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Everything posted by ZengZ

  1. Lol today is your birthday, ¡Happy Birthday! :D

    1. MarceLOL


      yep thank you!

  2. Congrats for the promote, hope see you around too :)

    1. CreepersCrown


      Thanks! Congratulations to you as well :DBGy9OLT.png

  3. Hey congrats for the promote, hope see you around :)

  4. I still  waiting for you network applitacion. It would be nice to have you like a parnert. :D

  5. Hey this week i have been following a new artist call "AJR" im letting you somes of his hits. And im obsessed with Shape of You
  6. ZengZ

    Hey happy birthday ! Enjoy:D

  7. ZengZ

    Hey Zyko since you put 40 gold in my enderchest i lost my stuffs:

    -Chain enchanted set.

    -Golden enchanted set.

    -64 redstone.

    -64 glowstone.

    - And 4 easter eggs.

  8. Happy Birthday, Enjoy! :D

  9. Happy Birthday, Enjoy! :D

  10. Happy birthday! Enjoy. :-S

  11. ZengZ

    Happy birthday! Enjoy. 8-|

  12. Hey Jimmel, add me to skype santy.rojas.4

    1. Jimmel


      Hey, will check it out when I get a chance.

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