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About TheNamesJosh

  • Birthday 04/01/2000

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    Your Dads..
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  1. Same issue here sit here frozen. On a different server. Do they work for you on craftersland?
  2. Account Name: TheNamesJosh_ Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: /god, /Time set Reason for Request*: God mode for having fun and playing around and testing different features and experiments if using creative items in survival. Time set for adjusting the time to day or night for myself, or others if that's possible.
  3. Issue here also ;/ Wires disappear on restart, however there was a fix like 3 years ago? not sure why the wires are still disappearing.. Wanted to base my base around immersive ;/
  4. Account Name: TheNamesJosh_ Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: //Wand (world edit) Reason for Request*: Wanting to terraform my base or change blocks and remove land, and world edit is perfect for that. I have experience with world edit so I know what todo and not todo. More commands later.
  5. And I would like to have the issue resolved before the 50% off as I was expecting to buy a rank with it if this issue gets resolved fast enough.. Or a discount afterwards if this isn't fixed
  6. In game name: TheNamesJosh_ ie. Old name: MeatyJosh Proof of Purchase: Transaction ID: 61A994300A5347122 Description of Issue: Trying to purchase a rank upgrade to sponsor and It's not giving me a discounted rate for the diference from premium+ to sponsor. Time/Date of Purchase (day/month/year): 02/26/18 Items/Rank Bought: Prem+ to sponsor Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information: old name was meatyjosh, and most likely is what's causing me issues.
  7. I love the Idea of a mall. You do /Warp Mall and it brings you to maybe another flat world, basically plots where players can build shops, sign shops or however managment decides to go on this. Or something like SSundees old prison series where a mall is made, and you can create a shop by claiming a section in a real mall and make player based shops besides /market, But the limitation would be what happens when room runs out in the mall, all claims taken? or can a plot world be modified and built(walkways, floor, ceiling etc) to look like your on a mall between different claims. Something where you can modify in configs the spacing between the plots and which block is what. Example here:
  8. True on the spawn part, Looks good. Keep up the work.
  9. Hopefully Someone gets to it! I heard you speak about this in chat!.
  10. Nice, Looking good. Would Love to see it for myself! Keep it up
  11. Granted, however, you cant find anything relatively close, everything is distant light. Not physical. I wish to fly instead of driving
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