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Posts posted by Ramma

  1. Hey Sky Factory 4 players,

    So you decided to play on our Sky Factory 4 server? That's Awesome! this post is to give you a quick start on the basic commands to get you started!


    A few things before you start:

    The server IP is: sf4.craftersland.net

    The server is not on prestige mode

    Certain aspects of the modpack will be disabled due to prestige mode being disabled, example being Project E.

    We have a restricted items list: 


    And of course the rules, which I highly suggest you read so you don't get into trouble: 




    To create your own island and invite friends the following commands are:

    /is create - this creates your island!

    /is tp - teleports you to your island.

    /is invite <username> - this will allow you to invite and trust a friend on your island,

    /trust <username> allows you to trust someone but not invite them to your island

    /is kick <username> - will kick a user from your island

    /is reset - basically if you've reached end game or you're not happy with how your island looks you can always reset it.


    Create a clan with friends:

    /clan create <clanTag> <clanName>  Will allow you to create a clan of your liking, please note it cannot impersonate staff, break any rules. If your clan is found violating our rules, the clan will be disbanded.

    /clan invite <username> - allows you to invite a friend 

    /clan accept - accepts the invite you've recieved to join a clan!

    /clan deny - declines an invite to an invited clan

    /cc - this is clan chat so you can talk to your clan members!

    /clan resign - allows you to leave your current clan


    A few general tips:

    Is your AE2 network not working? can't craft, put or take out items? this is pretty common actually, check if you have a security terminal attached to your network. If you do, that's more than likely your reason, just break it and place it down again. This is insanely common in AE2 

    When creating a twilight/hunting/end/nether cake and wanting to use /spawn you'll be teleported under spawn and ontop of bedrock, simple fix is to issue /spawn again and you'll be at spawn.

    Don't know a recipe? getting confused about how to make something? JEI is your friend, just Press E and at the bottom there's a search bar, enter the item you wish to see the recipe for, look to your right and your item should be there. Press R to see the recipe and U for the uses. 

    Below is a tab of what machines/tools your searched item can go into to.


    If you have any issues or questions you can ask me or the Sky Factory 4 staff team in Craftersland Discord and we'll be happy to assist you!

    And that's a quick starters guide to Sky Factory 4! Look forward to seeing you in game!

  2. Hey, 

    I think this would be an amazing addition to the Continuum Server for a couple of reasons, which are:

    The free lava at spawn, currently as it stands the free lava at spawn is not chunkloaded which results in anyone using the littlest bit of lava from the tanks instantly drains it, so it being un chunkloaded defeats the who purpose of having free lava at the spawn, same goes for the free water.

    People's bases/space stations etc, as you stated on discord, it's annoying to have to go back and forth to remake materials because you cannot chunk load your ME System with a quantum ring, and a chunkloader would be able to fix this, it would also be able to fix power issues that could occur such as someones reactor or solar panels not being loaded so their machines that require power won't get that and do their jobs.

    I was looking around for alternatives to add as chunkloading that wouldn't require other users to install mods and what I found was:

    I managed to get it working with a few hiccups, it's all depending on the server managers if they're willing to implement this, but overral I agree with your suggestion of adding chunkloaders, it'll improve the overall quality of life for continuum. But as it currently stands I don't know if the managers/bruny has anything planned for Continuum and adding chunkloaders.

    Thanks for the suggestion and I hope it gets implemented into Continuum, since it'll help out alot of players.


  3. In-game Name: LeRamma
    Rank: Sponsor +
    Current Server: Cont
    New Server: Infinity Evolved
    Proof of Ownership (Optional): 
    Special perms*:  N/A


    PS: I'd like to extend my insane amount of appology towards the staff dealing with my annoying transfers, the reasoning behind my recent ones I wanted to try a pack but It didn't feel right without my s+, I was wondering if this transfer gets accepted could my ability to transfer be revoked? I understand comepltly how annoying i'm being with this, and again i'd like to extend my insane sorry towards who ever has to deal with this. Again I'm sorry for requesting another transfer and I'll be no longer transfering away from Infinity Evolved, I just wanted to experience the other packs :( 

  4. In-game Name: LeRamma
    Rank: Sponsor +
    Current Server: tekkit
    New Server: Infinity Evolved
    Proof of Ownership (Optional): 
    Special perms*:  N/A


    PS: Reasoning for instant swap back to IE, was because the server for IE was unstable and i couldn't enjoy the perks of my rank so I decided to transfer it back to Tekkit to enjoy the perks of it but it seems the issues for IE have been resovled i'm sorry for asking again in such short time of a recent transfer :(

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