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JT_ELITE19 last won the day on June 1 2022

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About JT_ELITE19

  • Birthday 05/28/2001

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  • Interests
    Modded Packs, Minecraft, Adventure, Galacticraft. Skyblock, Tekkit, 1.7.10,

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  1. Tekxit 3 is in beta but i love the mix of Tekkit and Hexxit Mods its amazing 100% Worth it lots of game time put into it We don't need: Enigmatica 2 - Expert [Tech, Exploration, Magic, Quests]] And We also don't need this: Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles [Tech, Exploration, Magic, Quests] But i do agree with this 1000000%: Tekxit 3 (Tekkit Official)
  2. We Have more then enough FTB modpacks Why don't we all go for Tekxit 3 is amazing there are just no good servers Come on everyone its worth craftersland having a server on it 100% i play it alot but on solo worlds theres no one to play a game of it with
  3. The 1.7.10 pack on the technic launcher trending packs screen it would be a fun pack to play I have lots of friends who like it
  4. Hey Brunyman is there an Exact time like not day but the clock time when u do Maintiance


  5. yo lancelot do u have to make a big deal over everything i post all i need is my rank transfered to Tekkit from skyfactory2.5 if you have nothing of interest to say / type then plz don't message it says to brunyman Thx

    1. Lancelot


      I do not know what about you are upset. When an issue is open on forum we need to solve it and eventually close the topic. Your request for money refund was not closed so i did it after I realized you do not want money refund anymore but you want rank transfer.

      To help you even more I moved your post from SkyFactory forum to proper place for Rank Transfer and I added you a link to template you should use when requesting Rank Transfer. To make things right you should also ask to close your duplicate topic in Tekkit forum about Rank Transfer.

      It just does not help you if you send duplicate request in wrong forums and without all needed information. Template ios used to make it easyer for bruny to make your request. If you provide proof of you owning the rank it will just make it much more faster for bruny to make transfer

    2. JT_ELITE19


      Thx lancelot i would like to post the the rank refund was a troll played by my older stupid brother that will do anything to make me look dumb ..

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