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iCekkaZ last won the day on June 21 2021

iCekkaZ had the most liked content!

About iCekkaZ

  • Birthday 05/15/2002

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  1. I had the privilege of visiting the amazing building. Really good
  2. Nice idea, I agree. Regarding a new players, it would be better to give them a basic pvp kit so that they can defend themselves a bit instead of installing a new plugin.
  3. Hi!! There aren't requeriments because at the moment there is not "streamer rank". If someday it is considered appropriate to put that rank you will know it because it will be posted here in the forum. Have a nice day!
  4. Sorry for bothering you again, but I still don't have the commands and when I join a clan, I am expelled. I do not know if I will be bug and I have to reactivate my account or what. Like I said, sorry for the trouble, have a nice day!
  5. Bump* I will not lose hope xD
  6. no arruines el sueƱo del pibe negrito
  7. bump bump ;Ccccc
  8. *BUMP* :c
  9. *BUMP* :v
  10. Account Name: iCekkaZ Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands: /afk, /skull, /time set, /speed, /weather, /hat, /tpa without cooldown and /workbench bc for some reason I can't craft anything (AssassinsCraft) Reason for Request: all the sponsors have it except me :vvv. Just for fun
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