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Pickaxe chat for iOS


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I realise that pickaxe chat is only for android and samsung(?) but is it possible to get a 2nd mobile chat plugin so that we with iPhones could also access the chat from it? :-)

I'd love to be able to moderate the chat even though I'm not home. 

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43 minutes ago, Powerwarp said:

You can use MineChat, I used to use it when I had an iPhone

Hey power. Exist a way to connect to ACV1 with Minechat? like a command. I mean when you are in the hub you need to access to the compass and then to the slime ball.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 I posted it a few posts ago, i can add the server and it shows up with players and all, but I can't connect. All I get it protocol timeout, for the record I don't think I've ever seen anyone connect to IE using Pickaxe chat, so perhaps it's a problem for everyone? Can you try it out with your phone?

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Try signing out of the app and back. The other issue may be connection speed. If your client takes too long to connect, that means it will time out because the data transfer rate was too slow. The other issue may be that you have too many differing modded clients connected. YOu could try having only the one server on the app at a time, though I doubt that would be convenient for you.

I haven't had any problem using pickaxe chat to login to IE and DW20, except for when i'm not able to transfer enough data at a time to log in. That's when I get a time out error.

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But you do have an android, and are actually using the "pickaxe chat" @quagma? I can't as I have an iphone so I need to use minechat, and the number of servers you see there are not mine, they are featured and sponsored ones as I'm using the lite version. That could of course be why,... but the other version costs plentyful and I feel the odds of that one working out is so slim. All I'm going on is that powerwarp once said he got it working on his iphone, but it feels like it doesn't anymore.

So I'd like to suggest that we also add a minechat plugin to the server...? ;-)

edit: i actually bought the app, still doesn't work.

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Although I use pickaxe chat on Android, what I said still applies, as it is a general issue all clients can have. Can you give information about your phone? How old is your iPhone, and what generation is it? Does the client have trouble connecting to other servers? Is the issue wi-fi only, or only when you are using data? Does it connect to vanilla servers only, or can you connect to other modded servers? As you can see, this might take a lot of testing to determine if we can't figure out how to connect to the server via iPhone.

Incidentally, and slightly off topic, we don't have a plugin for pickaxe chat either, yet people seem to connect using it just fine.

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I'm using an iPhone 6s that is a bit less than a year old, I have also tried using my brand new ipad that is just a few months old and neither of them work. I have indeed tried without data/with wifi and again, neither of them work. The chat connects to all vanilla servers (that I tried.) and some modded servers(tried galacticraft). - Except any CL servers. I also tried connecting as a cracked account , again did not work. I also changed the version from automatic to 1.7.10 as the server is, still nothing. I will continue doing some testing about this and edit this post if anything else changes.

I would've assumed that there is some plugin required on the server's end to have pickaxe chat working? I just assumed that plugin was not compatible with MineChat anymoreand that it is on the server's end and not mine as I've tested almost everything possible. 

*As PowerWarp said he did once manage to get it working.

EDIT: I tried tweeting them about it, will keep you posted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also bought and tried a app called Mine control, it was not what I was looking for as it seemed more of a server management app and required a password onto the server rather than my mimecraft account.

The task of using Minechat or anything else on an iOS device to get a console chat seems as a lost cause. Can only see a few ways I can still have this, I could jailbreak ans get an android emulator or I could get a remote control program like teamviewer and access the chat that way.

Either way, this topic has been going on for way to long now and there isn't really anything CL can help me with :), therefore...


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