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BabelUno_ last won the day on May 29 2021

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About BabelUno_

  • Birthday 09/09/1996

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    Brazil/Sao Paulo
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  1. I totally agree with you. Thank you for taking the time to make these types of posts.
  2. BabelUno_

    [Pvp AC]

    What's up, me again I wanted to propose a nerf in the rifle, this item makes the pvp much faster and a little more boring, But why? Simple, with a simple headshot bearing shadow armor and helmet of diamond, "The most powerful armor" He removes 11 hearts "rifle 20 + 6 + poison" / Long range" and without any armor is an instant death. Example of the first rifle : https://vimeo.com/556401285 There are several types of combinations but this is the strongest and I feel that it unbalances the pvp strongly. What could be done? Easy, lower 2 to 4 power points to each existing rifle.
  3. It was just a crazy idea, like the first one. But it is not bad to propose it, in the end when you make the decision it is better to know the whole picture
  4. And if you add the / god command for people who don't like pvp and just want to hang around, this is in order to clearly replace / fly. @Jimmel
  5. @MiniTermi77 Yes, or someting similar
  6. Hello, I wanted to propose to remove the fly in the highest ranks, this in order to encourage the true nature of the server, It could be replaced by a command block or a command to save some point of parkour and thus return quickly and it would only be granted to said range. A bit of a crazy idea but maybe it will have an interesting impact on the modality
  7. Wow what a great idea, I hope it is implemented!
  8. What a great job, good luck! You will need it.
  9. @EPICfighters @Ness27 Bump**?
  10. Bump @EPICfighters @Ness27
  11. ¡ Hi Good night ! Account Name: BabelUno_ Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands: /afk, /time set, /weather, /tpa without cooldown and /workbench bc for some reason I can't craft anything (AssassinsCraft) Reason for Request: just for fun I would appreciate if you also add me rank in the forum Ty
  12. Bumpiiiiiiiii******
  13. **BUMP @Ness27 @EPICfighters @Henk @brunyman
  14. **BUMP
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