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Nomifactory Admin
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Everything posted by sreny1

  1. @sonyx Nomifactory feels left out again... also i notice some other servers missing too, is there just noone voting on there?
  2. possibly chunkloading issue?
  3. also no time zone
  4. Your Name: sreny1 Item Name + Amount: 1x Middle Backpack 1x Advanced Pump II (HV) 96x Mining Pipe (IC2) 3x Advanced Combustion Generator (MV) 1x Turbo Combustion Generator (HV) 2x personal chunk loader 1x passive chunk loader Voiding Drop Filter + Item Filter (RandomThings) 16x Ender Fluid Conduit Coordinates: X 2951 Y 58 Z -1128 Description of Issue: my backpack randomly disappeared with all its contents i used it maybe a minute before i noticed it missing since i was just moving stuff around sadly the backpack had around 40 items in it and i struggle to remember most of them Screenshots (Optional): sadly dont got any to help with my memory
  5. you know you can build your space station in space? really no need to build out a big structure like that on the launchpad. Just get that spacestation id, fly your rocket there and start building
  6. but then it wouldn't be random anymore also sounds like no quick task
  7. oh really? i stil run into being able to vote, but not get the daily reward all the time
  8. Not sure where to put this, as i couldn't find a space for general suggestions. So i went for vanilla suggestions i find it pretty annoying when you can vote on all the vote sites, but cant get your daily reward in yet, because 24h didnt pass yet. Would it be possible (with low effort) to change this to reset at a fixed time daily? Other solution could be to reduce the time to maybe 22h so you can always get it around the same time +-1h As it is now its just annoying that you can get all the votes through, but not the daily reward, which for me often ends up in forgetting about it and then having a even later time for the next day
  9. for all of us, since this is a general issue that just hit me first
  10. other side effect of the cause of this issue: blocks mined by miner count towards jobs
  11. ign: sreny1 coords (grave): mining dimension -32 94 -257 (/warp mining) coords (my base): overworld 2951 58 -1128 I got a grave at mining Dimension warp that i can not break due to the protected area the grave has all my tools and stuff in it, could someone help me retrieve those items?
  12. @3XJ why is nomifactory missing in that list?
  13. this is with an active hv pump.. makes it almost impossible to tp between mining dim and overworld
  14. There seems to be a bug in the plugin that does the teleport delay, when combined with gregtech pumps/miners. When you got on of those in use, the teleport often gets canceled without any additional message in chat as can be seen in this screenshot: As you can see it took 4 attempts until the teleport finally went through This was with mv miner("Good Miner") running and i can only imagine it to be worse when using higher tiers (mv needs 4 secs per block, hv would be 2 secs per block, which might cancel just about any teleport since it matches the delay time) would it be possible for the delay to get lowered/disabled due to this issue?
  15. Your Name: sreny1 Town Name: AmogusVitalya Coordinates: x: 3017 z: -1205 Description of Issue: This Town belongs to a player that hasnt been online for 8 months and its too close to my town for me to expand any more in that direction The Town is claiming 8 chunks of a looted dungeon and all i could find from the player was a bed and a chest in the structure above the dungeon Screenshots (Optional):
  16. The Nomifactory discord has a channel dedicated to advertising servers, however only the owner or someone with permission from the owner can do so: If you want to get some new players into the network and expand this servers player base it might be beneficial to plug the server there. Probably worth to mention are the fixes for launchpad and red coal
  17. with every restart my bcl chunkloaders in the end break - "Loaded: False": (note "Server: CLContinuum" is wrong - its actually Nomifactory CEu) these 2 chunkloaders are neither working nor can i delete them. the iron block is removed long ago chunk loading ward works, so you might just want to disable them in the end for now? ps: would be nice if someone could delete those 2 chunkloaders for me. I would be fine with deleting all my bcl chunkloaders to fix it
  18. BCL Chunkloaders dont seem to work on the moon: when i rightclick an iron block with a blaze rod on the moon nothing happens probably just a dimension to add in the bcl config note: might want to check if this issue also applies to the moon:
  19. Crates have been fixed 3 days ago
  20. possibly have both for some time and then reevaluate if Tekkit stays or not
  21. The recipe for Launch pad looks like this rn: the issue appears to be caused by the oredict name provided in the recipe refering to nothing The Script right now has this recipe in it: // Launch Pad recipes.remove(<advancedrocketry:launchpad>); makeShaped("ar_launchpad", <advancedrocketry:launchpad> * 9, [ "CCC", "CCC", "CCC", ], { C: <ore:stoneConcrete> }); located in scripts\AdvRockery.zs To fix this i would suggest replacing the "ore:stoneConcrete" with "gregtech:stone_smooth:4" That makes it craftable from gregtechs light concrete, like it was before:
  22. yes, as mentioned in this Topic:
  23. issue described here: https://github.com/tracer4b/nomi-ceu/issues/84 can we get an alternative (for example trading red coal for red coal without an nbt tag)? there is a pr that you might be able to just copy into server script: https://github.com/tracer4b/nomi-ceu/pull/93/commits It adds this recipe: In the current state you just can not progress any more and who knows when they actually roll out this fix on curseforge.. pull request has been sitting there for 8 days and since people seem to like ignoring server issues that seem easy to fix.. @brunyman @Kaszanka_1234@eytixis @D34DPlayer @3XJ @Ness27 and not to forget:@ManYouForgot
  24. a week has passed
  25. Just to make this clear: that series is on nomifactory, while the server is on nomifactory CEu Edition - which comes with alot of changes in recipes and machines
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