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Everything posted by legacy9032184302934

  1. In-Game Name: Nieeek Server Ultimate ReloadedItem name + Item ID Chunkloader balance Time & Date 04-09-2020 around 16:00 (UTC+2) Description of Issue With the last server re-start the mining world reset, along with losing my quarry's that where present I lost my online chunkloader, because I did not remove the block myself but instead it was a wipe it counts towards my loaded chunks even though I have not claimed any. I should be able to load 4 chunks but I'm currently only able to load 2 of them. Mike looked into the issue but was unable to reset my chunkloader balance as he did not have the permissions to do so. Evidence (an old screenshot/video that shows you had the items;Optional): I don't think a screenshot would provide any helpful information in addition to the text above. //edit: spelling
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