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About MrEnderson

  • Birthday 10/04/2005

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Interests
    Love moded minecraft. Love Soccer. <3 Thanks for reading this btw :P

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  1. Hi brunyman, i posted a staff app on network applications and i wanted to actually apply for direwolf 1.10 and i couldnt find the topic for it i dont know why but yeah so i missed out for the apps for direwolf 1.10.

    I am very sad :(:(:(:( 

    This is my app:

    Name: Adnan/Adi
    Age/Sex: 12/Male
    Minecraft username: MrEnderson
    Skype username: |℣ℭ|???????, |VC|THEKING
    Do you have a microphone?: I have a microphone.
    Playtime hours per day: I play from 1-2h per day although sometimes i play longer.
    Do you think you can meet our requirements?: Yes,Im sure i meet them.
    Can you understand and make yourself clear in English?:Yes,i can.
    Country + Time Zone: Slovenia/GMT+1
    2. Staff Knowledge

    What can you offer us as a Helper?:With the knowledge of the modpack,i could help players and staff members if they get in a tight spot i am really comunicative i love having friends and i would like to help Craftersland be even better.Although its already my favorite and the best team ever created on the planet. <3

    Have you had any past experience?:Yes,i was a helper on some servers but not anymore.
    What do you value in a good Staff Member?: That they are fair and nice to people especially when someone asks for help or asks a random question.

    Two players are fighting in global chat, using excessive caps and vulgar language, what do you do?: Warn them about caps lock and tell them to watch they language cause it could get them kicked or even banned.

    3. Motivation

    Why do you wish to join the Craftersland Staff?: 
    Because i can offer a lot of stuff and i like to help people out, i like your community and would like to become a part of it.
    What are your expectations from us?: Nothing more then to be fair to members and people who play on your servers.

    Why are you interested in our servers and community?: Because i like your community and the people who play on your servers ,because they are very helpful and nice.

    4. Minecraft Experience

    When did you start playing Minecraft?: 

    Do you have premium or cracked account ?: Sadly i have a cracked account :(
    When did you start playing on Craftersland?: I think the first time i played was on the dw20 1.5.2 server.

    Have you ever been banned?: Nope


    5. Other relevant information

    That's all folks!

    *drops microphone*

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