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Nomifactory Admin
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Everything posted by sreny1

  1. Just to make this clear: that series is on hard mode, the server is not on hard mode
  2. Thanks alot! that seems to also have fixed this one:
  3. me trying to craft it: JEI: works fine in a singleplayer world for me
  4. alot of the ingots you get from crates return invalid items list of ingots i'm aware of: vote crate: copper lead tin nickel silver aluminium legendary: ingots supply platinum electrum invar bronze also: draconium ingot from vote crate is useless, since its not the gregtech one same for enderium, lumium and signalum probably also: awakend draconium from legendary crate
  5. drawer upgrade template item is broken (also not craftable) neither me nor Filiz_ were able to craft it In singleplayer it works fine for me getting this Errors when joining:
  6. yeah, processing arrays are exactly what they got, i just couldn't remember the name especially with allowing for multiple of the same input port (optionally seeing them as separate inputs to avoid recipe conflicts) its so nice for automating things
  7. not sure if that "under active development" part is a positive for this one - looking at how often the server got updated btw: the multiblock to combine multiple of the same machine also exists in nomifactory - only difference i think is its up to 16 machines and CEu allows up to 64 machines
  8. If the Vote decides for updating to Nomifactory: You probably want to update to one of the more recent versions on their Github: https://github.com/Nomifactory/Nomifactory/actions (instead of the one on Curseforge thats 8 months old by now) Those can also be easily imported into Curseforge, FTB App or PolyMC (anything that allows Curseforge imports really)
  9. my bad, wrong date. meant 02/08/2022
  10. Your Name: sreny1 Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6730 11 -1368 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 20:00 GMT 02/08/2022 Description of Issue: All my astral sorcery knowledge is gone
  11. Your Name: sreny1 Item Name + Amount: chaotic bee: 12 Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6730 11 -1368 Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: - Description of Issue: due to a restart without countdown 12 of the 32 refunded bees from this were lost
  12. Your Name: sreny1 Item Name + Amount: chaotic bee: 32 some other bees that aren't really needed anymore and are easy to replace myself Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6730 11 -1368 Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: - Description of Issue: While this was happening (crashing multiple times due to some item): Someone on the Server skipped multiple days and for some reason my reactor was stil loaded (while i was not online) leading to the waste tank overfilling, causing radiation and killing all my bees in the process.
  13. Your Name: sreny1 Coordinates: why do we need this? Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 8:00 am GMT 28/07/2022 Description of Issue: when i open my inventory my client crashes with NullPointerException Screenshots (Optional): Might be able to fix this another way - Seems to only crash when i hit shift fixed
  14. all looking nice, you want me to trash the crate keys that got rolled back with my inv?
  15. Your Name: sreny1 Coordinates: my inventory got no coordinates Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): about 1h ago (4pm gmt+2, 3rd of September 2021) Description of Issue: my inventory got cleared while opening crates (besides the bauble slots and cyclic inventory expansion) Screenshots (Optional):
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