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Imperatus last won the day on September 19 2019

Imperatus had the most liked content!


About Imperatus

  • Birthday 10/01/1997

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  • Location:
    Austria :D
  • Interests
    gaming, coding, chillin

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  1. please make a claim rollback request in the technical support section and follow the template.
  2. Can you try to login again? We changed some timeouts it might work now.
  3. is that your ingame name or is it your /nick? if its your nick please use the real in game name.
  4. do you get a timeout or disconnect?
  5. IF you use our Launcher try to add the following arguments in the options: Dfml.readTimeout=60 and try again.
  6. Mhmmm that happens quite often tho. I can give you a dragon egg so you can hatch it again.
  7. yeah, placed a dragon egg including some food in a chest inside of your claim.
  8. The server is running on the best hardware suitable for mc. The thing is that mc isnt a game that makes use of all the cores so it wont matter to upgrade to a cpu with more cores.
  9. Imperatus


    Well you have to keep in mind that we play other games aswell. I check the forum daily tho. Also only managers can reset/reissue the chunkloaders. And they are not always available. Also i am always available on discord per PM's (when i am awake xD).
  10. Try to reinstall the launcher, if that doesn't fix it I would recommend you to use the Twitch launcher on windows.
  11. which java version exactly? since the launcher isnt compatible with java 9 and upwards. Tell him to download any java 8 version and to try it again.
  12. Your chunks were checked per command and it says you still have 4 placed down somewhere. Are you sure you disabled your chunkloaders with the blaze rod before breaking the iron block?
  13. You can disable entity dmg on your claim which means you can't get attacked. Also your turrets were placed with creative so it's not even fair play which might also fall under Rule 5. And yes i know they were placed with creative cuz when I visited your place I even saw the creative energy supply.
  14. I would like to see Dungeons Dragons and Space shuttles got all dem mods + quests. Dungeons got reworked recipes aswell. So you have to do magic AND tech to progress at a later stage .. .Also i think All the mods 3 will be quite laggy.
  15. gimme dem specs bruny i am looking forward to see the future server market using epyc cpus tho. cuz u can't say no to 64 physical cores with 128 threads also amd starts to destroy intel on the desktop market aswell since the zen 2 achitecture is way better with 7 nm instead of 10 iirc?
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