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Everything posted by Timur

  1. 1) What server/modpack is it? 2) Crash report would be REALLY helpfull. 3) Have you added any unofficial mods in said modpack (Optifine, etc.)
  2. Oh, cool. A new modpack. And it's skyblock, something we needed. On seccond thought... this modpack is way too easy... and BORING!
  3. Granted, now you feel happy every time you should feel sad. You laughed at your dog funeral. I wish Elon Musk to invent real life Anime Cat-girls
  4. At first i thought, it's Ender quarry... But it leaves not only dirt, but grass and flower... Yeah, it looks like WE
  5. No one answered? Ok, I will. First of, all infusions got some certain number of "Instability", let's pretend it's 10 (Yes, it's actual numbers used in recipes, but you get "low", "high", etc. in books, because aestetics) This number must be "nullified" by stabilization objects. Here is List of Stability objects 1) Mob heads (Make sure they all Vanilla heads, says "Minecraft" in mod description. For example "Headcrumbs" will NOT work) 2) Candles (Thumcraft candles, and floating candles from addon) 3) Crystal clusters (doesn't differ what crystals, they all work. But make sure you got same crystals in symetrical location) 4) Nitors (Not sure they hasn't disabled at some point) Ok, now about mechanics. 1) Altar got stability 0 2) Every pedestal WITH item give -0.2. Every symetrical pedestal WITH item gives +0.2. Meaning if you not place items symetrical, you get extra instability. If symetrical, you get total stability 0 3) Every stabilization item (skull, candle, etc.) gives -0.1. Every symetrical gives +0.2. Meaning if you place items symetricaly, you GAIN stability by +0.1 for every PAIR of items That's all you have to know. About RECIPES. Low instability is about 1-3. Means you need about 10-30 PAIRS of stability items. Or 20-60 items total (skulls, candles, etc.) Medium is about 3-6 (30-60 pairs) High 6-8 (60-80) Very high 8-10 (80-100 pairs, or 160-200 skulls, for example) Instability can go even higher, there is no limit. So, good luck stabilizing recipes with instablility of 40 (Some recipe ment to be unstable in all cost, just a joke from author )
  6. Granted, it calls "Big Bang Theory"... and it's actually good. Exept you can only watch it in Chinese dub. I wish next wish granter wish something good for me
  7. Granted, now every male on this planet have sexual feelings to you. I wish all 16-30 y.o. beautiful and normal female have sexual feelings to me.
  8. Granted, but now you owe couple blowjobs for it. I wish next wishgranter wish something for himself.
  9. Granted, but now it use 32+ Gb RAM to run I wish i have tail?
  10. Granted, but they all griefers, and you'r only admin online. And you don't have any permission. I wish i have more time to play minecraft.
  11. Hello! WARNING! This recipe will NOT be shown in NEI because it`s serverside tweak. If you want to see this recipe in your NEI, download THIS file, and insert it in "minecraft\scripts" in your FTB Infinity modpack folder. We recently added a custom recipe to our Infinity server, a way to obtain Oblivion jar through crafting because one part of OLD recipe was banned for dupe bug. The crafting recipe is: To craft this node you will need: 1 Void jar (Craftable) (Center) 4 Warded glass (Craftable) 3 Enthropy shards (Mineable) And most important (Replacement for banned item) 1 Void chest (Craftable) (Railcraft mod)
  12. Hello! WARNING! This recipe will NOT be shown in NEI because it`s serverside tweak. If you want to see this recipe in your NEI, download THIS file, and insert it in "minecraft\scripts" in your FTB Infinity modpack folder. We recently added a custom recipe to our Infinity server, a way to obtain Traveling trunk through crafting because one part of OLD recipe was banned for dupe bug. The crafting recipe is: To craft this node you will need: 1 Iron ingot (Smeltable) 2 Greatwood planks (Craftable) 1 Wooden golem (craftable) And most important (Replacement for banned item) 1 Normal chest (Craftable)
  13. Hello! WARNING! This recipe will NOT be shown in NEI because it`s serverside tweak. If you want to see this recipe in your NEI, download THIS file, and insert it in "minecraft\scripts" in your FTB Infinity modpack folder. We recently added a custom recipe to our Infinity server, a way to obtain Bottomless pouch through crafting because one part of OLD recipe was banned for dupe bug. The crafting recipe is: To craft this node you will need: 2 Ichorcloth (Craftable) 1 Portable hole wand focus (Craftable) 1 Diamond (duh...) 2 Void jar (craftable) And most important (Replacement for banned item) 1 Traveling trunk (Craftable) See HERE how to craft it P.S. Sorry for the "derp" with Void jar instead of normal pouch in center, but i don`t want to bother Brunyman again for fixing it. Normal pouch is easy to craft, and changing Void jar to pouch will not make recipe harder. Here is a FIX for this "Derp"
  14. Hello! We recently added a custom recipe to our Infinity server, a way to obtain Hungry Node in a Jar through crafting as it's quite rare to find in nature this was a good alternative. The crafting recipe is: To craft this node you will need: 1 Void seed (Craftable, or drop from Crimson Cult Clerics) 1 Void jar (Craftable) 1 Portable hole wand focus (craftable) 6 Salis mundus (Craftable) and a strong wand (Silverwood wand will do) For @brunyman, please inject this file Hungry node FIX.zs in minecraft\modpack\expert\scripts folder so recipe takes effect
  15. Nom nom, is "Eating the rain" mod, it feed you while it`s rain, and you look up. About saplings, it`s probably just a bad luck, everyone getting saplings out of trees (Exept silverwood tree, it`s SUPER rare saplings)
  16. 16 pearls last like 5-10 minutes, so it`s kinda not to wastefull, if you got spawner. And 16 pearls generate like 60-120 million RF. (1 nether star generate 96 million rf in 3 minutes)
  17. Just tested on FTB server, and it works just fine, only fps drop down a lot. (Damn particles) I don`t know how to lag server hard, but tps 19 is mostly usual, so this setup works. All calculations is server side, so it`s not lag problem. It`s a good early-mid game power source. Tho it`s unstable, and need kinda many pearls, if you got spawner, then you ok. Also, you better change it to some more reliable power source later, and less laggy.
  18. Um-m-m.... i just infused generators... now this setup generates 20 000 rf/t
  19. Hello! Yesterday i was noticed fun fact, RFTools got it`s own power generation system. Did you know that? I didn`t.. It calls Endergenic generator. And it`s hard to understand as hell. Here is some Youtube links of tutorials: And look at this!! It`s a SIMPLE generator setup!!! LOL!!! But, i`m engineer, so i made my own Endergenic setup. Now... you can ask me, why do i need it anyways... Because this thing generates about 11000-13000 rf/t using ender pearls!!! And even more fun fact, it`s got only like 1% chance so ender pearl will "break", so theoretically, 1 ender pearl can give infinite amount of power! (Usually it gives about 6-12 million rf, but can break any moment not giving power at all, it`s all random) So now, let`s build this thing step by step 1) 4 Endergenic generators, distanse of 2 between them: 2) 4 Ender monitors: 3) 4 Sequencers: 4) Now use wrench or hammer, and link generators in circle pattern, like so: 5) Add Pearl Injector block: 6) Add 2 more sequencers: 7) Now it`s time for "Fail timer", in case of pearl breaks. Place 1 Ender monitor, and timer (Set timer to 30), set monitor to "Pearl fired": 8) Now place some redstone dust, or other cables you like: And DONE!!! Just toss some ender pearls in injector, and you will get lots of power in really low cost. P.S. I didn`t find any ready-to-use easy desings. And this desing is my own invention. So if someone will post this design anywhere, i want you to leave a link to this site. P.P.S If it will not work on server good enought.... Blame Soaryn... i mean blame server lag!
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