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Slendy last won the day on March 26 2021

Slendy had the most liked content!

About Slendy

  • Birthday 08/28/2002

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    hi :)
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    If you see this follow me :) / Si ves esto sigueme :)

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Slendy's Achievements

Zombie Killer

Zombie Killer (8/26)



  1. Happy birthday little boya

  2. wow, looks really cool ?, great job altair!
  3. esa es la actitud chavoooo

    1. southrumble80


      jaimito rugal bro

  4. sure if you want you can send me dm on discord SlendyOff#8675
  5. can you connect ingame?
  6. on pure?
  7. que te pasa


    1. Slendy


      como te atreves a tomar bonafon ?

  8. Warp Sponsor It's Back, Feel free to give more ideas for this warp or another. Images: https://imgur.com/a/odpXiP4 PD: Still need to add more things.
  9. we are still working on that, sorry for that, have a good one sir ;D
  10. Hi DrAgustin, yup you can do it, you need to do a post on the section "Rank Transfer" using the template, i let you the links Section "Rank Transfer" https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/223-rank-transfer/ Template Have a good one o/
  11. sir in which server are this problem?
  12. hello rico, in which server are this problem?
  13. Account Name: SlendyOff Rank: GM Requested Commands: /openender (edit) - Ac / Pure | with this command i can have control of items either duppeds or not. /back - Ac | when somebody needs help i teleport with him but i can't get back to the place that i was, this is a bit annoying :l. permission to put dyes on leather armor - Ac (permission to use the workbench?)| this is just for decoration i want to add some armor stand with color leather armor. are many commands but I really need them to speed up some things, sorry ? .
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