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Everything posted by BloodSkals

  1. Account Name: BloodSkals Rank: Premium+ Requested Commands^: /speed, WorldEdit Reason for Request*: I've got Sponsor on another server - I don't remember which - so I'd like to still request commands if possible. I was already granted WorldEdit on other occasions and never abused it. I like to make large builds and flatten/reshape slightly areas which is handy with WorldEdit. /speed is simply handy to move faster Thank you, in advance ! BloodSkals
  2. Thanks both of you @BionicalGaming @eytixis ! I still have the tagged items, I don't know if they are in my inventory though. I'll dm you on Discord when I'll be online if that works for you .
  3. Account Name: BloodSkals Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: /god, /weather, /time set, world edit, /speed Reason for Request*: * God because why not, building peacefully without getting annoyed by mobs * Weather for stopping rain * Time set for skipping bloodmoons & general purpose (I know we need to ask the other players first) * World edit because I like to build you know me * Speed for... speed Thank you !
  4. You're welcome
  5. This is a known bug and you have to pay to reach the last level of the monk mod...
  6. Thanks for the multipliers, we're not leaving empty-handed at least ! However about blacklisting the entities of MineColonies I don't think it will affect the server, the limit is 50 NPCs spread over 100 000 blocks (Max colony size by default is 20x20 chunks, which is equel to 400 chunks so 102 400 blocks), even counting 500 constant entities for 10 players (unlikely to happen) it's only a drop in the ocean compared to the mob farms which are concentrated on a single chunk, but that's my personal opinion. Also I'd like you to keep in mind that the colony is not loaded if no player is close, what I proposed as a first fix is only to make the NPCs work as long as a player is in range but more than 16 blocks away, since this is a bug that is not and will not be fixed by the devs (abandonned version). Fixing the bug is exactly what I proposed... The whole colony doesn't work at the same time, but at least more than 1/50 can work with that fix. But again, thanks though for what you've granted, it'll surely help a lot for building.
  7. In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about) Salt9264 Your name: (Optional) BloodSkals Time and date: 12-10-20, 00:40 UTC+2 Description of what happened: I was wandering around when Salt9264 asked about something, then I answered him, after what he used the /invsee command to spy on my inventory, telling me I had a nice shuriken. Hating this kind of attitude, I told him to stop using that command on me because that's intrusive and I don't like that. He firstly didn't get the point of my sentence, then I kept telling him to keep his hands in his pockets. Undertakerin joined the conversation saying it's useful to spot cheaters/hackers, which I replied that I don't care and it's the staff job to do that, players are not the police of the server. Salt9264 laughed at me and said "What am gonna do steal ???" After what he tagged all my "normal" items in my inventory with his creative mode through the command /invsee. Screenshots or Proof: etc.
  8. I forgot to add children growth rate. It's been more than 10 hours and not a single children grew up. I currently have too much children... lol.
  9. Hello, as you know MineColonies has some bugs or problems that are often related to the server hardware or Sponge. It'd be great if you could fix them please, it's very easy to do, you only need to modify the minecolonies.cfg file. First issue : When you are 16 blocks away of your colony the NPCs stop working as they stutter or totally freeze, it's a known Sponge issue and here they propose a fix : https://github.com/ldtteam/minecolonies/issues/721 Second issue : As the server is very laggy the NPCs are building and breaking blocks at a very slow pace, which could be enhanced by lowering the values of these lines : Thanks
  10. 13 players said no and 17 said yes, the numbers are almost equals and you still decide to wipe it, you could've say from the start that the players opinion don't matter.
  11. Hello, the title almost says it all. A few rewards are quite useless and it would be cool to change them. For example, in the mystic crate you can get in-game 2500$, which is not even enough to buy 2 ultra ball. The in-game 5000$ is enough to buy 3 ultra ball only. The money rewards should be increased to fit with the rarity of the box and the in-game prices of the items. Another example in the mystic crate is the orb. It is a common drop everyone can get and, to me, it doesn't belong to a mystic crate.
  12. Hello there ! Are you a newbie trying to explore some dungeons/structures but you're tired of seeing them already explored and all those loots you could've get ? Or maybe a veteran but you didn't know this trick ? Do you think a WIPE is the only solution ? Well here I have your solution ! Simply put, all you need is a hunting dimension portal which create an alternative overworld dimension filled with unexplored dungeons/structures. It also had a lot of dragons' nests. So, how to craft the portal ? First step : Get yourself some wood (32) Second step : Craft some arrows (4) Third step : Craft some hunting dimension frame (16) Fourth step : Assemble the portal, just like a nether portal , and light it (Almost any weapon works to light it) Fifth step : Sneak on the portal and enjoy the exploration !
  13. Thank you for the the servers, it's still cool to play on and once bored from a modpack, there are plenty of other modpacks to explore in this community. One good resolution for 2020 would be more involvement from some staff in getting closer to their community as some aren't at all (or very little), including you, no offense, and more transparency about what you guys do. Players or staff, we're all people and gamers, some friendly relationship is never too much. Happy New Year !
  14. I can but I won't. Same for the turrets, I won't disable them. It's not fair play but not forbidden. Rule 5 is applying in case of Player VS Player and I was offline when it happened, also the turrets gives a WARNING that you enter a protected area and shouldn't go further. Istoricu didn't take in account any of those warning as he died after passing the first turret and died from the second. You can verify that with the position of his grave and the turrets disposition. He died on his own after going too far, he had the choice to leave but he didn't. Did I say those turrets are legit ? No, so don't act as I deny it. I won't take time to argue about this, donators do not have any more rights than non-donators.
  15. Do not get mad at me, people tend to forget this is still a PVP server and you came inside my claim which is my base so you shouldn't act surprised though. The result would have been the same if I killed you myself. Also, keep in mind bases that aren't loaded can't create lag and as I didn't play for two days I'm not responsible of any lag or crash issue. Thanks for understanding.
  16. Hello, turrets are made to defend the base against intruders as it is a PVP server, sorry for your loss but I can't help you.
  17. The votes are rigged, there is a player who sends pm to people from other servers to vote for this one. His Discord name is : adi2062#8403
  18. Aye man it's better than nothing though
  19. Both of them are Judge now
  20. Hello, Post your topic here : https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/248-dw-112-technical-support/ And follow this template if you lost items : https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/25969-template-refund-request/ Or this one if the blocs were on your claim : https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/25968-template-claim-rollback-request/ Also keep in mind that Refined Storage is quite buggy, use AE2 instead !
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