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Everything posted by Nikkinz

  1. I apologize that it took so long to respond or look into this. With all the information that I have though it looks as if you didn't have your area claimed and because of that I cannot give it back to you. As far as the creative items go I looked through all of the chests and everything that has an inventory even gaming_robins inventory and there are not any creative items that you have spawned in. The plugin we use that claims your area is called grief prevention and as soon as you place a vanilla chest it claims a small portion of an area for you. I will link a guide to how to claim and use it below. Claiming so close to someone else claim (whether you really built it or not ) is against the rules. I'm sorry and I know this sucks but claiming your area is one of the first things you must do to ensure that no one else can. Because of the situation I am going to delete your claims next to gaming_robin's and I am not going to punish you for Rule #5 Harassment which would be 1 hour mute/jail. I will link the rules below as well please take a peek at them and since you do have creative access I strongly suggest reading them. With a building wand and some blocks you can rebuild your building some where else that you've claimed and since you have creative it shouldn't take very long. If you'd like help I would love to give you a hand feel free to message me on Discord, the forums, or in game. ~Nikkinz
  2. Hello! World Edit isn't available anymore as a command for players. I don't see an issue with getting the others though. Will just have to wait for the server manager to assign them to you if they also say you can have them.
  3. If I know about it for sure but I am pretty sure the manager will
  4. Not sure if you've gotten this but I will ping this servers manager @Ness27
  5. I think this is a great idea. I will mention this to OTwitch for sure
  6. That is also true
  7. It normally does and then those people finish the pack and it dies again.. Its just Continuum.. I actually love that it is so quiet tbh.. sometimes anyways.
  8. We will miss you Tater. The server being reset when it happened was just bad timing really. If you ever decide to join our servers again we will welcome you with open IP addresses xD. OTwitch is also an admin on Continuum, I however am not but I don't have to have the tag to be a helper :). We have a small group of friends that we actually met here at Craftersland and some RL firends that play Continuum so if you guys ever wanna join there let us know. Maybe we can all start together. If you have any Minecraft related questions feel free to contact us and we'll help ya out whether you are or aren't playing on our servers. Until next time we see you.
  9. It's beautiful!
  10. Make sure that you have Java 8 and its 64 bit installed. If so uninstall and reinstall it.. Also make sure you have enough ram allocated to DDSS 8-10Gb. Hope this helps!
  11. I believe the latest version for DDSS is 8.0_R1 if you would rather use a different launcher.
  12. Nerd alert! Hi OutlawUsa/Matt! Me and Twitch also love camping, gardening, fishing, but we build drones and stuff like that. The Hot Wheels are still cool though I personally loved and collected them as a child but I have since lost that collection sadly.
  13. I got this game and its actually really fun. Thanks
  14. Awesome! I can't play anyways because of stupid modem issues so this is just perfect timing.
  15. Awww that's ok.. was worth a shot to ask anyways.
  16. May I please bring my tinker's tools with me to the new reset? I understand how unfair this might be and I probably already know the answer but it doesn't hurt to ask anyways. I also understand this means a total character reset as well because of quest books and stuff it just has to be. Is there any way I could bring them though? Pretty please kind Admin Lords. Thanks
  17. I have to say that I have not donated and on Continuum I have been able to use the /me command. I do have top voter as of today but I have been able to use /me without any tags before today. IDK if you guys care, probably do but just letting ya know!!
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