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Maninskie old acc

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Maninskie old acc last won the day on March 21 2023

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About Maninskie old acc

  • Birthday 08/22/2022

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  1. Do a rank reactivation instead
  2. i made that comment mostly as a joke, but in bus simulator ultimate i did get a 40k bus and i have about 30 hours in among us. when i made that comment i mostly played empyrion galactic survival tho.
  3. Last time me and my friends played this one modpack, not a ton of mods, about 100 if i remember correctly, And most of these were QOL mods. To be honest this would be a great choice for players with low-end devices that would like to play a good modpack without much lag or anything. This modpack features for example: Draconic Evolution, IndustrialCraft 2, ProjectE, Thaumcraft and way more than what i just mentioned. It's a compilation of Tech, Magic and other kinds of mods. It doesn't have a clear goal, although the creators said that it most likely will in the near future, also it's a WIP, so stay tuned for new content and other updates. The modpack can be played in a lot of ways, it has a lot of paths, and all of them will be connected and necessary to create the end goal, which as i mentioned before isn't implemented yet. I honestly think the modpack very accurately reflects the spirit of craftersland servers and definitely should be hosted on modded craftersland. Hopefully brunyman will make the right decision and decide to host a server with the modpack. It's one of my favorite modpacks and i would be happy if craftersland community tried it out as well! Also there's the necessary info: Hot Garbage - 1.7.10 - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/hot-garbage PS: I apologize for any spelling errors and such. I just wanted to show you guys the details of this modpack and wanted to convince you to play it, also don't get fooled by the name, its a really neat modpack, thx for reading.
  4. Your Name: Maninskie Item Name + Amount: a wall that was eaten by bik dog (1) Coordinates: 6073 9318 136 Description of Issue: wall was eaten by bik dok Screenshots (Optional): Sadly i don't have the screenshot before the accident, but i have a screenshot after it got destroyed
  5. It usually does but then it dies again, also im looking forward to try out continuum cause i never played it so thats cool
  6. Bus Simulator Ultimate or amongus - game nice
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