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IAmTheKay last won the day on October 30 2020

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About IAmTheKay

  • Birthday 08/19/2002

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  1. Hello! I think he was in the wrong area Topic moved to Technichal Support [DW 1.12]
  2. Hola buenas tardes! Su tema sera atendido lo antes posible, por favor sea paciente Pd: Los temas tienen que estar redactados en ingles para que la administración pueda entenderlos. Hello good afternoon! Your issue will be addressed as soon as possible please be patient Note: The topics have to be written in English so that the administration can understand them. Moved to : Server Problems.
  3. Moved to Technichal Support Continuum
  4. Hi guys! it is no secret to anyone that the economy is destroyed, we would do well Wipe ? We simply ask the entire community to support us
  5. Hola, primeramente el reporte lo tienes que hacer en esta area https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/150-complaints/ Segundo Para reportar a un jugador tienes que tener pruebas y no las tienes, solo acusas sin sentido y para poder poner un castigo tienes que tener capturas, algún vídeo o simplemente una prueba creíble Como te dije anterior mente, ningún jugador sera castigado por falta de pruebas Pd: te repito que los reportes o cualquier otra cosa deben ser redactados en ingles.. Hello, first the report you have to do in this area https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/150-complaints/ Second To report a player you have to have evidence and you do not have it, you only accuse nonsense and in order to impose a punishment you have to have captures, a video or simply a credible evidence Note: I repeat that the reports or anything else must be written in English. Have a nice day Please the a superior close the topic. T/C.
  6. Hola como ya sabes lo reportes tiene que ser en ingles para que se efectúen Otra cosa, en la imagen se ve eso mas no se ve quien los coloco, estas dando acusaciones sin culpable.. Por favor si aun sabes la ubicación házmela llegar por privado para eliminar los bloques Por falta de pruebas no hay ningún castigo Hello as you already know the reports have to be in English to be carried out Another thing in the image you can see that but you cannot see who placed them you are giving accusations without guilty... Please if you still know the location, send it to me privately to remove the blocks For lack of evidence there is no punishment.
  7. I totally agree with you?
  8. hi guys?! If they put an NPCs in the spawn without removing the GMs it is somewhat silly (No offense) simply nothing would be done since the emeralds can be duplicated very easily with a gms operator.. (From my point of view) The truth is very complicated since those who have rank with access to the Gms "not all" will not agree because they will agree that all for that they compared said rank, to have gms... As part of the User community: the ideal is to remove the GMS since it is a "PureSurvival" mode. It is inlogical to have this command .. in the same way the WE command are basically administration commands since that is sometimes problematic As parte of staff tema : It would simply be easier for the staff to carry and manage a better control of the modality since I repeat the commands such as GMS and WE are special commands of the staff. Note : part of this point was proposed here and I just didn't get a concrete answer have a good day
  9. Los temas deben ser en ingles para que puedan ser atendidos .. Que tengas una buena tarde The topics must be in English so that they can be attended.. Have a nice afternoon
  10. Buenas tardes! El tema para que la administración pueda entenderlo tiene que estar echo en ingles ya que es el lenguaje originario en el foro.. Pd: Creo que esa petición no es aprobada porque para eso necesitas comprar o tener un prefijo para cambiar de color..? Good afternoon! The topic for the administration to understand it has to be done in English since it is the original language in the forum. Note: I think that request is not approved because for that you need to buy or have a prefix to change color ..?
  11. I will assume the topic is from "Project ozone 3" topic moved to Technichal Support Project ozone 3
  12. uh yes, the "BUMP" is every 2 days by forum regulations .. Every 48 hours that pass and your problem has not been solved you can post it
  13. Topic moved to Technichal support Revelation
  14. Ok ok, as I said earlier in another topic, in AC mode?
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