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[Concept] New Community Server


Community Server  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you play this server?

    • Yes, I would.
    • No, I wouldn't.
  2. 2. What type of minecraft would you like?

    • Vanilla
    • Project ozone pack
    • Tech World
    • Magic World
    • Everything is Hostile
    • TerraFirmaPunk
    • Tech Magic Industry's
    • Hermitcraft Modsauce 2
    • CrackPack
    • ResonantRise v3

Recommended Posts


@GunnerHQ Suggested in Staff Zone that we should have a community server in which players who want to play pay a base fee of $5 to access the server.

This would 'filter' out players who come just to grief or upset others. As a result, there would be no banned items or disabled features. This way players can play together without restriction of banned items. As there will be less players playing, there will be less lag, only serious players joining, and hopefully mostly friendly players joining :P. It would help eliminate issues with repeat offenders, as it will be very expensive to continuously pay for alt accounts to access the server.

I understand that not everyone are not able to pay a fee, but in order for the server to be as EULA compliant as possible, everyone will need to pay the same base rate. As a result, a 'normal' player will have access to some useful VIP commands to start them off on the server.

If you have any suggestions, put them below. This could be a anything, whether it is a pack or a game setting. This is just a concept, if we do not get enough support, I don't think this will happen. I quite like this idea as it enables non-staff members to have more involvement in how a servers is run, hopefully which will make it more enjoyable to play for you.

If you have any questions, let us know down below, we'd be happy to answer them for you.

Voter names are public so I can see who wants to play. As I said above, this is a community server, so those who play it will have a say in how it is run. If it goes ahead, we will make a private forum for this server, and I need to know who needs to be added to it.



For those who are confused about how this is EULA friendly, Mojang states here that this is okay.


Mod List:
(Credit to @Yusixs)


1)  Project Ozone


Natura (by mDiyo)
Jabba (by ProfMobius)
Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH)
TiC Tooltips (by squeek502)
Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
StartingInventory (by bspkrs)
Solar Flux (by Nauktis)
ExtraTiC (by JeanGlassmaker)
INpureCore (by INpureProjects)
InfiniBows (Infinity Bow Fix) (by Myrathi)
iChunUtil (by iChun)
Aroma1997s Dimensional World (by Aroma1997)
ChickenChunks (by chicken_bones)
Ranchable Fluid Cows (by JDLogic)
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks (by bonusboni)
LootBags (by Malorolam)
Metallurgy Core (by JeanGlassmaker)
Metallurgy (by JeanGlassmaker)
Reliquary (by x3n0ph0b3)
Moo Fluids (by matth75)
Magical Crops: Core (by Mark719)
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Natura Edition (by JDSinclair)
Iron Chests (by progwml6)
Convenient Recipes (by Jagm_11)
Magical Crops: Armoury (by Mark719)
Magical Crops: Decorative (by Mark719)
Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2)
Random Things (by lumien231)
Baubles (by azanor)
FlatBedrock Xplosion's Edition (by big_Xplosion)
The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic)
Botania: Garden of Glass (by Vazkii)
AE2 Stuff (by bdew)
Carpenter's Blocks (by Syntaxial)
Chisel 2 (by TheCricket26)
Player API (by Divisor82)
Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997)
Baublelicious (by UnwrittenFun)
Dense Ores (by RWTema)
Aura Cascade (by pixlepix)
CodeChickenCore (by chicken_bones)
Ender Storage (by chicken_bones)
NotEnoughItems (by chicken_bones)
SimpleLabels (by insaneau)
MineTweaker RecipeMaker (by DoubleDoorDevelopment)
Simple Achievements (by tterrag1098)
Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
Mantle (by mDiyo)
Extra Utilities (by RWTema)
BiblioCraft (by JDSinclair)
Ex Nihilo (by Erasmus_Crowley)
EnderCore (by tterrag1098)
Portal Gun (by iChun)
Simply Jetpacks (by tonius111)
TiConAutoToolStation (by Blubberbub)
BdLib (by bdew)
Pam's HarvestCraft (by MatrexsVigil)
Buildcraft (by CovertJaguar)
Buildcraft Compat (by buildcraftchildsplay)
Hardcore Questing Mode (by lorddusk)
Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055)
Equivalent Energistics (by Mordenkainen3141)
Ozone Project (by TheCazadorSniper)
AppleCore (by squeek502)
Chance Cubes (by turkey2349)
CoFHLib (by TeamCoFH)
Ender IO Addons (by Henry_Loenwind)
NetherOres (by skyboy026)
ProjectE (by sinkillerj)
QuantumFlux (by jotato)
Redstone Arsenal (by TeamCoFH)
Thermal Recycling (by OreCruncher)
McJtyLib (by McJty)
ComputerCraft (by dantwohundred)
Magical Crops Compat - Minefactory Reloaded (by Streuner91)
Minefactory Reloaded (by skyboy026)
Ztones (by riciJak)
Magneticraft (by cout970)
Another One Bites the Dust (by ganymedes01)
OpenBlocks (by OpenMods)
OpenModsLib (by OpenMods)
ExtraCells2 (by DrummerMC)
The Erebus (by DylanKaizer)
Metallurgy Classic Machines (by JeanGlassmaker)
Project Red - Base (by Mr_TJP)
Project Red - Compat (by Mr_TJP)
Project Red - Lighting (by Mr_TJP)
Morpheus (by quetzi)
RFTools (by McJty)
ModTweaker (by jaredlll08)
Waila (by ProfMobius)
Custom Main Menu (by lumien231)
Resource Loader (by lumien231)
LunatriusCore (by Lunatrius)
InGame Info XML (by Lunatrius)
Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR97)
Waila Harvestability (by squeek502)
Wawla - What Are We Looking At (by darkh4x)
WAILA Plugins (by tterrag1098)
AutoPackager (by smbarbour)
Botania (by Vazkii)
Brandon's Core (by brandon3055)
CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
EiraMoticons (by Blay09)
Hardcore Wither (by thor12022)
JourneyMap (by techbrew)
NEI Integration (by tonius111)
OpenModularTurrets (by Poenjabiesous)
Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH)
Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
VeinMiner (by Portablejim)
No Mob Spawning on Trees (by oldjunyi)
Big Reactors (by ErogenousBeef)
MineTweaker3 (by StanH)
stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict (by Oliv1er)
Ender IO (by CrazyPants_MC)
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by Mr_Crayfish)
Project Red - Integration (by Mr_TJP)
Project Red - World (by Mr_TJP)
Translocators (by chicken_bones)
Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
NuclearCraft Mod (by TLJGames)
KleeSlabs (by Blay09)
Better Builder's Wands (by Portablejim)
Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
Stranded - Project Ozone 2 Map (by TheResonantGamer)
BetterAchievements (by Way2muchnoise)
FastCraft (by sfPlayer)
Chisel (by tterrag1098)
TreeGrowingSimulator- Tterra
Mekanism and MDK- Aidancbrady
Galacticraft and micdoodleCore- Micdoodle8
4space- Marks5855
Ex Astris Rebirth- LoveHoly

2) Tech World


Advanced Machines
Advanced Solars
GregTech 2
IndustrialCraft 2
IC2 Nuclear Control
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
Minecraft Forge
Modular Force Field System (Minalien)
NEI Plugins
Petroleum Generator
RedPower 2
REI's Minimap
Steve's Carts

3) Magic World


Arcane Scrolls    Duke605
ArmorStatusHUD    bspkrs
Ars Magica 2    Mithion
BetterStorage    Copygirl
BiblioCraft    Nuchaz
BiblioWoods - BoP    Nuchaz
BiblioWoods - Natura    Nuchaz
Biomes O Plenty    Adubbz
Blood Magic    WayofTime
bspkrsCore    bspkrs
Chicken Chunks    Chickenbones
CodeChickenCore    Chickenbones
COFHcore    Team COFH
Craft Heraldry    Vazkii
DamageIndicators    rich1051414
DragonAPI    Reika
dukecore    Duke605
Dye Trees    Reika
Enchanting Plus    Freyja
Ender Forest    Reika
EnderNet    asiekierka
Enderstorage    Chickenbones
EVOC    ProfMobius
Farlanders    Fabiulu
Flatsigns    Myrathi
Forbidden Magic    SpitefulFox
Forge Multipart    Chickenbones
GeoStrata    Reika
Hopper Ducts    FyberOptic
Infinibows    Myrathi
Inventory Tweaks    Kobata
JABBA    ProfMobius
JourneyMap    Techbrew
Magical Crops    Mark719
Mimicry    sparroha
MobiusCore    ProfMobius
Morpheus    Quetzi
Mystcraft    xcompwiz
Natura    mDiyo
NEI Addons    bdew
NEI Plugins    mistaqur
Not Enough Items    Chickenbones
Obsidiplates    Myrathi
Opis    ProfMobius
Player Beacons    Kihira
Random Things    lumien
Rei's Minimap    ReiFNSK
Reliquary    TheMike
Revamp    Rivvest
StatusEffectHUD    bspkrs
Sort Fix    LexManos
Switches    Myrathi
Thaumcraft 4    Azanor
Thaumic Tinkerer    Vazkii
Thaumic Tinkerer - KAMI    Vazkii
Torch Levers    HitchH1k3r
Totemic    Pokefenn
Twilight Forest    Benimatic
Utility Mobs    FatherToast
WAILA    ProfMobius
Witchery    Emoniph
Zan's Minimap    MamiyaOtaru

4) Everything is Hostile


 Apple Core
 Applied Energistics 2
 Ars Magica 2
 Aura Cascade
 Better Records
 Biomes O' Plenty
 Blood Magic
 Carpenters' Blocks
 CoFH Core
 CoFH Lib
 Damage Indicators
 Dark Menagerie
 Deadly World
 Dragon API
 Ender Core
 Ender IO
 Forbidden Magic
 Hardcore Ender Expansion
 Hardcore Questing Mode
 Immibis Core
 Inventory Tweaks
 Magical Crops
 NEI Integration
 Nether Ores
 Opis Mapless
 Pams Harvestcraft
 Resource Loader
 StorageDrawers Natura
 Tainted Magic
 Thaumic Tinkerer
 Thaumic Energistics
 Tinkers' Construct
 Twilight Forest
 WAILA Plugins

5) TerraFirmaPunk


Animal Crate by TaeoG
Antique Atlas by Hunternif
Archimedes' Ships by BalkondeurAlpha
ArmorStatusHUD by bspkrs
AutoRun by mysticdrew
Back Tools by iChun
Better Boat by SanAndreasP
Better Foliage by OctarineNoise
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
BiblioWoods TFC by Nuchaz
Boilerplate by warlordjones, decebaldecebal
Bookshelf by Epoxide
bspkrsCore by bspkrs
Buildcraft by CovertJaguar, SirSengir, Krapht, cpw, spacetoad, asiekierka
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
Cellars for RFC by Sladki
CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
Cogs of the Machine by Deatrathias
ComputerCraft by Dan200
CoroUtil by Corosauce
Custom Chest Loot by FatherToast
DamageIndicators by rich1051414
Decorations by alksey_t
Dragon Mounts by BarracudaATA
Dynamic Lights by AtomicStryker
Ender Zoo by CrazyPants
Ex Nihilo by Erasmus_Crowley
Farseek by delvr
FastCraft by Player
Forestry by SirSengir
Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
Hardcore Questing Mode by lorddusk, Newcastlegeek, Vswe
Hats by iChun
HerdCraft by Nakranoth
iChunUtil by iChun
Immersive Engineering by BluSunrize
Infernal Mobs by AtomicStryker
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
JourneyMap by techbrew
JustAnotherSpawner by Crudedragos
Leather Water Sac by Emris_Morath
LogisticsPipes by davboecki, theZorro266, GUIpsp, AartBluestoke, ArtForz
Lycanite's Mobs by Lycanite
Magneticraft by cout970
Mapwriter by mapwriter, VectronDiablon
Memory Cleaner by viniciuslrangel
Metchants for TFC by Aleksey_t
MineTweaker by StanH
Mob Dismemberment by iChun
Mob Properties by FatherToast
MobiusCore by ProfMobius
ModTweaker by jaredlll08, joshie, SpitefulFox
Necromancy by AtomicStryker, sirolf2009
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Integration by Tonius
Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
OpenBlocks by Mikeemoo, boq
OpenModsLib by Mikeemoo, boq
Opis by ProfMobius
Player API by Divisor
Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod by Flaxbeard
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Random Things by Lumien
Roguelike Dungeons by Greymerk
Ropes+ by AtomicStryker
Ruins by AtomicStryker
Smart Moving by Divisor
Sound Filters by Tmtravlr
SteamCraft 2 by warlordjones, ClockworkKaiser, decebaldecebal, domi1819
Storage Drawers by jaquadro
Streams by delvr
TerraFirmaCraft by bioxx
TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin by dries007
TerraFirmaPunk Tweaks by JAWolfe, OneWolfe
TerraFirmaStuff by Bunsan
TerraMisc by Powerman913717
TFC Additions by raymondbh
TFC Railcraft Compat by Vidaj
TFC Udary Mod by Bletch
tfc water compatability by vidaj
TFC-Tweaks by dries007
TFCTech Addon by Shurgent
Twilight Forest by Benimatic
Waila by ProfMobius
Waila Harvestability by squeek502
Wawla by Darkhax
Zombie Awareness by Corosauce

6) Tech Magic Industry


Thermal dynamic's
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
Railcraft buildcraft
Logistics pipes
Quarry Plus
Forestry + magic Bees
Applied Energistics 2
Industrial craft 2

7) Hermitcraft Modsauce 2


AE2 Stuff
Applied Energistics 2
Arma1997's Dimensional World
Aura Cascade
Auto Packager
Better Bedrock Gen
Better Furnaces
BF TE Compat
Big Reactors
Biomes O' Plenty
Blood Magic
Capenters Blocks
Chicken Chunks
Chisel 2
Chisel Tones
CoFH Framework
Compact Machines
Compact Storage
Custom Main Menu
Ender Storage
Ender Tech
EnhancedPortals 3
Ex Astris
Ex Nihilo
Extended Villages
Extra Buttons
Extra Cells 2
Extra Utilities
Fast Leaf Decay
Forbidden Magic
Forge Multipart
Funky Locomotion
Gany's Surface
Hardcore Ender Expansion
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
Immersive Engineering
In Game WIki
Inventory tweaks
Iron Backpack
Lootable Bodies
Magnanimous Tools
Minefactory reloaded
Mutant Creatures
NEI Addons
NEI Integration
Nether Ores
Nodal Mechanics
Quantum Flux
Redstone Arsenal
Resource Loader
Simple Labels
Soul Shards 2
Steve's Factory Manager
Storage Drawers
Thaumic Energistics
Thaumic Expansion
Thaumic Tinkerer
The Erebus
Thermal Dynamics
Thermal Expanson
Tinker's Construct
Torch Tools
Waila Harvestability
Warp Book

8) CrackPack


Aroma1997Core    Aroma1997    
AsieLib    asie    
Baubles    Azanor    
CookiCore    ephys    
FoxLib    Kihira    
Resonant Engine    Calclavia    
CodeChickenLib    Chickenbones    
CodeChickenCore    Chickenbones    
CoFH Framework    Team CoFH    
ForgeMultipart    ChickenBones    
iChunUtil    iChun    
INpureCore    denoflions    
LunatriusCore    Lunatrius    
Mantle    mDiyo    
Metallurgy Core    Team Metallurgy
Micdodle8 Core    micdoodle8    
MobiusCore    ProfMobius    
OpenModsLib    OpenMods Team    
Project Red: Base    ChickenBones    
Universal Electricity Core    Calclavia
Admin Commands Toolbox    ProfMobius    
Advanced Generators    bdew    
AOBD    ganymedes01    
Applied Energistics 2    AlgorithmX2    
Archimedes' Ships    Archimedes' Ships    
Aroma1997s Dimensional World    Aroma1997
Ars Magica 2    Mithion    
AutoPackeger    smbarbour    
Balkon's WeaponMod    BalkondeurAlpha
BetterChests    Aroma1997, Noisyboy, TechMac
BiblioCraft    Nuchaz
BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty    Nuchaz
BiblioWoods Natura    Nuchaz    
Big Reactors    Erogenous Beef
Biomes O' Plenty    Forestride, Adubbz, Amnet, and ted80
Blood Magic    WayofTime    
Botania    vaskii    
BuildCraft    CovertJaguar    
Carpenter's Blocks    Mineshopper    
Compact Machines    Davenonymos    
Computronics    asie    
Crafting Pillars    Dwars    
Dense Ores    RWTema
Enchanting Plus    xkyouchoux    
Enchiridion    joshiejack    
EnderIO    CrazyPants    
EnderStorage    ChickenBones
EnderTech    Drayshak
EnhancedPortals 3    Alz454
Extra TiC    Glassmaker
Extra Utilities    RWTema
Factorization    neptunepink
Flaxbeard's Steam Power    Flaxbeard
FLORA    pixlepix
FluxedFeederUnit    tonius11
Forbidden Magic    SpitefulFox
Funky Locomotion    RWTema
FZAddons    asie
Galacticraft Core    micdoodle8
Galacticraft Planets    micdoodle8
GrowthCraft Apples    Gwafu
GrowthCraft Bamboo    Gwafu
GrowthCraft Bees    Gwafu    
GrowthCraft Core: Cellar    Gwafu
GrowthCraft Core    Gwafu
GrowthCraft Fishtrap    Gwafu
GrowthCraft Grapes    Gwafu
GrowthCraft Hops    Gwafu
GrowthCraft Rice    Gwafu
Hardcore Ender Expansion    chylex
Hats    iChun    4.0.1
Hat Stand    iChun    
Headcrumbs    ganymedes
Inventory Tweaks    Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Iron Chests    cpw    
Java 7 Checker    chylex    
Liquid Dirt    ace5852    
Mariculture    joshiejack    
Metallurgy 4    Team Metallurgy    
MFFS    Calclavia    
MineChem    pixlepix    
MineFactory Reloaded    PowerCrystals    
MineMenu    dmillerw    
MineTweaker 3    Stan Hebben    
ModTweaker    joshie    
Morph    iChun    0.9.1 beta
Morpheus    quetzi    
Natura    mDiyo    
NEI Addons    bdew    
Nether Ores    PowerCrystals    
Not Enough Items    ChickenBones    
NEI Plugins    mistaqur    
OpenBlocks    OpenMods Team    
OpenComponents    Sangar
OpenComputers    Sangar    
Pam's HarvestCraft    MatrexsVigil    
Pneumaticraft    MineMaarten    
Practicalities    jotato    
Pressure Pipes    bdew    
Project Red: Compat    ChickenBones    
Project Red: Integration    ChickenBones    
Project Red: Illumination    ChickenBones    
Project Red: Exploration    ChickenBones    
Railcraft    CovertJaguar    
Random Things 2    CovertJaguar    
Redstone Arsenal    Team CoFH    
Redstone Paste    FyberOptic    
Refined Location    Dynious
Roguelike Dungeon Mod    Greymerk    
Sangimancy    Tombenpotter    
Simply Jetpacks    tonius11    
SolarFlx    Nauktis    0.4b
Soul Shards: Reborn    Moze_Intel    
Special Mobs    FatherToast    
Stackie    LunaTrius    
Steve's Carts 2    vswe    
Steve'sFactory Manager    vswe
Steve's Workshop    vswe
Super Crafting Frame    EdgarAllen
Tinkers' Construct    mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML5, Sunstrike, and Pillbox
Tinkers' Mechworks    mDiyo, Pillbox
Tinkers' Steelworks    Toops, Ephys
Thaumcraft 4    Azanor
Thaumic Exploration    Flaxbeard
Thaumic Tinkerer 2    Vaskii
Thermal Expansion 4    Team CoFH
Thermal Foundation    Team CoFH
Twilight Forest    Benimatic
TooMuchRain    dmillerw
VoxelMap    MamiyaOtaru
Waila    ProfMobius
Wawla    Darkhax
Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition    ChickenBones
Witchery    Emoniph
Reliquary (1.6.4 port)    TrainerGuy22


9) Resonant Rise v3


Actually Additions
Akashic Tome
Baubles Bed
Better Achievements    
Biomes O' Plenty
BD Lib
Simple Covers
Advanced Generators
Pressure Pipes
Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry
Natural Pledge
Brandon's Core
Draconic Evolution
Chisels & Bits
Client Tweaks
CodeChicken Core
CodeChicken Lib
Cooking for Blockheads
MineTweaker 3
Mod Tweaker
Custom Main Menu
WIRED: More Augs
ElecCore | Rendering Library
Ender Compass    
Ender IO
Ender Zoo
Ender Utilities
Extra Utilities 2
Fast Leave Decay
More Bees
Gear Swapper
grimoire of gaia
Immersive Engineering    
IndustrialCraft 2
Advanced Machines
Advanced Solar Panels
Gravitation Suite
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Backpacks
Just Enough Items
JEI Bees
Just Enough Resources
Light Level Overlay Reloaded
Tinkers' Construct
Tinker I/O
Tinkers Tool Leveling
RFTools Dimensions
RFTools Control
MattDahEpic Core
Auto Ore Dictionary Converter
Exchange Orb
Mod Name Tooltip
ModPack Utilities
ModPack Basic Tools
Nether Core
Not Enough Wands
Open Modular Turrets
Open Modular Passive Defense
Ore Tweaker
p455w0rd's Library
Wireless Crafting Grid
Pam's HarvestCraft
Progressive Automation
PSIonic Upgrades
Random Things
Recurrent Complex
Refined Relocation
Refined Storage
Resource Loader
Roguelike Dungeons
Router Reborn
Realistic Terrain Generation    
Simple Dimensions
Steve's Carts 2
Steve's Factory Manager
Storage Drawers
Drawers & Bits
Storage Drawers Extras
Super Circuit Maker
Super Crafting Frame
Tiny Progressions
Tomb Many Graves
The One Probe
Valkyrie Lib
Environmental Tech
Extreme Reactors
Crafting Tweaks
Item Scroller


the only issue i could see with it is the modpack would have to be a diverse modpack. someone will not pay 5$ for a server they cant do things they want to do. AKA a modpack that only has magic or a modpack that has only tech, also i think it should be based on a subscription not a one time fee. anyone can get 5$ and troll the server, or pay it once and later down the line decide they want to troll it


also, would staff be required to pay 5$ as well would you let staff transfer over as their rank or restart? i think the players should beable to choose who they want as staff and everyone who plays has a chance of having a staff spot, every month or so hold a vote to see who stays as staff, who gets ranked up and who gets removed across the whole server. not just between staff


1 minute ago, faves said:

the only issue i could see with it is the modpack would have to be a diverse modpack. someone will not pay 5$ for a server they cant do things they want to do. AKA a modpack that only has magic or a modpack that has only tech, also i think it should be based on a subscription not a one time fee. anyone can get 5$ and troll the server, or pay it once and later down the line decide they want to troll it

Yes, this is very true, but I don't want to make it too expensive. I guess we will see how the votes go, it'll be interesting. I think if we make the rules more harsh then it could help prevent this.


1 minute ago, faves said:

also, would staff be required to pay 5$ as well would you let staff transfer over as their rank or restart? i think the players should beable to choose who they want as staff and everyone who plays has a chance of having a staff spot, every month or so hold a vote to see who stays as staff, who gets ranked up and who gets removed across the whole server. not just between staff


I don't know honestly, in order to keep it EULA friendly I think that we have to charge everyone the same rate, but there are ways to get around this. I like the idea of transfers, for example, we could give the most active staff $5 coupons on the store, so they can get access. However, it depends how many players are playing. We may have enough staff if there is only a small playerbase.


i personally feel staff transfers are not good for the community. i feel that half the job as staff is knowing the people you are playing with and understanding the "norm" if you will of the community. when you get someone who just transfers over from a different community it tends to break things or cause unrest because their "norm" does not follow with the server/communities. but thats a subject for another time

3 minutes ago, faves said:

i personally feel staff transfers are not good for the community. i feel that half the job as staff is knowing the people you are playing with and understanding the "norm" if you will of the community. when you get someone who just transfers over from a different community it tends to break things or cause unrest because their "norm" does not follow with the server/communities. but thats a subject for another time

Hmm, well yes, but you're right - this is a subject for another time. We should talk about this in the staff zone.


While I can't say I'd be able to play this for a number of reasons, I quite like the concept. Hope it gets more attention and gets implemented at some point in time. $5 sounds fair enough -though it'd be great if it was somewhere along the lines of ~$3-, however I see no reason to have people who've already donated for another modded server pay the extra fee to access this one. How about allowing Premiums and higher to access the new server right away, and only introduce the fee to regular members and VIPs, taking in consideration players across all CL servers? It might even get more people to donate for Premium (+), let alone improve the chances of all this happening.

Like I said, concept's looking good. Good luck with it!

59 minutes ago, Jimmel said:

While I can't say I'd be able to play this for a number of reasons, I quite like the concept. Hope it gets more attention and gets implemented at some point in time. $5 sounds fair enough -though it'd be great if it was somewhere along the lines of ~$3-, however I see no reason to have people who've already donated for another modded server pay the extra fee to access this one. How about allowing Premiums and higher to access the new server right away, and only introduce the fee to regular members and VIPs, taking in consideration players across all CL servers? It might even get more people to donate for Premium (+), let alone improve the chances of all this happening.

Like I said, concept's looking good. Good luck with it!

I like the ideas, and it seems fair. But I'd say most of the players wanting to play will have already donated, and I need to keep the server up and running. (I don't get anything from donations on craftersland). I will see how many players we get joining, if there aren't enough then we can do something like this.

4 minutes ago, Powerwarp said:

I like the ideas, and it seems fair. But I'd say most of the players wanting to play will have already donated, and I need to keep the server up and running. (I don't get anything from donations on craftersland). I will see how many players we get joining, if there aren't enough then we can do something like this.

True, it depends on how many of the applicants have already purchased Premium, or higher. You could also go with a minimum of Premium+ for the fee removal thingy, or wait and implement it once you get a bit of traffic on there, like you said. Completely up to you, if you're gonna be paying for the server.


I think you should pay, no matter the rank, especially since there quite a few players with ranks of P+ or higher that aren't really responsible or skirt the rules too much. The base fee should apply to everyone, bc if you've donated more than that and automatically get in, it turns into a pay to win situation, exactly against the EULA.

Personally, modpack wise, I'd go for the RR3 pack. It's got everything for everyone. Tech,magic, decor, exploring, I think it would be perfect.

I don't think another custom pack would be good. We've had trouble with them in the past, and both servers died. It could be worse if we added another. (Have we learned nothing from them?) That's just my two cents, though. I don't have any control over what the community pick, but I do hope they listen to my opinion.

6 minutes ago, quagma said:

 The base fee should apply to everyone, bc if you've donated more than that and automatically get in, it turns into a pay to win situation, exactly against the EULA.

Actually not. No one would be forced to pay anything more than the base fee. Both normal members who wish to do so, and those who got access to the server via past rank purchases get the very same set of perks and starting items/commands. No one's getting in for free, and those who don't get to pay a fee have more than made up for it already, by supporting the community. I've seen this method work more than once already, and against the EULA it is not, for the reasons mentioned above.

For optimum results, should said system be implemented, there could be a date, only after which certain donation packages can substitute the base fee.

As for the modpack pick, I've nothing to say. I haven't played modded MC in a long time.

35 minutes ago, Jimmel said:

Actually not. No one would be forced to pay anything more than the base fee. Both normal members who wish to do so, and those who got access to the server via past rank purchases get the very same set of perks and starting items/commands. No one's getting in for free, and those who don't get to pay a fee have more than made up for it already, by supporting the community. I've seen this method work more than once already, and against the EULA it is not, for the reasons mentioned above.

For optimum results, should said system be implemented, there could be a date, only after which certain donation packages can substitute the base fee.

As for the modpack pick, I've nothing to say. I haven't played modded MC in a long time.

Both sides are valid. As I said before, I think we would start out with everyone having to pay, and maybe change this later. However, then it is not as fair on the people that originally paid. I mean, $5 isn't exactly a lot for someone who spent $50 beforehand. I think maybe to compensate for people who already donated they could have some extra commands when they start out.

50 minutes ago, quagma said:

I think you should pay, no matter the rank, especially since there quite a few players with ranks of P+ or higher that aren't really responsible or skirt the rules too much. The base fee should apply to everyone, bc if you've donated more than that and automatically get in, it turns into a pay to win situation, exactly against the EULA.

Personally, modpack wise, I'd go for the RR3 pack. It's got everything for everyone. Tech,magic, decor, exploring, I think it would be perfect.

I don't think another custom pack would be good. We've had trouble with them in the past, and both servers died. It could be worse if we added another. (Have we learned nothing from them?) That's just my two cents, though. I don't have any control over what the community pick, but I do hope they listen to my opinion.

Yes, I do agree with you there, neither of the custom packs worked out. I don't think this poll will 100% decide the pack we will use, as some executive decisions will need to be made to benefit the good of the server. There aren't too many votes at the moment, so there isn't much difference in the leader board. If it turns out that a custom pack wins, that could suggest that a separate server should be made for it.  


My suggestion was to make a server that its whitelisted and the "ticket" is an amount set for everyone to pay to enter. On server, are all equal... no extra perms for nobody, except staff members. If there is a need for VIP ranks, then creative should not be included. Also, no access to enchant, time, potions from NEI features. The server should remain as clean as possible with perms similar for everyone.

The subscription could be made monthly if the server needs it... but like I said, don't go overboard with perms. Keep it simple and clean.

Also, a modpack that has different mods than our current server would be nice. I'm going for Everything is Hostile and Modsauce 2 for 1.7.10 and Resonant Rise 3 for 1.10


It might be worth it to get a new different server like terrafirmapunk, something tricky to setup so it is unique.  You could also have something like playtime ranks in different houses think Harry potter.  You get useful kits based on class and rank.  The server could swiftly change out the modpack when it gets stale in stad of restarting the world so it is always a new exciting pack.  At this time, maybe the 5$ is needed again to rejoin the new server.  Out of the selections, everything hostile and terrafirmapunk are the most unique but they might get old after 1 world, so they would be good.  Also if you could add some events or something kind of special attention like best base competition in different categories then immortalized them forever in a hall of fame for each different modpack.


Not really... I think that terafirmapunk is not really that good... it's too boring... and best base? you mean the most laggy base? I don't see your point. No kids like stuffs... The server will not be a RPG to have "harry potter houses"... will just be a modpack that has nothing disabled or banned... so you can try and play how ever you like.

Some events can take place... but not best base... best build, whatever... depending on modpack maybe competitions with magic, tech...

First lets see how it goes... just simple and clean... then we can look for stuffs to add.


I do like your idea of changing the pack after a while. It'll keep the server more 'fresh' and enjoyable to play. But of course, this would ultimately this would be up to the players of the server. I don't want to change anything if there are no problems with the pack. 

Also, I think playtime ranks is easy to do and gives a sense of accomplishment to players. I had something similar a long time ago on the prison server I had here, and if I can find a plugin that works I see no reason to add it.

With events, it would be interesting to see if we could physically do those. I honestly don't know if we would get enough players - for an event to be somewhat good quite a few participants are needed.

There are some nice ideas here, I think it will depend on how well the server is doing a couple of months in, as events and such won't be added straight away.

1 hour ago, GunnerHQ said:

One more thing... Why was vanilla was even added? The idea was to be a modded server... For vanilla there are the network servers.

Because I added every suggestion we got in that poll, if I didn't it defeats the purpose of it being a community server.


one question tho.

what will happen to the current servers?
will the paywall be applied for all the servers or just the new server?

if it apply to all servers then please consider that some people don't have access to pay however bad they want. the only access is either hard (end up wasting >25% of the cost) or shady (like paypal balance transfer)

i'd join if it's mc v 1.10 modpack, maybe


As there will be less players playing, there will be less lag, only serious players joining, and hopefully mostly friendly players joining "

i noticed that you propose banned item lift. and no i can't agree with that. as the current banned item is indeed cause lag - bad lag - and unrepairable grief damage. 

and suggestion:

just give clear explanation about VIP/ paid perk in game, can be in form of banner or some sort. and make tag optional then you'll see new donors

and since there's business that not limited to selling stuff. there should be ad space somewhere 

9 minutes ago, fdedraco said:

one question tho.

what will happen to the current servers?
will the paywall be applied for all the servers or just the new server?

if it apply to all servers then please consider that some people don't have access to pay however bad they want. the only access is either hard (end up wasting >25% of the cost) or shady (like paypal balance transfer)

i'd join if it's mc v 1.10 modpack, maybe

Nothing will happen to the current servers, don't worry - This will not affect pre-existing servers at all. This will be a separate server for players who are willing to spend $5 in return for no banned items, a say in how it is run, less lag etc.

I don't think we will end up doing a vanilla server at first, (This is because I'm about to release a factions server on network), but if this modpack server is popular I'm sure a vanilla version can be added.

I think people need to bear in mind that what is said in this topic is not set in stone, somethings are bound to change later. The more open-minded we are about this server, the more ideas we will come up with - meaning hopefully a more successful server :P


Not most laggy award think like the yearbook best... awards but for bases.  For example there could be like best lag less base, or most beautiful nature base, or most modern base, and most evil base.


Well the items that are known to cause lag or crashes will get banned/disabled. And the griefs won't be tolerated... meaning a huge ban or perm ban from server. This server has to be a place where you can play on your own pace... without others destroying your base or killing you...

But until we know exactly what modpack will be used... we don't know how things might go.


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