Game Name: TheRebel424 Rank: Sponsor Description of the problem encountered: The crafting table that sponsor has access [through commands such as: /craft /workbench] doesn't work anymore. What i mean can be understood easily by looking at the photos posted that serve as evidence. Evidence (optional*): https://imgur.com/a/gjtHFpd
  11. Yeah actually you're right about the population on the network server, and i think this is a great idea, fingers crossed.
  12. Waiting for my new PC components!

  13. Waiting for my new PC components!

  14. The Sponsor+ is same with Sponsor?
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