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Everything posted by Magical_Coww

  1. I love minitermi
  2. Account Name: Magical_Coww Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: /speed,/god and could my timers/cooldowns be removed Reason for Request*: /speed is for getting around the world faster and /god is for safe afking and well cooldowns being removed just makes life easier.
  3. Hello, Sorry for the long wait time. Do note that due to VERY busy times over here at Craftersland LLC we unfortunately have to delay the reply for this report for another 2 years. Yours truly, Magical_Coww
  4. Sorry but we need proof for the refund request.
  5. Granted, but the thread will end here
  6. Ah yes, its very hard to find the correct subforum and post there.
  7. Wipe wont bring people back to a dead server
  8. If you do not use this model, your topic will be locked. Copy and paste this model to start the process of your complaint. Title: [Complaint] (Player Name) In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about)Your username (Optional):Time and Date: Description of what happened: (In chronological order) Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below) If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one! Thanks for your help keeping our servers clean.
  9. Moved to SB2
  10. Hello what server is this for?
  11. Hello what server is this for?
  12. Moved to Network
  13. Moved to Revelation
  14. Hi, what server is this for?
  15. If it's not claimed then yes. Message me on discord if you want help with tesseracts or anything else. Magical_Coww#8682
  16. Correct. You have a limited amount of claims so make sure to watch out for that. To check how many claims you have left do /t info. You can also unclaim by doing /t unclaim. If you want to quarry in your claim make sure to do /t perm town set bc true
  17. So first you have to make a town with /t new name-of-the-town that also claims your first chunk. Once you've done that you can do /t claim to claim chunks, claims have to be connected. To see what you've claimed do /t map and to see chunks press F9.
  18. Can someone move this to General discussion?
  19. I have no idea where to post this so Ill post it here. Please fix the grammar,capitalization,font size and color on the website. I probably missed something but you get the point. Example down below is from Skyfactory Sponsor rank. That is not the only place with those errors. I am sick and can not be bothered to get more examples.
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