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Everything posted by Timur

  1. Oh, how about a spawn sigh similar to RTP? Right click it and poof goes your bugged xp?
  2. Premium accounts don't lose XP upon death, but that's actually not a good thing. Sometimes XP bar can bug because you pick up XP orb with negative number (usually happens in mob grinders when you don't collect xp for a long time). Normal players can fix that issue simply by dying, prems and up can't fix it. I'm asking to add to Buycraft a "Reset XP" to set XP to 0. comands is /xp (name) set 0
  3. Just a lil bit of BUMP
  4. In FTB Infinity server Certus Wrench used to make all importnt AE2 machines, but because poor implementation you can't use said wrench for autocrafting. You even can't craft more then one item comfortably. I suggest to tweak recipe serverside: In file AppliedEnergistics.zs replace all: <appliedenergistics2:item.ToolCertusQuartzWrench>.giveBack(<appliedenergistics2:item.ToolCertusQuartzWrench>) to <appliedenergistics2:item.ToolCertusQuartzWrench>.transformReplace(<appliedenergistics2:item.ToolCertusQuartzWrench>) For sure you can't use this wrench in automation using ANY autocrafter, but you can mass craft using Crafting Table or Crafting Terminal. As a bonus if your inventory full certus wrench will drop instead of disapering. You don't even need to install this recipe on client, it will work automatically.
  5. Since we already added recipes for Energetic Alloy and Vibrant Alloy let's go and totaly replace EnderIO smeltery with Induction Smeltery. Please add recipe for Fused Quartz in Induction Smeltery. Original recipe is 4 Nether Quartz crystals into 1 Fused Quartz. (Or any equal combination of blocks and crystals) Since smeltery only work in pairs i recomend using 1 Nether Quartz block + 4 Nether Quartz into 2 Fused Quartz (Energy needed 30 000 RF, equal to 2 quartz glass made by EnderIO smeltery) Before you ask, YES, Fused Quartz is needed,and can NOT be replaced with Hardened Glass in some recipes, for example Soul Vial, Dimensional Transceiver, Killer Joe, Reservoir and Telepad Block.
  6. After suggestion conversed in THIS topic recipe for RedNet Energy Cable got restored. There are 2 main ways to use this recipe. You can revert recipe deletion or simply craft cables without NEI support. Here is recipes: (You can use either gold or electrum ingots/nuggets) Or You can revert recipe deletion like this: [GAME FOLDER]\FTB Infinity Evolved\modpack\expert\scripts Find file named MineFactoryReloaded.zs Edit file using notepad: Either delete this whole line or place "//" before? like this "//recipes.remove(<MineFactoryReloaded:cable.redstone:2>);" this will disable recipe deletion.
  7. Use any VPN to change your IP, this will TP you to spawn. If that still needed.
  8. When will it be implemented? As I see so far, 47 people (against 4) wish to see this new modpack, of which 27 (against 20) wish to see both packs active.
  9. @brunyman Will be there vote anytime soon?
  10. Maybe it is time?
  11. First of all, what are your PC specs? Low tier: Tekkit Low-mid tier: SkyFactory 2.5 Direwolf20 1.7.10 Mid tier: Direwolf20 1.12.2 FTB OceanBlock SkyFactory 3 RealCraft InfinityEvolved StoneBlock2 FTB Continuum PixelmonReforged Mid-high tier: FTB Revelation SkyFactory 4 OmniFactory Interactions ProjectOzone3 MC Eternal GT NewHorizons DDSS RAD High tier: Basically anything Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying you shouldn't play lower tier modpack, I'm only implying you need "that" tier of raw computer power to comfortably run this specific modpack. Basicaly becase some modpack would require you to build base of specific size and complexity to actually "complete" modpack. Since MY computer is not that strong, i could only play up to MID tier, and i will tell you my "All Time Favourite" modpacks. FTB Infinity Evolved This is my most favourite modpack, because of it's mild complexity. You will need to learn atleast basics of every mod in this modpack to get to endgame. SkyFactory 2.5 I just love the modpack where you can get everything out of nothing, if you work hard enough. And this modpack give you ability to get OP, but you need to walk some miles in void beforehand. Start with tree, end among gods. Direwolf20 1.7.10 This is first modpack i played on this comunity servers, it have place in my heart, tho... it's an OLD modpack. Kinda relaxing. Nothing special.
  12. Agree, server works fine enough. But... I don't want to star this old conversation all over again. It was discussed: HERE and HERE and HERE And it always was an fight between "Should" and "Should NOT!". Some people want wipe, some don't want it. But i believe it all boiled down to... It's not about server performance, it's annual WIPE check, last wipe was 9 months ago. Annual wipe check happens every 6-9 months. It's just time for a check. If vote fail, next vote will happend in 1-2 months after that. And then again, if fail +1 to 2 months.
  13. That is actually sad... Some endgame'ish bases cause quite sever lag
  14. In theory, when next wipe?
  15. Direwolf 20 1.12.2 v.2.9.0 can not be downloaded with Craftersland's Launcher. Only 2.8.0 available. Nevermind... It apears for some reason my Launcher didn't want to u[pdate from version 1.1.5 to 1.3.4. I did push Update button, but nothing happend... It's fixed now.
  16. Introduction Thanks to ToddytheBody you can setup simple and quite reliable auto-crafting using not so expencive, almost early-game, machines. In this tutorial I will show you how to setup cheap and simple auto-crafting system. Machines needed - 1x Crafting Station (RFTools Control) - 1x Processor (RFTools Control) - 1x Workbench (RFTools Control) - 1x Programmer (RFTools Control) (Only needed to copy/paste program) Additional Materials needed - CPU Core (one for every crafting step) (the better core, the faster crafting will go) - Network Card (at least 1) - Crafting Card (one for every recipe) - Program Card (at least 1) Setup - Step 1 Place machines in order how it shows on picture (Processor in middle, Crafting Station on top, Workbench on bottom, 2 any Chests of left and right side) - Step 2 Use Programmer to paste program. !!!IMPORTANT!!! There are 2 programs, you need to chose one of them depending on direction your chests placed Program 1 (chests placed on North and South sides of processor) Copy and paste this text Program 2 (chests placed on East and West sides of processor) Copy and paste this text Copy and paste program into Programmer Place Program Card in Programmer and save program with any name Then Insert Program Card in Processor Add couple CPU cores Add Network Card Allocate Resources (Green squares) all from 0 to 11 Type "Net setup up" in console - Step 3 Use Crafting Cards to encode recipes. Place Crafting card in one of the chests. Check Crafting Station for new recipe (if there is no recipe, try to put Crafting Cards in another chest) Add resources to opposite chest. Now you can autocraft. If you got any problems write here for help. Troubleshooting First of all, toggle debug screen to show all infornation about machine (in Processor GUI, button named "Db." , press it untill you see info on screen or in world) List of problems Recipe stuck Check amount of CPU cores, you need 1 for every crafting step. Cancel all curent tasks, and press Button placed on processor (Simple stone of wood button, or level. You need redstone signal to unlock processor).Try to order recipe again. Console says "Missing inventory" You used wrong program, and it searching for chests in wrong position, try using another program. Crafting Station says "Failed" in task list You missing some materials in resource chest.
  17. Your Name: Timur Item Name + Amount: Ender Dragon Egg - 1 Coordinates (format x, y, z): NOPE Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: NOPE Description of Issue: I was needed an Egg for bees, so i went, and spawned new dragon, killed it, but egg don't spawn on pedestal. I want egg to be refunded plz. Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/ia7mXrm
  18. Spawn rates are LOW, meaning chances to find a Wither Skeleton (which spawns only in Nether Fortress) are almost zero. Add Wither Skeleton egg in spawn shop plz.
  19. You "HOPE" i disapear? What did I do to you? And no, i didin't disapear, i'm just busy IRL with my actual work. Also i'm still trying to finish my modpack in free time.
  20. That can be said about any pack... Some even leave not finishing pack.
  21. Or try removing Optifine before joining server
  22. This community support cracked players (ones who didn't bought Minecraft) Making server Premium will NOT fix lag issue. It will only hurt Cracked players.
  23. Why wouldn't you just lock your base, so no one can enter? And forget about that Sleetyy/timothysage.
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