GravityCube Posted March 23, 2018 Posted March 23, 2018 ComputerCraft Tools. I made this post to facilitate the access to simple tools that I made or I found on internet to make different kind of programs. peripheral.find This function helps you to find every peripheral connected to the computer of a certain type (sType) or a custom filter (fnFilter). Source. Example: Spoiler mon = peripheral.find(“monitor”) instead of mon = peripheral.wrap(“monitor_1”) Function: Spoiler peripheral.find = function ( sType, fnFilter ) if type( sType ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type( sType ) .. ")", 2 ) end if fnFilter ~= nil and type( fnFilter ) ~= "function" then error( "bad argument #2 (expected function, got " .. type( fnFilter ) .. ")", 2 ) end local tResults = {} for n,sName in ipairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do if peripheral.getType( sName ) == sType then local wrapped = peripheral.wrap( sName ) if fnFilter == nil or fnFilter( sName, wrapped ) then table.insert( tResults, wrapped ) end end end return table.unpack( tResults ) end string.random This function gives you a random string with a certain amount of characters. Source: @XMedders Function: Spoiler -- RANDOM STRING local charset = {} -- qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890 for i = 48, 57 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end for i = 65, 90 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end for i = 97, 122 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end math.randomseed(os.time()*100) function randomString(length) if length > 0 then return string.random(length - 1) .. charset[math.random(1, #charset)] else return "" end end string.random = randomString string.split With this you can split a string into a table with a delimiter. Example: Spoiler eString = "Hello World" eTable = string.split(eString, " ") print(eTable[1]) --OUTPUT: Hello print(eTable[2]) --OUTPUT: World Function: Spoiler string.split = function (self, delimiter) result = {}; for match in (self..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do table.insert(result, match); end return result; end http.getStringWithTimeout This is a custom http.get that have a timeout for the requests if the website doesnt response so your program doesnt get stuck. Function: Spoiler function http.getStringWithTimeout(url, headers, timeout) if timeout == nil then local response = http.get(url, headers) local responseString = response.readAll() response.close() return responseString end --seconds to ticks timeout = timeout*20 http.request(url, nil, headers) local requesting = true local localReloj = 0 local nextTimeEventID = os.startTimer(0.1) while requesting do --Wait for event. tEvent = {os.pullEvent()} if "timer" == tEvent[1] then if tEvent[2] == nextTimeEventID then if timeout < localReloj then return nil end localReloj = localReloj + 2 nextTimeEventID = os.startTimer(0.1) end else --Success. if tEvent[1] == "http_success" and url == tEvent[2] then local response = tEvent[3] local responseString = response.readAll() response.close() return responseString end --Failure if tEvent[1] == "http_failure" and url == tEvent[2] then return nil end nextTimeEventID = os.startTimer(0.1) end end end GCAPI To be honest I'm too lazy to explain all the function of the API so I'm going to give you easy example programs for you to try. I disabled some stuff like the rule34 Download API > pastebin get XJAdkfJ8 gcapi Images for Monitor This program display a image from a URL from internet. Spoiler os.loadAPI("gcapi") if fs.exists('gcAPIImage') then gcapi.printImageFromFile('gcAPIImage', nil, true) end while true do write("Enter the url: ") gcapi.printImageFromURL(gcapi.split(read()," ")[1], nil, true) end Images for glasses This is almost the same that the one for monitors but with commands for the glasses and higher resolution Spoiler os.loadAPI("gcapi") playerImages = {} reloj = 2 relojAnterior = 0 globalReset = 0 errorMessages={} --{[1] = {["player"]=jugador, ["id"]=idMessage, ["resetTime"] = reloj}} -------------------------------------------- --> Version <-- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- --> Tools <-- -------------------------------------------- function hasPermissions(player) return gcapi.hasPermissions(player) end -------------------------------------------- --> Glasses <-- -------------------------------------------- function hasGlasses(player) local gb = gcapi.getGlasses() if gb == nil then return false end for k,v in pairs(gb.getUsers()) do if player == v then return true end end return false end --DONT USE THIS FUNCTION local function displayMessage(player, message, color) local gb = gcapi.getGlasses() if color == nil then color = 0xFFFFFF end if not hasGlasses(player) then return 0 end glasses = gb.getUserSurface(player) messageO = glasses.addText(10,65,message,color) return messageO.getId() end function displayError(player, message) local gb = gcapi.getGlasses() local id = displayMessage(player,message,0xffcc00) local a = {["player"]=player,["id"]=id, ["resetTime"] = reloj+120} table.insert(errorMessages,a) print("<"..player.."> Error: " .. message) end function toggleErrorMessages() local gb = gcapi.getGlasses() if math.floor(reloj/10) ~= math.floor(relojAnterior/10) then local deletionList = {} for i=#errorMessages,1,-1 do local tablita = errorMessages[i] local player = tablita["player"] local id = tablita["id"] local resetTime = tablita["resetTime"] if resetTime < reloj then table.insert(deletionList, i) else if hasGlasses(player) then glasses = gb.getUserSurface(player) message = glasses.getById(id) if message ~= nil then if message.getColor() == 0xff0c00 then message.setColor(0xffcc00) else message.setColor(0xff0c00) end else table.insert(deletionList, i) end end end end for _,i in pairs(deletionList) do local id = errorMessages[i]["id"] local player = errorMessages[i]["player"] errorMessages[_] = nil deleteMessage(id, player, gb) end end end function deleteMessage(id, player, gb) if hasGlasses(player) then glasses = gb.getUserSurface(player) message = glasses.getById(id) if message ~= nil then message.delete() end end end -------------------------------------------- --> Command executor <-- -------------------------------------------- function executeCommand(player, co) co = co .. " " command = {} command = gcapi.split(co," ") if (command[1] == nil or command[2] == nil) then return false end if command[1] == "image" then gb = gcapi.getGlasses() glasses = gb.getUserSurface(player) if not hasGlasses(player) then return false end resetTime = 60 if tonumber(command[3]) then resetTime = math.floor(math.abs(tonumber(command[3])*20)) end maxSize = 200 if tonumber(command[4]) then maxSize = math.floor(math.abs(tonumber(command[4]))) if maxSize > 200 then maxSize = 200 end end url = command[2] ok, err = gcapi.displayImageFromURL(url, glasses, maxSize, 10, 10) if (ok) then playerImages[player] = reloj + resetTime else displayError(player, err) end end if command[1] == "rule34" then gb = gcapi.getGlasses() glasses = gb.getUserSurface(player) if not hasGlasses(player) then return false end resetTime = 60 if tonumber(command[3]) then resetTime = math.floor(math.abs(tonumber(command[3])*20)) end maxSize = 200 if tonumber(command[4]) then maxSize = math.floor(math.abs(tonumber(command[4]))) if maxSize > 200 then maxSize = 200 end end tag = command[2] ok, err = gcapi.displayImageFromRule34(tag, glasses, maxSize, 10, 10) if (ok) then playerImages[player] = reloj + resetTime else displayError(player, err) end end if command[1] == "imageplayer" and hasPermissions(player) then if (command[3] == nil) then return false end player2 = command[2] gb = gcapi.getGlasses() glasses = gb if player2 ~= "all" then if not hasGlasses(player2) then displayError(player, "Player dont have the glasses") return false end glasses = gb.getUserSurface(player2) end resetTime = 60 if tonumber(command[4]) then resetTime = math.floor(math.abs(tonumber(command[4])*20)) end maxSize = 200 if tonumber(command[5]) then maxSize = math.floor(math.abs(tonumber(command[5]))) if maxSize > 200 then maxSize = 200 end end url = command[3] ok, err = gcapi.displayImageFromURL(url, glasses, maxSize, 10, 10) if (ok) then if player2 == "all" then globalReset = reloj + resetTime else playerImages[player2] = reloj + resetTime end else displayError(player, err) end end end -------------------------------------------- --> Main program <-- -------------------------------------------- nextTimeEventID = os.startTimer(0.1) while true do --Wait for event. tEvent = {os.pullEvent()} --TIMER if "timer" == tEvent[1] then if tEvent[2] == nextTimeEventID then relojAnterior = reloj reloj = reloj + 2 --Periodic Reset if math.floor(reloj/20) ~= math.floor(relojAnterior/20) then gb = gcapi.getGlasses() listForDeletion = {} for player, resetTime in pairs(playerImages) do if resetTime < reloj then if hasGlasses(player) then glasses = gb.getUserSurface(player) glasses.clear() table.insert(listForDeletion, player) end end end for _,player in pairs(listForDeletion) do playerImages[player] = nil end if globalReset < reloj and globalReset > 0 then gb.clear() globalReset = 0 end end toggleErrorMessages() relojAnterior = reloj nextTimeEventID = os.startTimer(0.1) end else --Process Event. if tEvent[1] == "chat_command" then co = tostring(tEvent[2]) player = tostring(tEvent[3]) print(player..": " executeCommand(player,co) end nextTimeEventID = os.startTimer(0.1) end end Note: If you have any question, you found a bug or need something extra just comment this post Deiutz 1 Quote
Smug_Anime_Face Posted December 4, 2018 Posted December 4, 2018 Hey! the gcapi (assuming this is your API. gc = gravity cube) you posted either expired or you removed it :(. You got that posted anywhere else? I remember using it a while ago and came here to see if I could find it again. You had a function that was able to images with a http call then cast them on glasses or a monitor. Wish I actually looked at the API and learned how to do it. Quote
GravityCube Posted December 4, 2018 Author Posted December 4, 2018 16 hours ago, Smug_Anime_Face said: Hey! the gcapi (assuming this is your API. gc = gravity cube) you posted either expired or you removed it :(. You got that posted anywhere else? I remember using it a while ago and came here to see if I could find it again. You had a function that was able to images with a http call then cast them on glasses or a monitor. Wish I actually looked at the API and learned how to do it. Quote
Smug_Anime_Face Posted December 4, 2018 Posted December 4, 2018 Nice! Had no idea some of the features of this API were possible. I'm always impressed with what the CC community can produce. Btw do you still play on any of the servers? Quote
GravityCube Posted December 5, 2018 Author Posted December 5, 2018 I’m banned from tekkit. To be honest I’m not sure why xD “Rule 20. CC exploits“ Quote
Swimsam1 Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Correction your un-banned. Thanks for the tips they are very usefully for general CC use Quote
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