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iiTzFermin_ last won the day on February 22 2021

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About iiTzFermin_

  • Birthday February 10

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    Discord: ¡¡TzFermin_#1903

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    Uruguay :D
  • Interests
    "Programming-Minecraft Construction"

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  1. Hi, and why no add a basic kit for new players and a random tp in the spawn ? Now there is a rule that prohibits killing a player multiple times (also new players) PvP is allowed, however, you can only engage in PvP in the wilderness. PvP in claimed land is not allowed. You are not allowed to engage in PvP whilst using donator permissions (fly, god, creative mode, ...) or creative influenced items. Spawn camping in AssassinS is not allowed. Allow players to venture into the map before engaging in PvP. Punishments: - 1st offence = kick with warning - 2nd offence = 1 hour jail - 3rd offence = 1 day ban - 4th+ offence = 2 day ban Have a nice day!!
  2. @brunyman, if you allow me i would like to apply the zone and protect it together with the spawn of PureSurvival I need your answer as soon as possible, on the 26th onwards i will no longer have time, the World Edit is outdated it is working very badly and if or if i will need this tool Guys thank much for the support, the post became popular thanks to you!! Thank You!!
  3. Moved to [Technical support tekkit]
  4. iiTzFermin_


    Hi, today i make this post on behalf of all network players!! @xtomyserrax,The network needs you or rather we all need, have an incredible ability to fix bugs, among other things i know that you are tired of fighting for the network but donnot give up, you always fought you and nerver gave up, today we want to ask you to come back. I know that you are not going to ignore the community, you are the hope that remains and i am sure you do not want to see how the network falls, i know you can recover the staff of network, you know how, give them hope, teach them that you can make a change Tomy come back please @brunyman, We fully understand the excess of work that you have but that is not a reason for you to leave us we do everything in our power the staff leaves for this reason they feel ignored, hope is lost and whem that happens frustration comes we try to call the attention in an annoying way, in the case of the network, the only thing we ask is that you update the servers to the latest version, the other servers are outdated, such as AC,Hiipo plot survival, Skyblock and Creative ETC, there are players who play these servers and we always have to be drawing attention in some way to update the servers (when you go to update any server to the latest version, update all servers at least the most played) please, i hope your answer and that you understand how the staff feels Please they share this post and i hope they support this post!! Sorry for my english Have a nice day!!
  5. Hi, you must do the post in english for that the administration can help Have a nice day!!
  6. Hi, this would also apply in Network ? The highest level of abuse is concentrated in Netwrok it is regrettable but it is the truth PureSurvival's server crashed more than once due to massive griefings and this they manage to do thanks to the creative It would be great to open a vote pool
  7. Hi, I could not agree more Not only in GTNH server they have this problem in Network we go through the same mainly in PureSurvival The permission of the creative ruins a survival it is very frustrating to be playing a survival progressing little by little and that the players with this permission take everything of the creative, as well as the creative opens the doors to endless abuses Sorry for my english
  8. Hey, a couple of months ago I presented an idea to change the way get money in PureSurvival ¿What was that idea? -Add NPC's with different roles, where players can sell different kinds of things depending on the role of the NPC, for example the butcher, where players can sell different kinds of meat the blacksmith, where they can sell their ores etc.. I made the zone where these buyers could live https://imgur.com/a/26nLLuT The place where it would be great to place this zone is the following https://imgur.com/a/N6LgjtY This zone would include 6 stores with the following roles: the blacksmith, the butcher, the florist, the fisherman, the farmer and the lumberjack I want to clarify something this zone will not replace the market of the spawn, will see a little difference, in the spawn market you can buy things but not sell them in this zone, you can sell things instantly!! Maybe some are wondering this question, ¿What about players who have GM1 with tag,could they get infinite money ? -Well let me tell you that NPC's are not going to accept things from GM1 https://imgur.com/a/NQ6Mg6r The players of PureSurvival months ago were requesting this let is wait for @brunyman to give us your answer Your suggestions and opinions are welcome support this post thank much!! Have a nice day!!
  9. Hey, no need to tag Managers Have a nice day!!
  10. Hi, please they keep the lenguage requested for the forum
  11. It is true, but you weren not building for yourself, you were building for two other players who don not have permission (Creative) You made farms for the players with mob egg taken from the creative (they had the spawn by KSV_Hunter) after a few seconds you broke all the farms I explained to you at that moment what you did [8] No PvPing with creative or spawned items: 1st offense = 1 day ban 2nd offense = 2 day ban 3rd offense = 4 days ban 4th offense = 12 days ban This includes any special permission that may have been given by Sponsor command requesting. If you abuse Sponsor commands then you will lose all requested commands and the ability to request more commands. Flying while pvp is a 15 minute jail as a 1st offense, the following this rules' offenses Using the creative permission to benefit other players is an abuse of the permission granted by the Premium+ rank for the next Unban Requests you must follow the following template:
  12. Hi, which server do you play on (Network or server modded)?
  13. Hello Speaking of new players, why not add a super basic kit for newcomers? op players take advantage of new players as they have nothing to start with. Another topic that i would like to touch on (Spawn Camping) i was seeing some suggestions made by a fellow staff Suggestion 1 seems great to me as well as Suggestions 2 in general they are all very good. Have a nice day!!
  14. Hi,my idea is to add the NPCs when bruny decides to remove the GM1 from pure survival, the duplication problem was fixed. right now in pure the sponsors and premium+ can have infinite money, clearly abusing the GM1. @xByrad i thought they would say that and why i suggested making an exclusive world or change creative, they will not lose permission rather move it and in pure they will continue to have /fly. I don not see any sense to this advantage but hey, it came to mind why not add warp as in (AC) that there is warp Vip,Premium,Sponsor what do they think? it would be possible to add armors with prote 5 clearly with a fair price among other things!! Thank much for your opinions and suggestions.
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