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Hello, I wanted to propose to remove the fly in the highest ranks, this in order to encourage the true nature of the server, It could be replaced by a command block or a command to save some point of parkour and thus return quickly and it would only be granted to said range.

A bit of a crazy idea but maybe it will have an interesting impact on the modality

  • BabelUno_ changed the title to [Suggestion AC Modality, Fly - [S] - [S+]

I think it's a good idea delete the fly command, I have to reasons why that will be a correct idea

1) The idea of the AC server is to make parkours and have fun crossing all the map. Having fly changes the idea of making parkours to farming gold. Sponsors players with fly will have a lot of gold bacause of the fly command, with the gold you can buy better armors and weapons, therefore, those players will unbalance the PVP situations in the moddality. If the fly is deleted, the amount of gold that enter in the economy of the server will decrease a lot (making the market active again, in the case of a wipe in AC) reducing the amount of players with OP weapons. It's not necessary the idea of checkpoints, because the premium/sponsor players have the tpa command, it's not the same but it's enought. 

2) The amount of reports about fly pvp abuse and lag because fly abuse will be 0. 


I couldn't agree more with this. AC has always been about exploration and really pushing yourself to get to the end of all the amazing, intricate parkours we've put together over the years. I think it's important that we don't encourage cheating in any way, shape or form. Flying through the dungeons only spoils the experience and harms the server's economy in the long run.

I'm not saying we're definitely making this change, but I will tell you that we're seriously considering it. 

  On 5/14/2021 at 8:21 PM, Jimmel said:

I couldn't agree more with this. AC has always been about exploration and really pushing yourself to get to the end of all the amazing, intricate parkours we've put together over the years. I think it's important that we don't encourage cheating in any way, shape or form. Flying through the dungeons only spoils the experience and harms the server's economy in the long run.

I'm not saying we're definitely making this change, but I will tell you that we're seriously considering it. 


We could make a poll to see all the people opinion. Obviously whoever has bought a sponsor rank wouldn't vote to remove the fly, but we could reward them in some way if the fly was removed. What do you think @Jimmel?


I think it's necessary implement more commands for Sponsor, but I don't agree with the idea of the fly command in sponsor rank, that command is completely unfair with all the other ranks. The speedfly is another command I don't understand why managers give it. There's not argument for the need of speedfly for sponsors, also staff doesn't need it. The only use I saw in the normal players (non staff players) is to lag the server 😕


  On 5/15/2021 at 4:11 PM, N3co_ said:

I think it's necessary implement more commands for Sponsor, but I don't agree with the idea of the fly command in sponsor rank, that command is completely unfair with all the other ranks. The speedfly is another command I don't understand why managers give it. There's not argument for the need of speedfly for sponsors, also staff doesn't need it. The only use I saw in the normal players (non staff players) is to lag the server 😕



To be fair, Vip is 5 euros and premium is 10; when Sponsor is 50 and Sponsor+ is 70, so the fly command doesn't seem all that exagerated

  On 5/17/2021 at 10:27 PM, BabelUno_ said:

And if you add the / god command for people who don't like pvp and just want to hang around, this is in order to clearly replace / fly.






The god command would bring up another set of problems which imo are far worse than actually having access to /fly 

  On 5/17/2021 at 10:37 PM, BabelUno_ said:

It was just a crazy idea, like the first one.

But it is not bad to propose it, in the end when you make the decision it is better to know the whole picture 


I get your point, heck i actually enjoy seeing ppl that still care about the server. The biggest problem is respecting the Mojang Eula. Remember when that dropped they had to remove the /gm 1, so just because of legal reasons i think that the god command will not see the light at the end of the tunnel

  On 5/18/2021 at 8:27 AM, MiniTermi77 said:

We all know that for a better server experience and for future updates, it is better to put away the fly. Even a person who has bought the Sponsor+ says it.



Well its one against the majority. If you remove fly then sponsor or sponsor + becomes pretty much premium.

Imo removing features will drive away players not attrack em. Anyhow we're just debating so untill brunyman decides anything it'll stay that way

  On 5/18/2021 at 1:19 PM, Zykotch said:

I at least if they remove the fly, I will stop playing, and like me many more sponsors, well the only ones left, I think it is better to implement another measure such as putting a command block that deactivates the fly in parkours, but the fly let it active for the cities and the world, my opinion is that they should not remove that fly, we are paying a large amount of money for the commands that they have promised us, having said this, each one has their different point of view but I think most of them think Like me, and those who think that the flybridge should be removed, first check if these people have access to the flybridge, because it is very easy to express opinions or reject permits without having them.


Actually that, command blocks that deactivate fly in parkours + a checkpoint system/plugin would please everyone (this checkpoint thingy was mentioned before in this topic by @MiniTermi77). But, and here is the big problem this would require an enormous amount of work; and to be honest there is not enough staff members to complete such a project.


I really don't understand what is the idea of flying in a gamemode of parkours. Me as a Sponsor, I don't like to use the fly, also I tell others sponsor to not use it and play without fly. The idea is replace fly with other kind of commands, because all of us we pay for the sponsor (In my case, not for the fly :( ) and we want to see that inversion as a difference with the premium rank. Find any kind of idea with all the sponsors is the reason of this post, not to said if it's hard or  if the server don't have enough plugins developers. It was the same case with the enchant command, that comand gave a lot of problems for the staff and for the economy of the server, that's why it was removed. 

  On 5/18/2021 at 1:19 PM, Zykotch said:

I at least if they remove the fly, I will stop playing


The fly command is one of the biggest reasons why people stop playing the modality. It's so boring start playing and all the sponsors have diamond armor and giving items to their friends. 

  On 5/18/2021 at 1:39 PM, Zykotch said:

Let me tell you that you are wrong, the problem is not the fly, but the dupe bugs that even the most noobs know how to dupe, that bug has been known to managers for a long time, but it is still active.


Tbh i've played here for a long time in the past and some now. Never knew about the existence of a bug, and i don't want to know details. Maybe its unfixable.
Anyhow i've got another idea not related to the fly matter. Lets say we remove all the OP weapons/leather armor and add netheriete stuff instead.

  On 5/18/2021 at 1:26 PM, Robert said:

Actually that, command blocks that deactivate fly in parkours + a checkpoint system/plugin would please everyone (this checkpoint thingy was mentioned before in this topic by @MiniTermi77). But, and here is the big problem this would require an enormous amount of work; and to be honest there is not enough staff members to complete such a project.


That would seem to me to be one of the best solutions, but how could it be implemented? I have been looking at plugin pages and I haven't found anything about it, maybe @xtomyserrax who knows much more about all this world could know a solution.

  On 5/18/2021 at 4:00 PM, MiniTermi77 said:

That would seem to me to be one of the best solutions, but how could it be implemented? I have been looking at plugin pages and I haven't found anything about it, maybe @xtomyserrax who knows much more about all this world could know a solution.


I've seen something similar with checkpoints in a parkour made by SlendyOff; the FAN temple i think.

EDIT: Maybe it's made with command blocks?

  On 5/19/2021 at 6:06 AM, Robert said:

I've seen something similar with checkpoints in a parkour made by SlendyOff; the FAN temple i think.

EDIT: Maybe it's made with command blocks?


I was looking at it an it can makes it with regions with the World Edit, like Slendy did in Glaskervillage as you said. So, where can we put this restrictions? I think it can only be for parkours right now. 

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