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Well I remember just fine. Listen I don’t really understand it because it was a long time ago but I didn’t fight it because I was in a bad place. I was banned for rule four that’s what it said. And since I was testing something that never effected me or the economy it should have never have been regenerate. Also I didn’t get banned for rule two I was not dupeing or anything like that manner.



Well @brunyman  Took me a while to find this screenshot to the cords but the town spawn was +4672  -2728

88 let’s say roughly 11/25/17

and removed for getting on my alt and.. well let me restate that. I tried for around 3 hours but any laser I placed down would not be getting any power so I hoped on my alt jackseno and placed some infinite energy cell but even they were not working. Then bam I never got a chance to explain myself because I was in a really bad place. And the town was HUGE and i get very proud of big builds and that was a biggy


@brunyman   yes but i cant get on till around Pacific stander time 6:00-8:00 tonight maybe 5;30 ish maybe. Could you have staff preserve it for me? or have something to protected it. cause i really don't want to wait until Monday to play again. One more thing Please don't role back my old/ current town as i have giving it away. Thank you for your time ps slot of that land was forced claimed



You were using creative to dupe items while you also argued to us that everything was 100% legit and you should be able to trade- It was really a case of both rule 2 and rule 4 if I remember right


He can’t rollback an area if there isn’t an existing claim there, since his ”plugin” for mcedit is based off towns.

So to get a rollback you must claim the area you want to be rollbacked first

  • Founder

I have an issue here, So for November i only have 1 backup saved on 7 November, at that date at that coordinates there is nothing built. You requested rollback for 25 November right?


@brunyman  Ya you guys ip banned me, for something i don't completely understand but I don't think im going to pay for an unban this time. I'm probably leaving cl permanently because i don't really care what anyone says i dont think anyone deserves a permanent ban for such a low thing. Lets look at the facts I built a whole town because i wanted to thank staff and give them a common place to hang, I run a clan that is very active, and was in the process of roll backing a town. WHY WOULD I GRIEF SPAWN NOW? Plus if you consider placing idk from the looks of it only 5 dimensional doors at spawn A GREIF and deserving of a permanent ban, and that I would have to pay Money to play again then that's crossing the line. and if no one wants to believe me fine but its costing you a very active Clan Leader, Player, Sponsor, and overall common member. 


I will miss Craftersland and all the community Thank you for an amazing two years of my life. And to the staff that have fallen into the belief that everyone is a liar and a trickster I urge you to in the future have a belief in people.

No this is not a trick

 Not until things improve

Yes.... I will Miss you all


-What is Life if Not Full Of Care If We Dont Take The Time... To Stop And Stare 


  • 3 months later...
54 minutes ago, AurelTheDark said:

Sorry for reviving old topics, someone can close this issue since he gave his last word?

Why would you reply if it was this old?  : P


Topic Closed.


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