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Everything posted by Waldhein

  1. Dear Server Staff, we expirience alot of TPS problems on the server. Can you pls take a look and try to find out what couses the Problems. Becouse when the server restarts, TPS are down to 5 - 7 atm. It does not get better. Last couple of days it get worst and its kind of impossible to play. Wem would apreciate when you come and take a look. WArm Regards Waldhein
  2. Hello my Dear Staff, it would be nice if we could solve the problem, becouse i am lost now xD Kindly i ask for assistance. Warm Regards Wadli
  3. Player: Waldhein City: Clan Coord: x5, z2314, y50 Problem: Hey there, i cant save this recipe in the Knowladge Inscriber (Item: 2518). It gives me the option that i can save it , but when i press the buttom nothing happens.
  4. Problem- Alloy Smeltory (ender io) is not working, "it suddenly stopped working, and starts again when it want to" Cause- As much as i know, it has something to do with the prevention of server lag. Solution- The most recipes for an Alloy Smeltory can be replaced by an Induction Smeltroy.The Recipes wich cant replaced, i recomment bigger setup for Alloy Smeltroy, wich is nonstop processing, for example "Energetic Alloy". Of course with an World Anchor (Chunkloader). Dont forget that Chunkloaders should not be in same Chunk as your cables and multiblock-structers
  5. yeah congratz, and thank you for your effort!
  6. WaldheinItem Name + Amount: Hungry node Coordinates: Townname: x:38 / y: 50 / z: 2310 ClanDescription of Issue: Somehow after teleporting the node to the machine room, it get destroyed, Screenshots (Optional): Command: here is a link to the command : https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/2qzo7a/is_there_a_command_to_spawn_a_node/
  7. Hi there, i would like to have my rank reactivated on the server, ty Nick: Waldhein Regards
  8. The chickens raining down in your world are an easter egg from the Portal Gun mod. If you would like to remove them you can do the following: Go into the config folder for whatever instance you want to disable them on. Find the PortalGun (PortalGun.cfg) file, and open it. If you're not used to editing config files, right click and select "Open with..". Then select notepad or wordpad to open the file. Locate the line "I:easterEgg=1" (line 147 in PO2, should be close to the same in other packs). Change the 1 to a 0 (now reads "I:easterEgg=0") Save your change and then restart your game for it to take effect.
  9. Your Name: Waldhein Town Name: DeadHand Coordinates of Town: Town members: maximen39; Luckyverse Reason for request: Cant expand my territory Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended): maximen39 (4 months 12 Days) Luckyverse (4 months 12 Days)
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