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[Complaint] Staff

ItsIsma29R || Official

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Network Server (Ac v1, Factions, etc.) : Network
In-Game Nickname : _SweetDreams_ and a lot more players..
Nickname of the one you are complaining about : Judge, Mod, Admin, GM and GM+ (The Helpers don't, because they dont have access to /tempban..)
Description of the situation : The community has been "dead" for quite a few weeks.. Wheres the staff members? There are several unresolved post and many ignored complaints.. I have seen staff connected to the forum and on the server enough time to be able to sanction the users we report. 
Screenshots/Video Proof (Required) :

Players that can confirm your situation (If applicable) : All..


Im not quite sure you understand this well, we have our own lives aswell, and we get probably around 15 complaints a day at least. You can't expect us to watch over the complaint page every moment. Im sure there would be less complaints if bugs were fixed, but that's not related to this.

Just because you have time to play doesn't mean everyone does. And also to be honest, I did put little to no time in doing complaints lately, do you want to know why? Because i don't feel good for banning so many players a day. I don't even think they understand the rules, or what bugs are not meant to be abused, or even if things like the "armor bug" in ctw are bugs, i don't feel good at all for banning 10 players for that thing each day. And most of it doesn't even matter because in the end, they don't even understand what they are banned for because 80% of players don't even understand proper english, they accept the ban and evade it, we can't even check IP's properly because of the AC server's bug (which im sure you're aware of as retired staff).

We don't care about your reports? We sure do care about them, but when there's so many of them, there's too much stuff to care about.


@Terminator If things were done right on the server, there wouldn't be so many reports.
Are u saying that u feel bad about banning so many players? So the rules shouldn't exist?
Current AC players know exactly what mistakes are illegal to abuse.. This is not the first time they them as u will see the various reports. 

I understand that edveryone has a social life.. But for that u are enough member of the Staff, to help and punish those who do not comply with the rules. I'm not right?

3 GM+ (1 Inactive and 2 Actives)
6 GM (3 Inactive, 1 Semi-Inactive and 2 Actives)
3 Admin (3 Actives)
1 Mod (Inactive)
No Judges (¿?)
1 Helper (But he has no access to sanctioning some reports.

I still remember when the previous Staff was more active and more serious about these things. (AppleJack99, Sabeeh, MuZicQ, etc..) They punished all those who did not comply with the rules and responded to our reports and aid.. 

In those days there was no social life?
Cant u give us 15 minutes of ur day to check our reports?
The rules are set for nothing?
The solution of all this is to let everyone do what they want and skip the rules?

The only thing I'm seeing is how this community every day loses players because of these things..
I remember in 2013/2014 when there were almost 200 players or more..

Reasons why player have left the community: 
- Server failures.
- Toxic player who don't comply with the rules.
- Errors and more errors.
- Bugs and more bugs.
- Errors and more bugs.

Modalities that have died: 
- TNTRun: http://prntscr.com/gzjcd3
- Survival Games: http://prntscr.com/gzjckf
- Run From The Beast: http://prntscr.com/gzjctz
- SkyWars v2: http://prntscr.com/gzjd88
- SkyWars v3: http://prntscr.com/gzjdfv

- Space Factions: RIP
- Factions: RIP
- ArchePvP (KitPvP): RIP

The ony reports u'll see will be: 
- Acv1: Bug Abuse, Bad Language and FlyPvP.
- CTW: Duped Wools, Hacked Client, Bad Language or Spamming chat and Team Troll.
- SW v1: Bug Abuse, Glitches, Bad Language or Spamming chat and Hacked Client.

* 13 members of the Staff with access to /tempban..
* And u're all bussy with ur social life the same day?
* Spend 3 days and none has been connected to sanctioned users who do not comply with the rules?


Apart from Termi's reply on which I agree:

I'm not motivated. I applied for Staff because I thought this community was an active one. But here I only see problems, and you already know them.

Every week there is at least one person complaining about his rank because he hasn't got it in-game or something. In fact, it happened to me. One day, my judge and sponsor's permissions disappeared, and I had no replies from Bruny nor Power until I talked to Zyko and he told to Power. So I got my rank back a month later.

Today, @victoraf33 told me that he is waiting a reply since february, he paid 100€ and he hasn't got the rank yet :/. The problem is that he is not the only one that suffers it.

Most of the reports are because of bugs. Bugs that could have been fixed a year ago. We made a list, I recorded videos to show every bug in ctw, and some other videos from pure and ac. None of them was fixed.

You complain that we are online while reports here are being ignored? Well, I can't take care of all the posts. Actually, if you see me online, I'll be probably helping people in-game or answering PMs. That's more important than a reply to a report of a person that has been writing in chat with caps. Nowadays, more and more people is reporting with lack of evidences, or only because they want to have lots of reports on their profile.

Helpers are still waiting for "the next round". We could have 6 judges in two weeks, but nope. We need their help. From all the staff, only ~4 are active.

Network needs more attention. I'm not proud to be on a server which is being totally ignored for more than a year. I'm tired.

I was going to retire from staff, but I still have hope.



The only think that i want to say is sorry, and i don't want to give excuses but i get in trouble in a personal problem, and i know that this is not a reason to don't enter on the server, so, that are the reason to i want to say to all the community sorry... 



I think that all the reports solved


For today i can't do more, sorry guys, and sorry for my delay on the forums... 


Well, I am one of the users waiting for doing the interview with power.. 

Like this server is right now, there is no new players. Always the same ones. A month ago we had 150 persons on the server, now, if we are lucky, we get to see 100.. Always in CTW I see the same people. ALWAYS. New players come which they are seen 1 day and.. they dissapear.

Look, I  THINK am VERY active, almost more than MarceLOL that is (if im lucky) the only one I see, some days I find AdriStrike on ACV1, I do not find ZengZ anywhere, I find Terminator in ACV1, I normally see Fire_Ligth on ACV1, and PandaSwag_, Zyko, OmgimYasso, and bunnyman and I think some more, I think they are are totally inactive on Network.

Also I agree with @MarceLOL, since he said it is more important helping people in game that warning someone who is spamming/using caps/flood/language/etc.. I stopped doing it.

But, I have to agree with @_SweetDreams_, last week, posts were totally being ignored.

brunyman is ignoring Network, and he says "he would pay more attention when he opens the new server.." but it is more important to pay attention to a OPENED server, with people WAITING for some kind of UPDATE with fix of bugs & new features but.. 


  On 10/20/2017 at 5:02 PM, Main said:

Well, I am one of the users waiting for doing the interview with power.. 

Like this server is right now, there is no new players. Always the same ones. A month ago we had 150 persons on the server, now, if we are lucky, we get to see 100.. Always in CTW I see the same people. ALWAYS. New players come which they are seen 1 day and.. they dissapear.

Look, I am VERY active, almost more than MarceLOL that is (if im lucky) the only one I see, some days I find AdriStrike on ACV1, I do not find ZengZ anywhere, I find Terminator in ACV1, I normally see Fire_Ligth on ACV1, and PandaSwag_, Zyko, OmgimYasso, and bunnyman and I think some more, they are totally inactive on Network.

Also I agree with @MarceLOL, since he said it is more important helping people in game that warning someone who is spamming/using caps/flood/language/etc.. I stopped doing it.

But, I have to agree with @_SweetDreams_, last week, posts were totally being ignored.

brunyman is ignoring Network, and he says "he would pay more attention when he opens the new server.." but it is more important to pay attention to a OPENED server, with people WAITING for some kind of UPDATE with fix of bugs & new features but..



Sorry but that is not a true, the think is that i live in colombia and the time zone is different (gtm-5)... you think that i don't spend time on this server? for example is the first time that i see you on Forums and that don't say that you are innactive... please don't affirm all, say "I think" or something like that, no "Those are innactive" and ZengZ is the same, he live on Chile... the time zone is the same of colombia... 

  • ZengZ locked and unlocked this topic
  • ZengZ locked this topic

When CraftersLand Network was version 1.7 and 1.8, the people played more. When it was updated to 1.9 and higher versions, it began to fall.. It is quite annoying to have to change the version of the mclauncher to every certain time to be able to play. 

If i want to play ACV1, i have to get out of the game to switch to version 1.8. If i want to play Pure Survival, I have to close the game again so I can play..

I have nothing against this network community. Always i have provided help, i have contacted great youtubers for server promotions and many other things. @Powerwarp knows this perfectly well. 
I have provided maps to update the SkyWars. (of 3 maps, it was only implemented 1.)

Network needs to update modalities for a very long time. Do not update the versions, simply customize and update plugins from the 1.8.



Technically there's not much for me to say here, however I think I speak for everyone still waiting for their Helper rank when I say things need to speed up a bit. Sadly I can't be as active as I'd like to, and eventually the network will need a new, solid team of Judges/Mods to help with reports and moderation.

Personally I think reports are dealt with in a timely manner for the most part, however it's true not all high ranked staff have been active, or I should say active enough. That's for Power to evaluate, after all he's in charge of the team. It's a tough time for most (myself included), with school, work, you name it. Again, the faster all the new Helpers are brought in, the faster we'll have a better team capable of dealing with the majority of issues.

I've seen more of these topics in my time here on CL than I can count. There was a similar crisis back in early 2015, problems across the network and the likes. They fixed some of those, but you're right, network is not getting the attention it needs right now. And what makes this even harder is that, a lot of the technical issues make it so much more difficult for staff to do their job right.

But let's not make this thread about the problems with the servers, you already have one open for that here.


  On 10/21/2017 at 11:07 AM, _ItsWolfie_ said:

Maybe Admins/GM/GM+ should have acces to put ranks or transfer things? It would be better because Powerwarp can't deal with many technical issues..


This aint gonna happen. Only managers can do this labour. You most know a few years ago something like this happen and it was a completly caos. Only a trusted person by Brunyman is allowed to make this. (Powerwarp)


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