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CowGoesBananas last won the day on January 12 2021

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About CowGoesBananas

  • Birthday 01/01/1976

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  1. Unfortunately I have no reason to believe the halberd is legit given every item in your possession is spawned as well, unless you have screenshots of it without the tag.
  2. Please edit the post according to the template in Technical Support section.
  3. You can just break your bed to remove the spawn point and /delhome to remove your sethome. From then on you can start fresh (The starting house module can be crafted)
  4. The last quest unlocks the /rtp command, which... quite frankly we already have available. I am unable to refund those coins. The quest says clearly that they need to be submitted to complete it and unlock the command.
  5. We've given word to managers about the plugin issues, however it is unclear if and when they may be fixed. One thing that could help with the situation overall is only selling necessary gameplay items, not stone bricks etc. as i've seen others do, as not overflooding with the same offer 10 times, as they do get taken out of sale and are returned to the owner after 7 days.
  6. Hello, you can create a refund request under Technical Support using the template and the lost items will be refunded to you. You need to be careful with backpacks as they can drop invisible like shown in this video. https://gfycat.com/uniformlategreatwhiteshark Golden bag of holding is far superior, however some still use the backpacks for early game.
  7. The first page can be turned by clicking a couple times as the plugin is a bit buggy. Adding items to market, however, is done throughout a command,
  8. Hello, you were banned from our discord server on the 19th of March 2019 because of severe spam of an unsafe link in the lobby channel which, on top of being an external market, was selling a cheat for another game. This is strictly against our rules, and posts a treat to our community. The ban won't be revoked.
  9. It does look like this Queen has been already beaten, not just a generation issue. The twilight forest is divided into regions, almost all regions have each of the bosses, so you should be able to find another one by using a map in a new region.
  10. Hello, The island that you spawned on is the spawn point of the island world. I was unable to find the grave around there, so it might be lost. It is also somewhat strange that the flight didn't work? It would help if you could provide the death coordinates, so we can make sure the grave is not there. If so, you will have to make an inventory rollback request.
  11. If you do not use this model, your topic will be locked. Copy and paste this model to start the process of your complaint. Title: [Complaint] (Player Name) In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about) Your name: (Optional) Time and date: Description of what happened: (In chronological order) Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below) If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one! Thanks for your help keeping our servers clean.
  12. If the torch is used while still in cooldown, the cooldown will reset but the effect won't, therefore leaving player unable to see for extra 2 minutes. Suggesting to reduce cooldown to 10 seconds. The effect timer in chat announces it for only 1 minute, not 3 that are given. Can't exchange greater token for 32 normals. (greater => normal) Only if inventory is full though. If the torch is re-applied before running out, the weared gets the blindness effect nonetheless, while the hero of the village is still active. In the over-void parkour you fall in the void and die often enough. The grappling hook void-disappearance is still an annoying bug.
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