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Darknesscafted last won the day on September 10 2018

Darknesscafted had the most liked content!


About Darknesscafted

  • Birthday 02/18/2004

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  • Location:
    Somewhere, stalkers

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Stone Miner

Stone Miner (6/26)



  1. No template for this, so lets just wing it On stoneblock 2 (duh) i have the sponsor+ rank, and along with it SOME of its perks, ex. /nick multiple homes ect. however I don't have permissions to stuff like jei to change day or weather or stuff like that. also i don't have world edit. which i thought i did before? atleast i did on sf2. but that has to be requested so im less worried about that. TL;DR Fix my rank permission please.
  2. Currently the emc link outputs 2.1b items if you put a storage bus on it, which is fine for the most part, but if you try to autocraft with ae2 when you have those storage buses it will overload the server and crash. My request is changing the value from 2.1b to say 100k. It can be changed in the config, and will still supply and infinite amount. It just wont crash the server this way
  3. enigmatica 2 expert sounds like a good choice in my opinion
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