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Everything posted by Matix1000

  1. Matix1000


  2. One question, ¿the old map can be downloaded soon? or not
  3. **bump**
  4. [1] In-Game Username: -Matix1000- [2] Details of Situation: -well, it all started when a person (epiv) entered and gave everyone ranks, magically I received Sponsor. A little while ago he connected again, and started moving things, in a moment I changed the range to [GM] and left. I immediately looked like "what happened ?!" I immediately disconnected, and now, when I try to re-enter to see if the problem has been fixed, it turns out that I have been banned. [3] Ban Category: -permanent- [4] Ban Duration: -permanent- [5] Staff Member: - henkekalmar - [6] ScreenShots: [7] Your Reason: -I don't know why the permanent ban, this "problem" with my rank can be solved by restoring it to the original. I don't know about epiv, and if the account hacked me, I'll change the password as soon as I get back to the server
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