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Everything posted by Almoace

  1. I have been playing on DD&SS for awhile and every day it seems to get worse. When people travel around too fast or go into Twilight Forrest its unplayable. Can what people need from Twilight be sold at spawn shop and Twilight be banned? What about a vote for server wipe, maybe that would help. Also seeing a mod / helper on the server or available would be helpful. @Nikkinz @OTwitch
  2. I came here to report the same thing, fed up with his hate speech. We really need a mod / helper on DD&SS! Other Eyewitnesses: Myself & WeeWooMii
  3. Almoace


    I have been having the same problem, tried all sorts of things for 2 days to get online. Did anyone solve the problem? @Ups
  4. This is the reason I left the DW20 server as well
  5. My suggestion is please can you sell Ruby at spawn, they are needed to upgrade blocks and I have just spent 9 hours trying to find the ruby's to make some blocks and I am still 54 ruby's short of what I need! Thanks, Almoace.
  6. Account Name: AlmoaceRank: Sponser+ (Contiuum Server)Requested Commands^: To set time of day: essentials.time and essentials.time.set I believe it is /god: essentials.godReason for Request*: Timeset, Its a handy command and saves people asking us to use our beds, they can just as me & I can ask people if they don't mind & set time God, For the times I know I'm in trouble
  7. I put this post in the wrong place so moved it.
  8. I found a nice mod pack called: Bounds by ChosenArchitect which would be nice to see.
  9. I use build idea's from Planetminecraft and adapt them to my needs.
  10. I have seen this new Stoneblock mod pack & thought I would try it on a server. It's a quest mod pack and I played about an hour on a server and seems very stable. The pack doesn't start like skyblock, your spawned into a stone room and work from there like in skyblock with Sieve's and crucible's. I think the pack would be very popular and its a pack that is played over a long term. @brunyman Would be very grateful if you would consider it.
  11. I have found that Lead Ingot is not being sold at Spawn, please could it be added. Thanks, Almoace
  12. Got stuck when I first started so looked for the clan commands which can be found HERE Hope it helps ?
  13. I would deffo say Applied Energistics Kit as its so handy and saves soo much time.
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