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  1. Granted, But you also now see your worst nightmares staring back at you. I want World Peace!!!
  2. Work is so draining... Gaming is my chill time xP Nothing feels better after a day of work than relaxing on the internet, watching series or youtube or playing games XD
  3. Hi, im a candidate for helper on sky factory. Just wanted to let you know that my minecraft is throwing up an error when i try to join. Wont be on till its fixed. Ill try again in a little while

    1. o0DcSniper0o


      Its an authentication issue. mojang is under maintenance i believe :/


    2. o0DcSniper0o


      Well thats what it says anyway

    3. Yusixs


      Hello, posting in brunyman's profile is not going to help you fix your problem. This is a auth error happening to all minecraft servers. Bear patience until it's fixed. Also, next time for further issues, please make a post in technical support or skyfactory

  4. Hello,

    Sorry to put this here, however i feel the need to inform you that i have only seen 3 helpers online the past 2 weeks I've been playing in Sky factory. Months ago i remember them being plentiful, and at the moment of me writing this today, there have been no helpers online to my knowledge. so i feel this is needed, EDIT: after filling this all in I checked again and helpers still aren't present.


    Name: o0DcSniper0o

    Minecraft Username: o0DcSniper0o
    Age: 22
    Languages you speak: English, Afrikaans
    Country + Time Zone: South Africa UTC+02:00
    Do you have a microphone?: I do
    Discord Name and ID*: o0DcSniper0o#1585
    Staff Requirements:
    On average, how many hours can you play per day?**: 2 Hours (this goes to 4 hours very often)
    Can you join the forums everyday?: I Can
    Have you ever been banned?: No
    A short description of your strengths (For example, a good team worker): I have good knowledge of all the mods used in the pack and am very patient when it comes to helping others, i also have a lot of time on my hands xD
    A short description of your weaknesses (For example, getting angry sometimes): Telling people my weaknesses (I'm never able to think of any in these situations.) Although nothing infuriates me more than a seasoned player belittling a newcomer for not knowing how something works, for example, Someone(cant remember his/her name) was insulting a new player for not knowing what the price of a stack of seeds was. So i asked him to 'lay off the guy, hes new, how could he possibly know the the price for seeds, please can the snarky remarks.' my (or close to my) exact words. This was a few days ago.
    What can you offer us if you were chosen?: My Time, Dedication, Willingness to help others and uphold the rules.
    What experience do you have any experience as a staff member? Exemplify: I have been a staff member on other servers, as well as on discord and teamspeaks.
    On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being Nothing and 10 Being Absolutely Everything, how well do you know the mods and contents of the SkyFactory Modpack?: 8 I know almost every mod except for a few that I'm still putting through its paces. I am not comfortable raising this value until i am able to call from memory how these mods function.
    Have you read the requirements and the list of your permissions?: Yes I Have
    Two players are fighting in global chat, what do you do?: Ask them politely to Stop using global chat, or stop all together. If they continue, Warnings will be issued to both, if they continue after that, a 15 minute mute to cool them off. If for some reason they should continue at this point, i will refer them to a higher power.
    Another staff member is giving you grief, what do you do?: I Take it up with a GM or GM+
    You see a player griefing spawn, what do you do? (Helpers do not have access to ban): Look for an admin on the server, if one is not present, i will look for one on discord.
    Again sorry for posting this here.
    1. Skilande_


      You'll still have to wait for the apps to open, you can post it thereonce they are opened.

    2. o0DcSniper0o
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